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From: LTBJ, Turkey
Posts: 160
Hello guys,

Is it possible to create an Autopilot or Radio panel just like Saitek's with current MobiFlight ?

My plan is to use a common LED display and there'll be 5 different modes like ALT, VS, IAS etc. Can i squeeze all of their values into a common MAX7219 ?
2017-09-27 10:13
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

I not use Saitek Panels.... And i not know completly there technics....
But i think your question is simply... Is it possible to show multiple different Values on ONE 8 Diggit LED Display Max7219 and SWITCH between the functions ( for example with a Rotary Switch or with button or multiple buttons ( One for every function))

Awnser.... YES, via Custom Offsets and Preconditions..... But this is not usefull !

A cockpit normaly is build that EVERY important information ( Like AP ALT, HDG, SPD, VS, COM1 Act/Stby NAV1 Act/Stby ) is shown on seperate Displays ALL THE TIME without needed to switch it!
In a real Aircraft thats in case of security reasons.... A Pilot must know to every time whats going on.... Missing a Information in a critical Situation is a high risk for savety !

Summary... You can do this with Mobiflight..... But this not realistic !
Belive me.... If you fly with your homecockpit it is NOT FUNNY to switch for example AP ALT and AP HDG on one Display....
That sucks after 2 mins and you 100% will start building a new Display on next day with single Displays !
Good Luck !
2017-09-27 22:50
From: LTBJ, Turkey
Posts: 160
I know Pizman, but if a company like Saitek make such a thing, sell thousands of them and make money from it, so can i B)

Any sample projects here i can find ?
2017-10-03 09:45
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Not direct a sample Project.... But this can help.....

Basic technic....
You create a Indicator Offset ( In the Free Range of FSUIPC) and config your Switch that controll WHAT is show on the Display.
If you have for example a 2 Position ON/OFF Switch it´s simple.... You say On PUSH it should set the Offset to 1.... On Release it should set to 0
Now you create 2 Configs for the Display.... One for example ALT the other HDG BOTH on the Same Display in your Cockpit.
Finaly you make preconditions in both Configs.... One Say "Only work if Custom offset is 1" the Other "Only work if this offset is 0"

Result.... The Switch controll the Offset..... The Display show ALT or HDG in case how is the value of this offset.

This can be done with a Rotary and more than 2 Positions, too,
Alternate you can make it with a push button ! Here you say for example on every Push the Offset should increase by 1 .... Until its 9 then it should beginn again at 0
So you can controll for example 10 different things on a Display by pushing One Button and toggle through all Functions.

THIS is not 100% explaned in the linked tutorial..... But you see a good example.
Please try out.... if you need help ..... Simply ask again here in this thread !
Good Luck !
2017-10-03 12:29