I can not find dual rotary encoder in my place so I made precondition in Mobiflight Connector to deal with single rotary encoder
I chose KY-040 model because it has the pushbutton function
As you know the radio frequency has 02 part: MHz and KHz splitted by decimal point (for example: 126.07 in COM 1 Standby )
In this tutorial I will guide you how to tune both of them with single rotary encoder (KY-040)
1- Mobiflight Connector software
2- Arduino Mega 2560
3- 7 segments LED module MAX7219
4- Rotary Encoder with push button KY-40
1- Connect LED to Arduino card:
VCC-5V (on top of pin #22)
2- Connect Rotary Encoder KY-40 to Arduino card:
CLK-#2 (for rotary)
DT-#3 (for rotary)
SW-#30 (for push button)
3- Config with Mobiflight Connector software (MF)
+ Open MF software
+ Click Extras/Settings
+ Select MobiFlight Modules tab
+ Config LED
- Right click on Mega2560 and select Add Device/LED 7-Segment
- Set all number as following
- DIN-22
- CS-24
- CLK-26
- Num-1 (the number of LED, default is 1)
- Set the brightness, name as required
+ Config KY-40
- Right click on Mega2560 and select Add Device/Button
- Set Pin number: 30
- Set Name to "Push Button"
- Right click on Mega2560 and select Add Device/Encoder
- Left Pin: 2
- Right Pin: 3
- Set Name to "Rotary Encoder"
+ Click Upload and OK when you done (the popups show "Upload finished")
4- Config with Output and Input
+ Output:
- Create "COM 1 STB" (shows COM1 Standby Radio to LED)
More detail about how to connect LED with Arduino card in this topic
- Create "COM 1 Precondition" (to make condition when push the Pushbutton)
Edit "COM 1 Precondition" with Custom Offset: 0x66C0 (number Zero, not character O)
+ Input
- Create "Push Button". When you push it, it will select MHz or KHz to tune freq
- Create "MHz" to tune freq (ex: 126)
- Create "KHz" to tune freq (ex: 07)
Edit "Push Button"
Chose right Module (ex: Mega2560) and Device (ex: Push Button)
On Press tab, set Custom Offset: 0x66C0 (number Zero, not character O) the same with COM 1 Precondition in Ouput tab
Set value: if($=0,1,0)
Edit "MHz"
Input tab:
Chose right Module (ex: Mega2560) and Device (ex: Push Button)
Use preset according to FSUIPC Offset or Input Event ID
On Left: Radio - COM1 Standby Freq MHz (-) Decrease
On Right: Radio - COM1 Standby Freq MHz (+) Decrease
Click Use button when done
Precondition tab:
Select type Config item and chose config COM 1 Preconditon with value = 1
Click Apply when done
Edit "KHz": following edit MHz with preset or input Event ID
On Left: Radio - COM1 Standby Freq KHz (-) Decrease
On Right: Radio - COM1 Standby Freq KHz (+) Decrease
and Precondition
Select type Config item and chose config COM 1 Preconditon with value = 0
Exit from Mobiflight software and restart again. I always close and restart MF after programming.
Click Run and start FSX
When you push the Push Button, the value will change from 0 to 1 and then 0 again
When value = 1, it will activate "MHz" for you to change freq or value = 0, it will activate "GHz"
Because I have just start doing with MF, Arduino then if I have anything wrong, please let me know. I will correct soon. Tks
I upload mcc, mfmc file to my host, you can download to test it
Thanks pizman82 to give an instruction about precondition function in MF