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Posts: 48
Hello everyone I have a question to ask: how come the changes made to the programming done on the mega 2560 cards are not saved?
I have P3D v 4.5 and 737 pmdg.
I'm building the ovht (first in plexiglass now with 3d printed panels) and MCP 737.
I started programming the MCP and all the buttons and switches and LEDs work (at least in tests) but it often happens that after saving, when I reopen mobiflight many of the buttons no longer work, I have to open the setting, redo the command and then it works. I also have another question:
when I operate the switches, for example A / T this also operates in the sim but in the sim the led lights up but on my MCP no.
Thanks in advance for the answers and I wish you a good job, Mobiflight is a really good program !!!
saluti Giulio.
[Last edited by linx69, 2020-02-19 10:35]
2020-02-19 08:21
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867
Hello Giulio,

In order for MobiFlight to run correctly with all components, certain processes must be followed.

Each device, i.e. switch, LED, encoder etc. must be entered in the menu under EXTRAS -> SETTINGS - MobiFlight Module for the associated MF module. Any changes to this list MUST be loaded onto the module. It is sufficient if you do not save every single change, but if you have made all the necessary entries, they must be loaded onto the module.

To the A / T switch. The switch and the LED are an optical unit for the user, but in fact they are two completely different things.

1. the switch

The A / T switch is set from OFF to ARM to activate A / T. For this you take the EventID 70012. The switch is, seen from the simulator, an input device. Input devices usually have an EventID.
This worked for you, too, because the switch in the simulator has changed its position.
At the same time, the ARM-LED came on, but only in the simulator. That leads us to the LED.

2. the LED

LEDs are displays that are not switched on or off directly, but are only triggered by the simulator after certain actions. Now there is no direct connection for a cable for this LED. LEDs etc. are outputs from the simulator and are usually addressed via an offset. Note: Output = O as output

The external LED was not activated for you after the A / T switch was activated.
Have you defined this LED as a device and saved it on the module? Did you assign offset 0x6535 to this LED? There is a test button when setting up the LED. If this is activated, the external LED should light up.

All of these assignments are made in the respective configurations to the individual elements. You have specified these in the input and output lists. Again, it is necessary to save all changes so that they are available again after restarting MF.

Check once with a completely empty configuration that only contains the switch and the LED whether the test function works and then the LED comes on when you press the switch. The LED must also come on when you press the switch in the simulator and then the external switch is in the wrong position.

Please report your results.
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2020-02-19 11:27
Posts: 48
The led works during the test phase, I would like to put a video but I don't know how to do it, however the led during the test phase lights up. The event ID assigned to the led was 653A and it was fine, I changed to 6535 and it is equally good but only for the test. Looking on the forum I found a post where a similar question was asked and the answer was that it was necessary to have the paid version of FSUIPC, can this be it? because for the moment I also use the free version.
2020-02-19 12:03
Posts: 48
I also noticed that with regards to bailouts that don't stay in memory, it's probably the fault of the mega, as if the memory were full or something similar. Infact trying to load an encoder this did not go with any type of event id, loading the same on another mega board alongside the encoder works
2020-02-20 09:06
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867
Hi Giulio,

if you have an issue with a Mega, you should reset the module to the original state. How to to this it is decribed in the following link:

This topic is in german but you can transform it into your previous language with google-translator. Thereafter you can use the issue-Mega as a normal Mega again.
Otherwise it is also possible that your Mega has a malfunction. Then you can put it into the trash. But this is very rare.
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2020-02-20 10:20
Posts: 48
Thanks Stephan
2020-02-20 10:21
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Hi Giulio

Do you already use the "List" in your FUIPC Subfolder ... "Offsetmapping for PMDG737Ngx.PDF" ???
Its high Recommend to "understand" the logic of the Offsets and not simply copy paste recommend thing from other Users.

Normaly Stephan is a verry professional User and i trust him blind in 99% of Situations..... But here he make a misstake. :blush:


The external LED was not activated for you after the A / T switch was activated.
Have you defined this LED as a device and saved it on the module? Did you assign offset 0x6535 to this LED? There is a test button when setting up the LED. If this is activated, the external LED should light up.

Thats the WRONG Offset !

6535 1 BYTE MCP_ATArmSw Boolean
653A 1 BYTE MCP_annunATArm Boolean

So your prior setting was correct..... 6535 just show the Switch Position...... 653A show the Status of Virtual LED.
Good Luck !
2020-02-20 16:13
Posts: 48
Good morning, update:
I purchased FSUIPC 5 added the strings as described and now the LEDs light up when the switch is pressed or activated.

There remains a problem, I don't know if one or both of the 2 mega 2560s do not store the data. I reset one of the 2 cards as Stephan suggested, but as soon as I connect my MCP to the PC, several buttons and rotary encoders programmed or repeatedly programmed the previous times do not work.

Another problem concerns 2 Max7219 connected in a chain which also do not work correctly. once powered they only show
yet the connecting cables are welded. They don't respond to programming, in theory connecting them should show all and switch off when it is stored in the mega memory and then switch on again in the number of digits set when programming the display. But I just have it
2020-02-23 08:52
Posts: 48
A doubt arises: this concerns the OVHT announcers:
there are 100 therefore 200 leds (2per announcer) then 200 inputs. I only have 3 Mega 2560 connected ... not completely but in any case I will need at least 4 other cards, am I right?
2020-02-23 08:58
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867
Hi Guilio,

if the MAX Board shows, this is a wiring problem in 99% of all cases. Have you tried using the test button in the Config Wizard to see what is displayed?
This effect may appear when switching on, but after a short time the displays should go dark or show the value that is defined in the Config.

An unclean solder joint on the MAX boards is often responsible for this effect. A cold solder joint can also be the cause.

As for the Annunicators in the overhead, it should be possible if two connected LEDs are operated via a mega-pin. However, it is recommended that either low-current LED or high brightness LED be used.

Both LED families require little electricity and at the same time brighter light.
Often a current of 10mA is sufficient for an effective lighting. Then you can also operate 2 LEDs in parallel. I would recommend using a series resistor for both LEDs.

A limit is built into MobiFlight, however, so as not to overload the mega board. Here 40 LEDs per board are set as a limit. However, this 40 refers to the pins, not to the actual number of LEDs. So if you connect each pin 2 low-current LED as recommended, the 100 Annunicator housings will remain overhead.
So you would need 2.5 mega boards for the LED.
In addition to the LEDs, you can still connect switches, encoders or other input devices to these mega-boards. In total, however, no more than 56 devices per board.

I hope this information will help you.
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2020-02-23 11:49
Posts: 48
Good evening StephanHo, I was rereading your post,

now I am wiring the leds with 220 ohm resistors one for each led. In this way can I connect 2 LEDs together and go to a pin on the board?
2020-03-02 17:32
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
The question is what LED you are use.

The Arduino use 5v for Output Pins.
You can use a Online Calculator now......

Simply enter.... Basic Voltage ( 5v) and the Drop and Current of your specific LED .... Finaly use "2" in the number of LED field and you see the needed resistor !
Good Luck !
2020-03-02 18:14