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Posts: 2
The panel below is from

I’ve wanted to create a home built MCP due to the cost of “real” ones on the market. I’ve always wondered
if an Arduino could be used and discovered your You Tube, then your web site and learned I can.

Will the panel below work with the Mobiflight project?

Howard Evans
Richmond, IN

MCP 737 front Panel

I thought better of inserting a picture here. Most everyone more experienced than myself already knows what one
looks like for the 737. I'm not interested in a purist appearance, just something that can aesthetically pass nicely
for such a thing and it seems like that panel from Open Cockpits might do the trick.

Product Details

MCP panel for Boeing 737NG, consisting on the following pieces:

* 1 front panel size 470x71.5 mm
* 1 auxiliary panel
* 17 keys (17 front + 17 rear pieces)
* 1 V/S wheel
* 2 Flight Director protectors
* 2 "MA" anunciators

Components needed (not included):

* 17 OMROM B3F 4050 keyswitches
* 3 ON-OFF switches
* 6 CTS288 encoders
* 23 displays digits
* 1 rectangular green leds (5x2 mm)
* 14 high efficiency green leds
* 15 470 ohms resistors

At an EU price of 68.00 plus shipping, I had to ask. I thought it would make for a great DIY project as I finally get nerve enough to learn the
Arduino uses. Coincidentally, I found Flight simulators again as an interest, found the panel yesterday but thought NAWWWWW! Then
discovered the MobiFlight You Tube runs and Arduino this afternoon.

Thanks all for reading. You can email me direct also if you like -

2017-08-31 03:18
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867
Hi Howard,

welcome to MobiFlight!

Thera are also other panels offered:
not the cheapest but excellent work with the possibility to get the needed component like switches, encoders etc. additionally the backpanels with scews, bolts and a PCB! etc. so you need not to buy all components at different shops. There is also an Video how to assemble the parts,

but without the addtional parts.

For MobiFlight it should not be a problem to work with. You need the List of Events (look in your FSUIPC-Folder (...\FSX\MODULES\) for the Inputs and the list of Offsets for the Outputs.
Note: MobiFlight can run on multiple Arduino MEGA 2560 R3 if one is not enough. You can spare the functions on several MEGAs as you like. So you can plan an optimal distribution of the connections.

So inform yourself before you go to buy. Plan in detail before you buy, which will save you from bad surprises.

If you have further questions, don't hezitate to ask them. It is better to ask ten times than ten times to buy ;)
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2017-08-31 10:17
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Hi , Welcome !!

Short Additional Information.

Mobiflight (Arduino) work with some special parts.... For example Displays we support only MAX7219 Drivers with common Cathode.
If you Buy a Set like you linked please get shure the Components are compatible to the Mobiflight specifications.
(Buttons/Switches/Encoders normaly not a Problem... Only Displays are realy a Problem in most cases)

One last thing.

If you Buy a DIY Panel note one thing.... This is cut and engraved for the "Hardware" (Buttons, Displays Encoders ) that the producer think for.
That Means for example the Holes for a Button is 18x18 mm. So You need to find/buy a Button that exactly got this dimensions.
Same with a switch. Here theres a driilling hole for the shaft with xx mm. So you need a Switch with the same shaft to set perfectly.
Display got the same limits.... the Hole is designed for a special Display Size.... You can not use Smaler or larger Displays then.

Summary... I Think this Panels are wonderfull and save hundrets of hours to make it yourself..... BUT They are only perfect if you buy a KIT of Hardware or exactly the recommend parts..... If you like to use your own Switches or self buildet things like DIY Anaunciators THEN a Self designed Panel is maby the better way .
But check out... A Self designed Panel is much cheaper like a premade from a shop BUT You need experience and a CNC Machine or a Lasercutter )
Good Luck !
2017-08-31 14:46
Posts: 2
Hello Stephan, you also pizman82. I read both replies and appreciate the information. I looked at both panel web sites and decided to
look more closely at Hispapanels. In going through that site, it appears that I can get all the parts there, pretty much, even if I have to
"piece it out" over a short time period as money. Panel price comes to $90.00 USD, a big drop compared to full assembly price of
several hundred $$ elsewhere.

In any event, I do think I'll be able to be cost effective in using that panel and supporting parts. In fact, it looks like it would be great
fun as compared to simply being able to just buy a "plug 'n play" assembly. I'd like to be able to say that I did, in fact, actually put
some creative effort into my project of my own.

Anxious to start.

By the way, I did download the free copy of XP11 to explore. I have since read where there might be compatibility issues between
XP11 and Mobiflight, unless steps are taken. Considering my newness to Arduino and MobiFlight, Is XP a good choice or would
FSX be easier to work with in this project? I looked at Prepar3d but wasn't sure if I was allowed to purchase it as a private person.

Thanks for reading.

2017-08-31 15:24
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Hi Again

1 Additional Note about the DIY Kits....
Your right the Plug&Play products costs much more like a kit.... BUT Please read the details !

For Example your List in first posting NOT include a Rotary Switch ! That means the Bank Angle Selector is NOT supported. In That Case you need to build it youreself, that can be verry difficult. In The Hispanpanel (Newsest Version) i think there is a Kit ( Cogwheel System) include to build this concentric Dual Switch/Encoder combination.

Another Example is the AT/ARM Switch... In a real B737 this Switch is electromagnetic.... means it can get switched Off automaticly via a impulse of the System.
Most of the DIY Kits not include this and you have to buy a special switch or build it youreself again.
In the Expensive HighEnd Premade Products this stuff is already included.

As Stephan said..... PLEASE Before you order something just think about WHAT you want to do.

**** OFF TOPIC ****
To the Systems.

Mobiflight workes basicly with the FSUIPC System. This was made for FS. P3D is based on FS so it workes too. For XPlane normaly Mobiflight is not working.... BUT a nice guy wrote the Programm XPUIPC.... That is like a "bridge" .... With this Mobiflight talk to XPUIPC in same way like with FSUIPC . And XPUIPC talk to XPlane !
Problem is,.... Mobiflight can only do things, that XPUIPC allow us to do.
We talk about this some time ago. I Think a "perfect" workaround for XPLANE would be only a direct controlling.... But this will need a complete new Mobiflight System and i think thats not in planing . BUT. With the current MF System maby 90% of XPlane Stuff can be done, too. ( There existing special Software solutions for XP instead of Mobiflight, too)

Finaly about Xp, FSX and P3D

XP is a new System.... But Problem is, that most AddOn Companys not support it.... For Example PMDG only have 1 Aircraft for Xp... All Others are FSX/P3D Only !
FSX is nearly death ! The 32bit Limit is a Problem and there are no new releases. We have to acept the situation !

P3D for me is the currently best way. ( I will order it next weeks and swap to P3D after nearly 20 Years with FSX/FS9)
Most AddOn Puplishers support it..... it is controlled by Lockhead Martin and will get updated in the future.... and it makes the Jump from 32 to 64 Bit.
Yes... Some Limits like Multicore CPU is still a little Problem and it will forever based on a technic that is 20 years old.... BUT for me personal it got more potential like XP.
(Maby in some Years Xplane will get better and more AddOns are availible ... then we can talk again about it)

And to P3D for private users....
This is a licence Problem. Microsoft sold the FSX Licence twice.... For Professional buissnes use its P3D For FunGaming use its "DoveTail Games" . So Basicly Lockhead Martin is not allowed to sell P3D to "Fun Gamers".... But who can define if a homecockpit is "fun" or if it´s a professional Training Instrument for you ??
For Example if you plan to get a real Pilot in maby 20 Years.... Then Your Simulator is not for fun until now. Its for professional training use.
Good Luck !
2017-09-01 09:32
Posts: 2
I have a similar request. I have picked up the B777 MCP kit from Hispapanels. If anyone here has experience on putting this together, including the Arduino connections and programming I would be very much obliged if they answered this post or sent me an email (

I'm running my B777 sim on P3D. And yes, I have FSUIPC. The MCP is to be an additional peripheral. At the minute i'm working with the standard saitek yoke, rudder pedals, and thrust levers.

2020-08-13 13:14
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Like always..... Please NOT reopen multiple years old topics!!

You must ask more specific....

From Mobiflight Point of View there is no difference if you use a Hispapanel MCP or a other manifacture or finaly a complete self build system. Each element ( Switch, Button, Rotary, Encoder, LED, Display) got it´s lines and is wired to the Mega in same way like with all other elements.

A manual to build the Panel itself is available at hispapanels ( Youtube Videos and PDF Files) .
Finaly the Hispa ends in a Conncector ( 2x20 e.g.) Here each Pin have a function..... You can find out by the PDF File that explane what pin is what system.
You must then wire the lines to Mega Pins.
Displays are a little different. Here its more profitable to wire them "custom" to the MaxChips.... Cause the Hispapanel Controllers work a little different as i know.
So on first view i would NOT connect the Displays to the PCB and from there by the main Connectors to the Max Chips..... Here i would wire the displays directly to Max Chips..... But this is just a idea from looking the videos. I not own a MCP from Hispa..... Maybe they are more easy as i know.... You must try out !

Summary..... Ask specific when you get stuck..... Then we can try to help !
Good Luck !
2020-08-13 15:49
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Sorry.... I can also not found it.

I work with B737 .... There for the MCP exist also a PCB ..... And all needed Datasheets are included.

If i see correctly the B777 MCP is just the Front Plate ( And maybe a back header) . Means all Devices like switches and Displays are not included.
So without a PCB you normaly not need a "manual" or pdf file.... You simply buy the needed devices and mount them into the Panel.
All the wirework is done directly to the arduino now.
Maybe you can use other Videos ( From 737 e.g.) to understand basic logics.

Whatever..... Hispapanels have nice products in a verry good qualitiy..... But sure They are adressed to advanced cockpitbuilders. You will not get a step by step Manual. For example they give you simply a LED and recommend to the user, he is able to know himself where annode and cathode is and also to know what resistor is needed and where you have to set it in the circuit.

Not get in panic.... Google .... Check some Videos. If you realy get in trouble join us in DISCORD.... There we can share webcam and screen and can talk together. Pretty sure we can help you if you stuck !
Good Luck !
2020-08-15 09:50