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05/03/2024 - This forum is read-only

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Posts: 2
Hi, guys

I make a small project on arduino for converting data for MAX7219 from Mobiflight arduino to Oled screen. Just look at the picture

Maybe it will be helpfull for someone.
Link to the project:
2024-02-27 12:48
Posts: 2
@Payalne Excellent work!!

I had plotted my GTX transponder board to accommodate an OLED screen because it was so similar in size to the original. Unfortunately, Mobiflight has no plans to support OLED character displays directly and SimVim, which I had originally designed around, has OLED support but it initializes upside down and inside out.

This is the screen I was going with, based on the US2066 controller: Someday....Someday, I'll get to use it. Until then, my boards and screens are useless with no way to drive them.

2024-02-27 16:44
Posts: 2

@Payalne Excellent work!!

I had plotted my GTX transponder board to accommodate an OLED screen because it was so similar in size to the original. Unfortunately, Mobiflight has no plans to support OLED character displays directly and SimVim, which I had originally designed around, has OLED support but it initializes upside down and inside out.

This is the screen I was going with, based on the US2066 controller: Someday....Someday, I'll get to use it. Until then, my boards and screens are useless with no way to drive them.


It's looks like that display have a standarŠ² 8080 interface for classic 1602 symbol LCD and e.t.c. I think you can try that i2c extender (it's works with MobiFlight, but not more than only two for one arduino)
And configure display to use 4 bit interface (not sure 6800 or 8080).
2024-03-13 12:20