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Posts: 3
Hello to everyone! First of all, I'd like to thank all Mobiflight Team due to their great job on enabling everyone to have their own home cockpit.

I've already made some parts to work on my project, like a LCD display, pots, encoder, dual encoders and so on, but now I am facing a problem on the first time trying to make a 7 segment display to work.

What is happening is that I can't make it to show the desired value on the display, like a COM, NAV or ADF frequency.

I'll post a video showing what is going on exactly.

Also, I don't know if my 7seg board is compatible with MF and I'd be glad if someone could confirm that to me.

Thanks in advance!! Happy flights!
2023-09-24 07:20
From: Hungary
Posts: 65
MAX7219 tubes are compatible with MF.
However these are much more sensitive components than switches.encoders and LEDs.
Therefore it needs very stable connection (wireing, soldering) and external +5V power, since Arduino can not give enough power to it.
I fight with similar problem :(
Do you know that you can simplify: if($=1,0,1) ?
Use simply: 1-$ :)
2023-09-24 16:33
Posts: 3

MAX7219 tubes are compatible with MF.
However these are much more sensitive components than switches.encoders and LEDs.
Therefore it needs very stable connection (wireing, soldering) and external +5V power, since Arduino can not give enough power to it.
I fight with similar problem :(

Hi! Thank you for the answer.

I took in consideration your explanation about connection and put 9v battery on the barrel jack but gave me the same results, unfortunately.

I did a research on the internet and also from the seller of that component and it seems that my 7seg is not compatible with MF due to the fact that the one that I have is a TM1637, so it won't work... :/ just like Stephan explained on this link:

I'll look for a original MAX7219 though. :thumbup:
2023-09-25 19:33
From: Hungary
Posts: 65
Indeed Max7219 is the proper choice.
You mentioned that you gave 9V to the barrel jack.
You can do this but not sure that it can feed with +5V all your 7 segments. In more complex cockpits external +5V is used for feeding the displays. It is important to connect the GND of the external power to the GND of Arduino.
Maybe others can confirm this?
Do you know that you can simplify: if($=1,0,1) ?
Use simply: 1-$ :)
2023-10-21 19:58
Posts: 1
Hello, greetings to all and thanks for sharing solutions. I have a similar problem when configuring the heading on the 7-segment display, and that is that in the simulator it shows heading 330, but on the 7-segment display it shows 345.7680664. Apart from the decimals there is also a difference of 15 degrees with respect to the other.

I know there is a formula for it but I don't know how to get it. Could someone help me please.
2023-12-06 04:52
From: Hungary
Posts: 65
Hi all,
Regarding Max7219 please check this also:
@lucasmrduarte: your problem is different.
First: which sim do you use?
From where do you get the value for HDG?
What data do you see in MF output page?
I assume in MF you also see 345 and the problem lies not in the MAX7219 tube irself, but in the data that you feed.
Do you know that you can simplify: if($=1,0,1) ?
Use simply: 1-$ :)
2023-12-06 14:04