MobiFlight Community Support

Welcome to the forum for MobiFlight! Feel free to reach out to the community in case you have questions, issues or just want to share great ideas or details about your latest home cockpit project.

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05/03/2024 - This forum is read-only

The community support for MobiFlight has moved exclusively over to our Discord server. Register for free and enjoy more interactive functions like image and video upload, voice chat. More than 7,000 registered users around the world make it a great experience!

See you on our MobiFlight Community Discord server.

A HUGE Thank You to everyone who participated in the forum, especially obviously to Pizman and Stephan who did an outstanding job over so many years providing an incredible service to the MobiFlight community.

The forum is still providing a lot of good content, hence we keep this information accessible.

From: United States
Posts: 3
Hello community, new here.

I've been using MF to build my cockpit around Fly J Sim's Dash 8 Q400 plane in X-Plane 11. I got most of it working now, including overhead and autopilot, and most of the central console, however, I'm struggling with a small switch called GPWS Flaps Selector, see the attached screen. This one is controlled by the commands FJS/Q4XP/Knobs/gpws_ldg_flap_selector_up and FJS/Q4XP/Knobs/gpws_ldg_flap_selector_dn, as detected by the dataref tool within X-Plane, and it works fine when triggered within the dataref tool, but it does nothing when used in MobiFlight. I tried multiple configurations and different triggers, I see the debug info that the config is executed but X-Plane doesn't react.

Can someone please help me with some directions on how to troubleshoot this?

2023-05-15 02:00