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Posts: 26
Good Morning Pizman,
I have a warning and a related debug app. three times per second.
The warning says: Execute Comparison : Exception on NCalc evaluate =>-----

The only comparison that I have where ----- appears is the one related to Vertical speed.
If vertical speed is in managed mode, then the display says -----
And this is what it actually does.

How can I get rid of these warning messages?

The comparison for the managed mode reads:
If actual value = 12900
then set to -----
if not (no entry)

The comparison for the selected mode reads:
if actual values >=17600
then set to $-25600
if not (no entry)
(The arithmetics has to do with the the input going from 0 - 255)

All my other comparisons are set up in a similar way and do not create a warning.
Would you have an idea what is wrong?

Thanks a lot for your help.
Best Regards
2022-10-20 10:41
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Hi Fritz

I expect you use Mobiflight Version 9.5.0 (Official Release)

There we rework some logics within the internal cache. And here this side effect comes to play . ( Badly we not see this in the testings before)

Comparison can result in a String (Text) or in a Math Syntax (Value).
If you say THEN $+3 or 5-1 this will work, cause its math.
If you say THEN Hello World it also work cause its text.

But if you say THEN ----- This occure in a issue, cause MF expect its math ( a minus operator) but this math is wrong cause ---- is not correct syntax.



As we recommend all the time you should set TEXT within single Quotes ( German Keyboard abover the Hashtag # ) ---> '
So simply say in Compare : THEN '-----' instead of just -----
Then MF know its text/string and will handle it.

We recommend this for all Strings..... Whatever THEN: Hello will work still now.... Its the same as THEN: 'Hello'
To avoid confusion its best to use this 'xxx' all the time. Then your on the save side!
Good Luck !
2022-10-20 16:11
Posts: 26
Dear Pizman,
thank you very much for your advice.
The warnings are gone !!!
What remains are debug notes, several of them in a second:
They say:
Debug Date Time : Command set Module < 1,0,0,2800,64,240>
Debug Date Time : Command set Module < 1,0,0,4,15>

In all other modes (info, warn, error) nothing is showing up on the logging list.

Any idea, what these debug descriptions mean?
Thanks again for your help
2022-10-20 17:22
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Hi Again

We have mutliple type of Logging.... The most usefull one is DEBUG !

About Message.
Are i´m Right you using on that Display also a other Config with a Decimal Point in use ?

If yes also this is a "issue" in case of our changes.
For that we meanwhile have a Hotfix within the BETA Version.

In case Beta is open for everybody and we plan for release the next Version 9.6 within the next days we decide to not hotfix this for 9.5 anymore.

So.... You can download/join the BETA Programm.
You wait maybe 1-2 weeks for V9.6
Good Luck !
2022-10-20 19:53
Posts: 26
Thanks again Pizman,
I do use a decimal point in my display COM1 active and COM1 standby.
So I wait for the next two weeks until the release of version V9.6
I assume, the number of debugs do not have an impact on the functionality of Mobiflight.

By the way, I saw that there was a mistake in the debug lines that I sent.
Here is the right version:
Debug Date Time : Command set Module < 1,0,0,2800,64,240>
Debug Date Time : Command set Module < 1,0,0,2800,4,15>

Thanks again for your help.
2022-10-21 11:04
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Again apoology for all your trouble. Normaly we take care that our Releases work fine and to provide a hotfix if not.
This time we badly have multiple issues within this one (on first few) easy new feature. We simply not have test cases that time ourself where this problem occur.


I assume, the number of debugs do not have an impact on the functionality of Mobiflight.

Technical Yes and No.... MF do a lot of unless work.... Specially if Logging Mode is Active you will feel a delay.... Greater as much bigger the Config File is.
So for a little Multibox with just 30 LED/Switch and 2 Displays there is no problem.... A Full B737 with 1000 Config Lines pretty sure will show feelable delays!

By the way... Also for this "Double Commands" exist a workflow !

Simply rework the problematic Configs....
Lets say You have Config 1 that write Diggit 1,2,3 without decimal Point ..... and you have Config 2 that write Digit 4,5,6,7,8 with a Decimal active on Position 6 ....

Now Mobiflight Struggle cause Config 1 say no Decimal should be on.... And Config 2 say Decimal on Pos 6 is on. So both overwrite each other all the time.
(In the past this not happen cause each Config send own Signal..... Today we combine the 2 Configs to send Display data only once to reduce traffic and problems)

Temporary workarround.... Also activate in the First Config the Decimal Point on pos 6 ..... No mater that this config only work in Digit 1,2,3 But it now "agree" with the Decimal of the other Config and we no longer have this conflict.

In the next patch we implement a backround logic that check for the Decimal in a different way to avoid this error.
Good Luck !
2022-10-21 17:17