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Posts: 4
Hello Everyone,

in the moment i´m using X-Plane with the Zibo 737 via SIMVIM, but I'm toying with the idea of giving MSFS2020 a shot with PMDG.
In the best case i would like to use both. I would then only have to always flash the Mega2560 before changing the simulator. I realize that, but I don't see it as a big problem.

Before I start, I would like to clarify some prerequisites.

1) Is it really possible to link all switches, encoders, LEDs, etc. of the PMDG with Mobiflight?
2.) Does Mobiflight support MAX7219 LED Matrix and Multiplexer? My whole cockpit is based on it.
3.) The following question has nothing to do with Mobiflight, maybe someone can answer it for me anyway. Is there any interface software that will let me outsource the displays of the 737 to other computers. Like the software ZHSI does for the Zibo from X-Plane? I´m not talking about ProSim or Project Magenta, because i would like to use the PMDG.
The reason for that, my cockpit is far away from finished. The overhead, for example, is still missing completely. It will take years, in the meantime, I want to use the overhead in the PMDG, but I already have MIP and Pedestral as finished hardware and want to use that via Mobiflight.

Many thanks
2022-09-29 11:18
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

1) Is it really possible to link all switches, encoders, LEDs, etc. of the PMDG with Mobiflight?

Technical Yes. But lets say 98% is a better deal.
For now we can handle i would say all Inputs.... Some are not listed ( in case nobody need them till now) but we have the interface to get them.
For Outputs we got also most of them. But some are not available via our Simconnect Interface in case they are within the PMDG SDK ( what is not official released till now)
There is a way to handle them with FSUIPC (Freeware) already... Also here Mobiflight is 100% compatible to FSUIPC itself.
For sure we can not read or write systems that are not simulated in PMDG and also non of the systems PMDG simply avoid access same way as in the past.
For example the COM Select Mode is not possible within PMDG Interface for Homecockpits. But also here we have our own logics to make them work with provisional ways and Mobiflight. .... And at the end... Missing Elements like the Datalink Printer for sure can also not be done with MF cause they simply not exist.


2.) Does Mobiflight support MAX7219 LED Matrix and Multiplexer? My whole cockpit is based on it.

Yes and No. MF supports Max7219 ( as own device) and support meanwhile Multiplexer for Buttons.
We NOT support Encoders via Multiplexer, and also no Outputs like the MAx7219 set via Multiplexers.
We at the end not support "slave Boards" like SimVim do. So every Board is a own controller with a own USB Connection and own (same) Firmware.


3.) The following question has nothing to do with Mobiflight, maybe someone can answer it for me anyway. Is there any interface software that will let me outsource the displays of the 737 to other computers.

Technical No.... Thats why PMDG is cheap ( 100$) and Prosim and Magenta costs 1500$+

There are lots of Projects meanwhile.... With the idea to not "outsource" the Display.... those try to read the needed informations from Sim and generate there own Grafical Display what is then (via Network) useable on a different Computer.

For the FMC CDU Display this is working perfectly already.... The PFD/ND/ECAS is in a building process.
What is possible is to Outdock most of the Displays on the Same Computer.... So you move that Window to another screen.... But it HAVE TO be on the same Computer !
And as i know this often occur in a FPS Drop!

Last Note:
My personal thoughts.... For a High Prefessional Full Sim ( 2 seater) no way to not use a High End Software like ProSim at the end. If you make some compromise maybe PMDG is ok.... but not perfect.
For a regular Home Cockpit PMDG is fine and the choice of most B737 Builders.

About SimVim and Xplane.
Also Mobiflight meanwhile allow Xplane direct Controlls and we pushing this feature still already.
So technical the idea is you not have to Flash Megas .... You simply use MF for both.
I expect your Hardware is not fully Compatible with MF cause its based on SimVim.
So a "swapping" is not the way.... At the end you must choose between some Hardware rework and a fully move to MF OR remain with Simvim and not use FS2020, Mobiflight and PMDG.
Good Luck !
2022-09-29 20:23
Posts: 4
Hi Pizman82,

Wow. Many many thanks. Very detailed answer!

At the moment I'm leaning towards MSFS2020 because the flickering of X-Plane completely gets on my nerves. Even in XP12, they still don't have that under control.

Nevertheless, a conversion to Mobiflight is of course a lot of work for me. That is why I want to consider this step well. I already have the MSFS. I will first try to get the MSFS2020 with the PMDG and with PFD/ND/ECAS on my remote computer clean to run. If that all runs and I am satisfied, then I make myself to the conversion with Mobiflight.

Thank you very much for the detailed information.
2022-10-10 23:55
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

And not get scarred.
It looks heavy but it is not for most people....

If your Button is connected e.g. by SimVim Logics to a Multiplexer or so..... All Button Wires will end there.
So all you need to do is cut these e.g. 16 wires directly behind and solder them into a Mega or a Self biuld PCB Shield mounted on a Mega.

Same for the Max.... All wires still exist. You just need to remove them from current controllers and wire them to Arduinos.
And also not think to effective.
If you need 70 Pins but the Mega just give you 68 .... Not rework with shifters or that trash. Simply buy 2 Megas.... and wire it 35/35.
Mobiflight allow in theory usage of 100+ Arduinos on one Computer.

So sure.... its not done in 5 Minutes.... And it will cost you some bucks for additional Arduinos.
But its not needed to Change the Devices ( like LED, Switches, Displays) and also the Panels Front is working for both.
All that need to be done is rewire the Controller side in a way like MF expect it.

OR..... If you have some time....
Wait a little and talk to Neil, Elral and Giocc in our Discord.
We still have users who like to build a "interface" for that.... So a way SimVim Users can swap to MF without ( or with just a few) reworks.
E.g. just for that we implement Multiplexer support for Buttons...... MF not need it and we are not interested in.... That was jsut to give SimVim guys a better start.
Support them if you like.
Good Luck !
2022-10-11 16:39
Posts: 4

For the FMC CDU Display this is working perfectly already.... The PFD/ND/ECAS is in a building process.

That is really super. Now I have all the information together that I need for Mobiflight.

I have now really thought about getting the PMDG. If I have all that running and also PFD/ND/ECAS running on my remote computer, I'll get right into Mobiflight. You mentioned above the PFD/ND/ECAS project. Can you give me a link or something? I can't find anything about it.

Many thanks
2022-10-11 18:08
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Sorry. I have not.
That was only things i also heard by observing a lot of cockpitbuilder stuff.

For example check out "Airmanager".

These guys readout raw data from the Sim and build e.g. a Analog Altimeter gauge.... All they need is here the Altitude in ft. and the barometric QNH.

With same logic also the PMDG Stuff workes.
For example the ECAS. We can read ( i expect) Oil Pressure or so. N1 Speed and so on.
So in theory it will be possible to build the "picture" of this element as a external programm..... Using Data and "rebuild" a duplicate of the virtual screen.
Also for PFD this should work.... All Data like Flightstatus, Speed and so on is readable.
The only one i not know how to handle is the ND.... Cause that data is inside the PMDG. And if PMDG not give us this internal data its hard to emulate it external.

Whatever.... There are also other ideas. Like "Virtual screens".... So a Software simulate a screen and copy the showed stuff via Network to a other computer or so.

Simply google for PMDG Display outsource or so.... You find a lot of ideas.
Good Luck !
2022-10-11 21:19