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A HUGE Thank You to everyone who participated in the forum, especially obviously to Pizman and Stephan who did an outstanding job over so many years providing an incredible service to the MobiFlight community.

The forum is still providing a lot of good content, hence we keep this information accessible.

Posts: 3
Hi there,

I have the project to create a TBM 930 cockpit and I wondered wether I could use Mobiflight to assign all the functions of the Garmin 3000's buttons?
2022-04-03 22:35
From: Hamburg, Germany
Posts: 178
Depending on the Flight Sim Software you use....

as long as all buttons on the Garmin are having corresponding functions in your particular Sim, the answer is easy: yes, why not?

If there is a button in real life, for which no functionality is given in the Flight Sim Software you use....not for this button.

Answers in general for a general question
2022-04-03 22:55
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

as long as all buttons on the Garmin are having corresponding functions in your particular Sim, the answer is easy: yes, why not?

NOT 100% Correct!!!! :thumbdown:

The basic statement is correct.... You can only assign or read things that are simulated..... if a Button or LED is "FAKE" in sim then its also never possible to build it with a homecockpit.
Crazy example.... Whatever you glue a "self build Flux Capacitor" into your real existing Delorean DMC12 Car..... You will not make a Time jump at 88 MpH.
Cause this Flux Capacitor is Fake also in the Car itself !
Means you can never control or readout elements that are not existing !!!


Whatever they exist in the Sim
..... there is a big important Fact !!!! Are we be able to Read or Write it ????
And here BVars come to the task.

Mobiflight ( And also FSUIPC and all other Cockpit Builder Software) currently is blocked by Microsoft/Asobo.... Cause they use some Variables and Events (Bvars, OVars) we NOT be able to use.
They work internal in the Sim but we not can handle them from "outside".

So.... We can do a lot.... Be for now we are blocked from some parts ( that already work virtual) !!!
Good Luck !
2022-04-04 00:41
Posts: 3
I use FS2020.
On the Hobhop section dedicated to the TBM 930, I found some G3000 functionalities... (PFD softkeys...). I thought maybe this would cover all the functionalities of the G3000 in the sim ?
2022-04-04 19:37
Posts: 3

Depending on the Flight Sim Software you use....
the answer is easy: yes, why not?

The thing is I am a newbie about Mobiflight, I'm not sure how it works precisely. So I thought maybe there were no matching functionalities for some buttons...
2022-04-04 19:39
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
The "HubHop" List is a self growing Project.
If a user explore a new element, then he can "add" it to this HubHop Database.
For sure we check new entrys if there is a problem reported.... and if something is wrong mostly other users see a issue and correct the data.


HubHop is no System you can expect it include "everything" already today.

Simple example....
A USer build a Aircraft in its homecockpit, but (whatever why) he just need the 2 lower left Softkeys from the G3000.
So he explore this two events and build it.... In case he think social he also share it by create this hubhop Entrys.

Means this 2 Buttons will work fine for you when you select it.
But finally we not know.... Do this user just want that 2 Entrys and never test the others ? OR Are these 2 the only possible to controll and the user not find a solution for the others.

In easy words....
You can use HubHop to simply "copy/paste" the already included stuff for your Configs. If something is missing YOU need to explore if there is a Event/Var to do this.
And if yes, you can create it and hopefully you also share it via HubHop to other users.
The main Idea.... As mor eusers work with it as more PResets come to HubHop. I best case in some months or years ALL available Events are lsited there.

At then end.... Not feel confused.
If you not be able to find a missing event, there are advanced users on our Discord who can support you.
Join our server and request for a special element in the Sub Channels. Then maybe a Pro USer will shortly find it for you !
Good Luck !
2022-04-05 01:42