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Posts: 9

I just bought a lightpanel from Hispapanels and started to build it.
My question a need help with is that the ON OFF ON switches need to be ON ON OFF cause the off need to be the third position...

How to do that in Mobiflight cause it needs to turn on ex. taxilight when the switch is at zero power on the connection?

I'm looking forward to hearing from you...

Best Regards

Anders Olesen
2022-03-21 12:16
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
??? :confused:

A ON-OFF-ON Switch is technical 2 switches in a row with a shared OFF Position in the Middle.
You can not "swap" the OFF Position.... But thats also not needed!

Switch 1 is pressed in Position 1 ( Up) .... Its released in Position 2 (Middle).
Switch 2 is pressed in Position 3 (Down) and is also released in Position 2 (Middle)
(And for sure Switch 1 is released in position 3 and switch 2 is released in Position 1 when the switch is "2 positions" away )

So you can define all 3 Commands within 2 Configs.

Command for UP us used in Switch 1 Config on PRESS .....
Command for DOWN is used in Switch 2 Config for PRESS ....
And Command for MIDDLE is used in BOTH!! Configs for On Release !

For Mobiflight its no mater if in our OFF Position e.g. the Taxi lights are Set to ON and for example in the DOWN (ON) Position we set Lights to OFF.

Hopefully that was your question. If not. Ask more specific!
Good Luck !
2022-03-21 12:25
Posts: 9
Yep, I know that it not can be chanced as i wrote, but it was the meaning of making and off-position.
But at I think, I need to make something about:

When I "press" position 1 TO-light will turn on and when position 1 "releases" TO-light will turn off and Taxi-light turns on.
When I "press" position 3 Taxi-light turns off and when position 3 "releases" Taxi-light turns on.


Easy to make 2 things at same "releases"? How to?
2022-03-21 12:39
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
I donĀ“t know that system.... i not fly Airbus.

Basically if this switch exist in the virtual Aircraft then you not need to think so difficult....

You will not set Taxi or TO Lights On and Off.... You just set the "virtual" switch to Position UP,Mid,Down by your own switch.....
The needed Functions in the Aircraft will be controlled then from the Sim itself ( same way as you would klick the switch with the mouse)


If really needed.... We can use duplicated Configs to execute Multiple Elements.

In your case you would "duplicate" the Config from switch 1 .....
In the Config you say On release "TO OFF" and in the second (directly below) you say on release "TAXI ON"
BOTH Configs use as device the SAME Switch.

Means if you move the switch, the Release is detected and MF will execute both commands in a row.

BUT AGAIN..... I think the first idea is much more easy and logical ! Try to Controll the Virtual switch directly!
Good Luck !
2022-03-21 14:54