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From: Stuttgart, Germany
Posts: 9
I have created a panel with a lot of switches, leds, buttons, encoders and a lcd display. The panel is not specific to a special airplane but it is organized in sections (general functionalities, autopilot functionalities, Com/Nav frequencies) so that it is flexible for usage in different airplanes. I'm using mobiflight with the wasm module to access events. Sometimes there are generic events and some are aircraft specific. So i have to use different events for the same activity and some times things are not supported by one aircraft, so i need some kind of switch for different aircrafts.

Maybe there is some kind of "frontend" to mobiflight that activates / deactivates the checkboxes in the input/output field based on a preselection - manual or even better by reading the value from the sim (e.g. c172, cj4, g36) without coding if statements per input/output. Any ideas / recommendation for best practices to switch between different planes without using different mfc-Files per aircraft?
2022-03-05 13:50
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

Basically there is no Option in Mobiflight for this.
Some users request for that in the past but we not find a good way to implement it.... And finally our argument was always that it is not really needed.
Change a Aircraft in FS2020 also on High End Computers take 10-20 Seconds.
So enough time to make 3 klicks..... Open MF from Taskbar, Klick on FILE and on recent Documents and clcik to the File you need.
Also its much more easy and logical to build e.g. 10 mcc files instead to go the difficult way and put everything into one file !


To awnser your question.... Its possible.... And it can be also "usefull" in some special Situations.

Lets expect your Panel have 50 Items ( LED, Switches and so on) and ALL except two of them work generic for all Aircrafts. Only 2 Items lets say 2 Buttons need to be aircraft specific. And lets expect you only like to fly with 3 different Aircrafts.....
So we would need just 4 Config Lines more ( and a 5th for indication) and your file is working as you expect it.
HERE i would do it.
Simply READ with a Output Config the USed Aircraft Variable!
Duplicate the 2 Confis ( 2 time each) and rework them to the 3 different Aircraft specific Variables.
Finally add a Precondition to this 6 Configs....
For example the first two should only work if "Config Aircraft" = C172 then next 2 wokr if "Config Aircraft" = Mooney and so on.

In theory you could also extend this to all your Configs and to 20 Aircrafts.... But Config get extremly long... messy and difficult.

I would not do this. But its possible via Preconditions !
Ask yourself how often you change the Aircraft ? 3 Time per day ?
So is it not more easy to make 3 times some clicks as build a combine MCC File that take you hours of time
Good Luck !
2022-03-05 14:51
From: Stuttgart, Germany
Posts: 9
Hi Pizman,
first of all: Thanks a lot for your very fast and comprehensive feedback :thumbup:
Because i'm not a long time user of mobiflitght and it is pretty powerful and flexible i thought that there may be other possibilities but you are right:
That's not a big deal to switch between multiple mcc files. Maybe it's best to focus and finish the mcc file for one plane after the other.
2022-03-05 19:19
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

Maybe it's best to focus and finish the mcc file for one plane after the other.

Remember... You can use the former file always as a starting Point....

So you not need to create everything for new again and again.
Simply build one File ( e.g. for C172) .... then Load this File and make SAVE AS .... Call it now for example "Mooney.mcc"
Then you must only "rework" the Configs that are Aircraft Specific....
But you not need to build them for new or to select the Devices again!
Good Luck !
2022-03-06 15:33