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Posts: 52
HI, I'm helping my brother setting up his home built Autopilot with P3D V3 and Mobiflight using default B738.
We are setting up a 7 segment display (MAX7219) and using FSUIPC offset 0x07CC 4 bytes and $*0.0055 transform. No compare and no precondition.
The problem: When he turns the heading encoder to the left and pass 000, the heading display show minus numbers going down like -01, -02 etc... as he keeps turning the encoder to the left. When he turns the encoder to the right and pass 360 the display shows numbers above 360 like 400 etc.....

Problem #2: I don't know how to set up the CO button correctly and having the IAS display showing the MACH value of the speed. The IAS display works good. From what I have read here on the forum, I would need to have two Config made up for this.but I don't know how to proceed.

I don't know how to correct these problems and would very much appreciate some help. Thank you!

[Last edited by MadTrooper, 2022-02-16 05:31]
2022-02-16 05:24
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867
Hi Trooper,

Please note that 0x07CC is a 2 Bytes Offset!!

Replace your transform formula as follows:


means if the result of your calculation is smaller than 0 then add 360 otherwise take the "normal" result.
If the calculation is -1 then add 360 and you'll get 359, -2 will be 358 and so on. If you have a positive result you can take this without change.
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2022-02-16 13:23
Posts: 52
HI Stephano, I want to thank you for your help. The heading problem is now resolved. We really appreciate your support.:)

I'll wait to see if ssomeone can help with my problem number 2.

2022-02-17 02:50
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867
Are you sure you have a Boeing 737 in the standard simulation of your P3D V3?
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2022-02-17 11:08
Posts: 52
HI Stephano, yes he is on a windows 10 system using P3D v3 and using the boeing 738 imported from fsx and everything is working. On my own system I use the same aircraft and I'm having no issues with mobiflight or with FSUIPC version 4.963 offsets.
2022-02-17 20:04
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867
Hi Trooper,

I know, I swapped from FSX to P3D V4 without any changes in MobiFlight.
The Problem is that the aircrafts from FSX are not prepared for cockpit building. So I use the B737 NGX from PMDG.
As I see in the lists there is noch offset for the VNAV-LED for the stock AP
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2022-02-17 20:23
Posts: 52
HI Stephano, ok but there are offsets for allowing me to be able to connect a toggle switch for the Changeover button to changeover to Mach speed and offsets to show the proper data on the 7 segment display is'nt it and I don't know how to configure configs for that matter. (To display the mach value when the CO button is applied otherwise show the IAS in knots)

Problem #2: I don't know how to set up the CO button correctly and having the IAS display showing the MACH value of the speed. The IAS display works good. From what I have read here on the forum, I would need to have two Config made up for this.but I don't know how to proceed.

Thank you!
2022-02-17 20:45
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Hi Guys

There are multiple problems here.

1. The "Unsigend/Signed" Problem.
Stephans Formula workes ! But it can be done more easy in the Compare!
Simply say there IF Value <0 THEN $+360 ELSE can be empty or you write $ there.... Both do the same.

2. Left Padding

When he turns the encoder to the right and pass 360 the display shows numbers above 360 like 400 etc.....

It pretty sure show 100, 200, 300, 400 instead of 1,2,3,4
Thats Left Padding ...: Change it in the Display Settings.
Left Padding OFF Typ Zero occure in a 100 for 1
Left Padding ON Typ Zero occure in 001 for 1

3. Mach Speed.
(I don´t know if import a FSX Aircraft work fine and FSUIPC check this.... So no Garantee here)


07E2 2 Autopilot airspeed value, in knots
07E8 4 Autopilot mach value, as Mach*65536

So you need TWO Configs.... One for the Knots and one for the Mach.
The Mach must have a Decimal selected.
And you need PReconditions to define What Offset is Active.

As Precondition you need pretty sure that Offset:

0E0C 2 Default 738 EFIS: AP speed/mach C/O button (pressed if 1, not
pressed if 0). Only useful reading. Write has no effect except

At last.... I expect Mach is maybe a FLOAT .... So you need a multiplyer and a Round Function at the end..... not sure... Just a idea.
Good Luck !
2022-02-17 21:05
Posts: 52
HI Pizman82, I really appreciate your help. The heading problem is now working good.

For the IAS / Mach:

07E2 2 Autopilot airspeed value, in knots
07E8 4 Autopilot mach value, as Mach*65536

So you need TWO Configs.... One for the Knots and one for the Mach.
The Mach must have a Decimal selected.
And you need PReconditions to define What Offset is Active.

As Precondition you need pretty sure that Offset:
0E0C 2 Default 738 EFIS: AP speed/mach C/O button (pressed if 1, not
pressed if 0).

So if I understand in the output tab of mobiflight I have to create

1. a config fr: 07E2 2 Autopilot airspeed value, in knots - and assign the 7 segment display output section it must use;
2. a confing for 07E8 4 Autopilot mach value, as Mach*65536 and assign the 7 segment display output section it must use and add a decimal point.

then create a 3rd config to use as a precondition - 0E0C 2 Default 738 EFIS: AP speed/mach C/O button (pressed if 1, not
pressed if 0). so with a compare if($=1,1,0).

Then in the Input tab, create a input config with and chose a pin for the toggle switch with offset 0E0C 2 byte, to be able to flip the Mach changeover button in the sim.

Am I correct?

Thank you
2022-02-18 02:21
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
No not 100%

Point 1 and 2 are correct.

Point 3 is wrong.
At first the "Compare" make no sense.... if($=1,1,0) So if value is 1 THEN set to 1.... Else Set to 0
In case value can only be 1 or 0 your compare will do "nothing". It set 1 to 1 and 0 to 0 .... So it remain value as it is.

The campare here is fully not needed ! We just read that value with your Config 3 .... Name it for example " Mach-SPD Status"

The "Precondition" is done within the first two configs.....
In the Config 1 (knots) you make a Precondition and say... Only work if Config "Mach-SPD Status" = 0
In the Config 2 (mach) you make a Precondition and say... Only work if Config "Mach-SPD Status" = 1
(Maybe inverted... i´m not sure if the Offset show 1 for Knts or for mach ... you need to try out)

At last... For the Input you can NOT use this Offset.... It is not writeable.
You need to check the FSUIPC Logging..... Not sure how the B737 work here.
Maybe its the SPD ON and MACH ON EventID. ( or corespondending Offsets 07E4 / 07DC)
Good Luck !
2022-02-18 16:05
Posts: 52
HI Pizman82, Thanks for your help! I've tried what you have suggested without any succes so far. I'll show you what I did later.

Thanks again!
2022-02-20 03:28
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Badly i can not test this myself again....
My FSX ( with the related B737) is long time gone....

So only way to directly help you will be a "Discord Shared Screen" . Means we can talk together via Headset and you show me your screen.....
So i see what happen and can directly solve this same way as i would seat on your computer !

Call me on Discord.... Hopefully i have time on Wednesday or Thursday !
Good Luck !
2022-02-20 08:51
Posts: 52
HI Pizman82, Thanks for trying to help and your offer to go on Teamviewer with my brother but unfortunately, we live in Canada so there are to many hours of difference, and he works so... we''ll forget about that!

Thank you!

2022-02-22 02:38