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Posts: 3
Hi, I am totally new to Mobiflight. Up until now I have been using only FSUIPC7 with MSFS. I am looking for
software to enable access to the Lvars in MSFS. (Specifically the Asobo Longitude)

I have downloaded and installed Version

My cockpit is based upon the FSX Carenado Phenom 300 but for now in MSFS I am using the Longitude
which is the closet match to the Phenom.

My cockpit uses only Leo Bodnar interface boards. (

I have been reading a little about Mobiflight and if I understand correctly, Mobiflight can now be used without FSUIPC7?

I have opened up mobiflight but cannot see any reference to my Leo Bodnar boards?

I have watched the youtube video on how to start using Mobiflight but it seems to be all about Arduino boards?

Can I use Mobiflight with Leo Bodnar interface boards?

Sorry to be a newbie!

2022-02-04 15:05
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
No need to say sorry! We all start as Newbie in the past. So no worrys about that!

About Questions...

Mobiflight in the past ( older Sims like FSX,P3D) only have access to Sim Data via FSUIPC. With FS2020 we implement a new tool ( WASM Module) to have directly access to Sim Vars. So we no longer need FSUIPC in FS2020.... BUT for sure you can still use it if you like ! We not remove the old logics.

About the Vars.... Most of the Variable (like Lvars) are read and writeable with our tool. Some (like BVars or OVars) are currently blocked. So we need to wait until Asobo give us access or ashow us a way to handle them. Whatever i will say.... Aslong WE can not handle them also FSUIPC can not do it. So you have no disadvantage if you use "our" system!

About Bodnars.
Your right.... Mobiflight is basically build to handle it´s own controllers ( Arduinos in most cases) . BUT with V9.0 we implement a new feature to also handle "HID Devices" as Input source.
So YES.... You can use your Bodnars within Mobiflight ( Cause they are technical just Joysticks ) .
Simply create a INPUT Config!
In the upper selection field ( Modules) you normaly can choose between your arduinos.... And THERE also all connected Joystick Devices (including your bodnars) are listed!.
Choose the correct Bodnar, and the correct Button.... And then its like a simple ON/OFF Input.

As i know the only thing that is not possible are the Bodnar internal Encoders! Maybe i´m wrong. But i think they not work !
Good Luck !
2022-02-04 15:27
Posts: 6
I have MFv9.2 and was excited to hear that Bodnar input can now be used with Mobiflight. Unfortunately I cant get Mobiflight to recognise the BU0836 cards, they are not listed under modules. Could I be doing something wrong?
2022-02-06 20:31
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
I don´t know.....

Mobiflight simply scan the "Windows HID Devices".
Means if your Bodnar is a HID Device ( Like every other joystick) then it is listed there.

I have no experience with Bodnars.... May there exist a special firmware, where Bodnars are no longer HID Devices and work as "Joystick Emulators" ( e.g. like VJOY)

As i know we have a lot of people who use there Bodnars within MF.... So basically it is possible !
Good Luck !
2022-02-06 23:33
Posts: 6
Thanks for the reply @pizman82. I see the Bodnar listed as a HID Device (Game Controller) in win10 device manager but doesnt show unfortunately as a MF Module. Hopefully someone who has a BU0836A working in MF will offer some assistance.
2022-02-07 20:25
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
In a first testing i could not reproduce the problem !
We use a BU0836A and it work as expected..... We not test the BBI32 .... But i expect the same behavour !

So please @stinger and @sky .....
LeoBodnars are NOT listed in a Input Config Dropdown of the Modules Field !

Just to prevent a wrong usage....
The Bodnars can NOT be found within a OUTPUT Config..... For sure only in INPUT Tab !
Bodanrs are also NOT listed within the "Extras ---> Settings ---> Mobiflight Modules" Section.
HID Devices are not a Mobiflight Board..... they are just "additional" Modules within the Input Tab List of connected devices !

EDIT: @ sky .... I delete your duplicated topic.... And i rename that one for better understanding !
Good Luck !
2022-02-08 02:16
Posts: 6
Yes now I understand and I can confirm that my BU0836 does show up under the Input tab. Create a new config line, name it and then edit the line. In the input config wizard select the input tab. Bodnar board is listed in the Module dropdown....

Thanks for your help @pizman
2022-02-09 18:23
Posts: 3
I followed the steps described in this topic but unfortunately I have not been able to make MobiFlight recognise my four BU0836A devices in the Input configs - Module tab (yet). In the log messages however it says “Adding attached joystick device BO0836 Interface Buttons: 32 Axis: 8”, all four of them!
I am a new user 1st day so I am probably doing something completely wrong.
2023-01-14 14:56
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867
Hi C210,

if you have done like advised in the messages before, it should work.
First look, that the bodnars are in the system panel (look in printers and devices). Only if you see them here, MobiFlight will be able to see them.

If you use 4 times the same BU0836 then you should rename them with the leo bodnar rename firmware which can be found here:

Then go to Product downloads and download the renaming firmware - BU0836A_1 to BU0836A_10, plus original and follow the instructions.

After you have done this you should see 4 different devices within MobiFlight.

Please report experiences.
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2023-01-15 00:50
Posts: 3
Hi Stephan,
Thanks for putting so much effort in an absolute newbe! I must be doing something fundamentally wrong.
First of all the BU0863 does show up in the Printers and Devices list.
I tried to make MobiFlight see the BU0836 (or any other device for that matter) by connecting only one device.
These are the steps I take:
1. I start MB and during initialisation it seems to be adding the BU0836.
2. I go to the Input configs and add a new config
3. I try to open the Module or Input dropdown but nothing shows up there.
It feels like I am missing a vital step somewhere. Unfortunately I have not the slights idea which one.
2023-01-15 12:52
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867
Hi C210,

you are welcome.

We all started out as newbies, more or less early in the past. In this respect you are in good company :-)

Please do as follows.

- Connect only ONE BU0836 to your system and look that he is show in devices and printers.
- Start MobiFlight
- Go to the Input-Tab on the main-screen of MobiFlight
- create a config and name it like you want
- click on the edit button (...) at the end of this config line
- a new screen named InputConfigWizard appears
- click the input tab
- click the drop down in the module line
- your BU0836 should appear
- scroll to this entry and chose it
- go one line below and look for the device you want to use in MF
- Save this file if you are asked for when leaving MF with a name of your choice

Now you should leave MF and run the rename software from Leo Bodnar and the page I show you above
Do this with all your four BU836 modules
Connect them all to your system and check they are in the system device folder with different names
Start MF again and you at last saved config-file will also be shown in your MF main window
Click again the edit button and then the drop down at the module line.
Your four bodnar module should be shown.

What I think you have done wrong is, to press the MobiFlight Modules button in the main menu of MF or something similar.
Please report experiences.
If it does not work as expected meet me on discord (link above) then we can talk together and change our screen contents ;-)
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2023-01-15 23:02
Posts: 3
Hi Stephan,
IT WORKS, thanks to you!
The step I missed was:
- click on the edit button (...) at the end of this config line[ I wrongfully assumed the list of devices would appear when clicking on the modules tap in that same screen, not very bright of me. I managed to set all transponder modes by using a 5 steps switch. MF really works great. Regards, Han]
I wrongfully assumed the list of devices would appear when clicking on the modules tap in that same screen, not very bright of me.
I managed to set all transponder modes by using a 5 steps switch.
MF really works great.
Regards, Hans
2023-01-16 20:49
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867
Hi Hans,

we all started as newbie and so we all made mistakes where we today can laugh.

So don't worry, it's normal. I was on wooden paths so often that you could have built a nice house with them.
;) :rolleyes:
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2023-01-17 16:11
Posts: 2
Thank you for this thread.
Based on this I now have an operational Leo Bodnar card working it test with MobiFlight
2024-03-17 21:59
Posts: 2
Thank you this was very helpful
2024-03-17 22:01