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Posts: 53
Hello all,
I've been using Mobiflight with a button box for several months now. last night when I tried to use it there were 2 issues. The first issue (which I corrected) was the the avionics bus 1 and bus 2 switches no longer functioned correctly. Instead of turning on the avionics, they disconnected Mobiflight from Simconnect. I found new events listed in MSFS2020-Events, Asobo-c172-Avionics. This is nice as the switches are no longer toggles but are now on-off switches.
The second issue I am having (no fix found yet) is that the events that I am using for the transponder mode switch are no longer working. I use a 5-position switch. I've included this pic that is representative of the events I am using. I know of another user in the MSFS forum that is experiencing the same problem, yet he is using an encoder that is set up like Christian's video.
Any ideas?
[Last edited by Doon1, 2022-01-29 16:10]
2022-01-29 15:57
Posts: 53
Please disregard at this time.
Even after rebooting the computer last night, I couldn't get it to work. Yet this morning it just started working again. Not sure why but I'm happy about it.
2022-01-29 16:34
Posts: 53
There are some other little issues that have popped up.
the first pertains to the avionics bus switches. I thought they were fixed but i was wrong. Bus1 switch works the Bus2 switch, and the Bus2 switch is not working. Also, the NAV lights switch will turn off the NAV lights but won't turn them on.
I'm going to check the bindings of all my switches as it seems that the events are becoming aircraft specific. Which is very cool but a little frustrating at the same time. there still seems to be some kinks in the new bindings here and there as well.
2022-01-29 21:02
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
If you get in trouble.... At first Check if HARDWARE is fine!.... I expect in your case here is no problem, cause you say all is working already the time before.

In your case 99% sure the Problem is that the SIM itself have changed. Asobo improve a lot of stuff with every Servicepack/Patch.
Also Aircraft Manifacturs like FlyBYWire still work on there Software and with every Update the internal Variables "can" Change.

Mobiflight use for your Configs simply the Data/Values you choose for.
E.g. a Button Write Variable xxxxxx with Values 1 and 0 for ON and OFF .
If The Sim have changed and for example the name of Variable change.... Then MF Can not know this. Cause your config is still set to the Data you choose when you build it.

Thats a Bad situation..... Its not our fault, that the Sim Developer change (whatever why) every week there logics meanwhile.
Good Luck !
2022-01-30 08:45
Posts: 53
Yes. it was a MSFS update issue. all is well now.
2022-02-06 18:58