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I have built the system and had it perform some tests. It works in general but there are some things to work out.
I intended to control the servo motor with an Arduino Nano. This works fine as long the target value is provided with a geared 10:1 potentiometer connected to an analog input. This works smooth and flawless as standalone.
Since Mobiflight does not provide a direct communication to the controller, the only means I'm aware of so far is the Mobiflight servo-output which works with a PWM signal. I can sense this signal with the Nano and can control the servo motor accordingly. But, alas, this signal is extremly jittering hence the whole system is very unstable. Therefore I resorted to a relatively powerful RC model servo (20Kg metal) electronic, ripped it out of the RC-servo and used it instead of the Nano, connected to the tilting assembly (Lever) with the servo motor and the second geared potentiometer. This works very smoothly.
The trim hand wheel controls the geared 10.1 potentiometer connected to the flight simulator via the Arduino Micro joystick controller as usual. This works fine. Mobiflight provides the elevator trim value as a servo output to the servo system. This is running, mechanically disengaged, in sync with the manually driven trim wheel. Hence both geared potentiometers should always have the same values. At least, in an ideal world.
When the Autopilot is engaged, most aircrafts shall be in attitude hold mode. This also includes the elevator trim function. Once engaged, the Sg90 servo tilts the trim servo motor lever and engages the gears. Now, when the elevator trim is actuated by the autopilot, Mobiflight provides the trim wheel position and the servo rotates the trim wheel.
With the trim wheel, the servo motor also rotates the trim potentiometer. I am suspicious that this might lead to some unwanted effects due to interference. The signals from the internal autopilot and the trim wheel might either cancel each other out or, worse lead to severe oscillation or runaway. Hence either the system ought to be thoroughly tuned in or the mechanic may be redesigned to disconnect the trim potentiometer also while in auto mode.
I tested this with the default FSX-SE C172 and it works quite fine. It did not work stable with the FXS-SE B737-800. There the system had a runaway. That is the reason I believe that the internal autopilot trim value and the manual trim value add up.
Since the elevator trim wheel does not have markers that provides absolute wheel trim position (this is provided ba a separate gauge), it might be a good idea to disengage the trim wheel potentiometer from the wheel when autopilot and servo are engaged. This will let the trim potentiometer not interfere with the servo system and the automatic. To do this, I ought to redesign some parts of the assembly. Since I intend to have the stl files for download, I'm somewhat undecided if it makes sense to publish the parts in the actual state or wait until redesign is finished. I will happily consider your opinions.
I will also be on Discord most evenings and may be contacted there.
Kai: this setup will work fine for your purpose. Just omit the trim wheel potentiometer and the sg90 servo and have the servo motor lever always engaged. In this case this works as a gauge. The geared potentiometer controlling the servo motor provides ten full turns.
For our needs we do not need a motor being able to lift 20kg, do we?