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Posts: 2
I have VRI MCP Combo II - BOEING FCU and i dont know how make this hardware recogniseble by MobiFlight. In MobiFlight Modules i see unknown module, port COM3 and type Arduino Mega2560. I want to use all buttons and rotary of this device

Thank you in advanced for all sugestions

2021-12-29 16:28
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Give us a Link for this Hardware ! Then we can check it.

Basically Mobiflight is NOT a Software to controll Premade Panels from Manifacturs! Its designed for won build Panels !
MF have a list of supported Parts ( e.g. Max7219 for 7Seg) .... And only THAT are possible tu use.

So.... If your Lucky and your Panel use 100% the same Parts we also support with MF.... Then it will work!

If not....

Then you have to use the Software that is build for your Panel ( not Mobiflight)
You have to rework the Hardware of the Panel with MF Compatible parts!
Good Luck !
2021-12-29 18:43
Posts: 2
2021-12-29 19:09
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

No Datasheet there.
I can not see if this Panel work with a Arduino Mega.
Also the Display looks verry Wide and may not be compatible.

Let me ask. Who tell you that this should be compatible with MF.
On first View these Guys give you there "own" Software to handle this panels !
Good Luck !
2021-12-29 20:13
Posts: 1
If I may throw my 2 cents in this discussion... I'm sure the VRi MCP Combo will not work with Mobiflight. It's a complete package with its own communication protocol and no Arduinos inside. It pre-dates the Arduinos by maaany years. :)

Mobiflight is not a communication protocol. It has to connect directly to the hardware (buttons, encoders, lamps, LCD displays, etc) through an Arduino. The VRi modules have lots of these inside, but they're connected to a proprietary control board with a proprietary communication protocol. By the way, the manufacture's drivers and software are not very good and very outdated. Your better option is to use LINDA or try the VRi Bridge from Lorby to connect it to Lorby's Axis & Ohs. Both applications will facilitate the assignments of functions to the buttons and update of the displays without any software from VRi. These guys have figured out the communication protocol and replicated it... or sort of.

Your third option is to disassemble the module, separating all the hardware from the control board, and then connect one by one to Mobiflight, through one or more Arduinos. This is, of course, a much bigger project. However, this is actually what I am considering. I have an older model, the VRi MCP Combo I and it seems to not work so well with these applications as the MCP Combo II. I'm trying to debug it with the developers of both but I'm also considering to tear it down and use Mobiflight to connect directly to the hardware and skip the dependency of other protocols.

Whatever your decision, I wish you good luck! :)
2022-01-13 21:46