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Posts: 3
Am running latest version 9.1 & trying to change Autopilot Hdg on A310 & or A319 FBW with encoder & switch from Managed to Selected using toggle SW.
LED on Arduino indicates operation for both but no changes to aircraft parameters for either aircraft. MobiFlight Status is all Green for WASM, FSUIPC7 & Simconnect.
FSUIPC log shows nothing except Sim startup & Simconnect on line plus flight details.Have reinstalled both MobiFlight & FSUIPC7. Is there a log or any way to monitor MobiFlight
2021-11-30 23:05
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

Enable the Logging Mode from Mobiflight ( Typ DEBUG) Just hook the checkmark in the settings tab!

When you turn your encoders or press Buttons (move switches) the Logging will show a Message like "Button xyz On Press" or " Encoder ABC On Left"

If there is no indication you have a problem on mega Side.... may Hardware... May Corrupted Firmware . But 99% Electrical i think.
If you see in Logging Inputs are detected..... then the problem is Software Side.... pretty sure in FS2020 or in the interface.

Check in this case if the WASM is correctly installed ( install for new if needed).

Another Point.... If FBW makes a Update then the "Events" maybe changed. So your switch Work, it send the "old" Command to the sim but it will not work in case the sim meanwhile use another one.
In that case check the Dev Mode of FS2020 in FBW Airbus if the Event is the correct one you use in MF.
Good Luck !
2021-12-03 00:14
Posts: 3
Many thank for that very helpful info. These are a few lines from the Log file after the start up preamble which seem to indicate its working perfectly. I added the Gear toggle as that's about as simple a command you can have. None of these commands execute.
03/12/2021 08:51:37(333): Config found for Encoder: Heading Encoder (RIGHT)@SNÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿMobiFlight Mega
03/12/2021 08:51:37(756): ExecutionManager.autoConnectTimer_Tick(): AutoConnect Sim
03/12/2021 08:51:43(533): Config found for Button: HDG_PULL (PRESS)@SNÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿMobiFlight Mega
03/12/2021 08:51:44(384): Config found for Button: HDG_PULL (RELEASE)@SNÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿMobiFlight Mega
03/12/2021 08:51:44(674): Config found for Button: HDG_PUSH (PRESS)@SNÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿMobiFlight Mega
03/12/2021 08:51:45(414): Config found for Button: HDG_PUSH (RELEASE)@SNÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿMobiFlight Mega
03/12/2021 08:51:46(724): Config found for Button: Gear_Tog (PRESS)@SNÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿMobiFlight Mega
03/12/2021 08:51:46(994): Config found for Button: Gear_Tog (RELEASE)@SNÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿMobiFlight Mega
03/12/2021 08:51:47(634): Config found for Button: Gear_Tog (PRESS)@SNÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿMobiFlight Mega
03/12/2021 08:51:47(765): ExecutionManager.autoConnectTimer_Tick(): AutoConnect Sim
03/12/2021 08:51:47(896): Config found for Button: Gear_Tog (RELEASE)@SNÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿMobiFlight Mega
03/12/2021 08:51:57(755): ExecutionManager.autoConnectTimer_Tick(): AutoConnect Sim
03/12/2021 08:52:07(757): ExecutionManager.autoConnectTimer_Tick(): AutoConnect Sim
03/12/2021 08:52:17(773): ExecutionManager.autoConnectTimer_Tick(): AutoConnect Sim
Am not sure which is the correct WASM as it has been updated . Currently using the version labelled StandaloneModule which is 1436 KB & in the Commuinty folder.
Am using the Standard Version of MSFS20202 BTW.
2021-12-03 15:20
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
There is a Config Found Message:
So the HArdware is OK and Inputs are detected....
But i miss the "on Execute" Message.

Looks like your Configs not include Commands, or there is a issue why they are not sending.....

If possible, call me or a other Advanced User via DISCORD.
There we can see your screen or share Screenshots.....

Hard to solve this from outer view without know the full situation !
Good Luck !
2021-12-15 18:21