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Posts: 3
According to the tutorial for LED-parking brake, I build an Annonciation panel and would include a Master Warning and Master caution.
For the Master warning I will create a LED output which will light up in case of 'parking brake', overspeed or an engine warning. The separate signals are available but how do I get a combined signal. I tried it with 'select multiple outputs' but that doesn't work.
Most preferable is of course when a 'Master warning' and 'Mater caution' signal comes available from MF.
2021-11-06 13:14
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867
Hi Richard,

that is quite simple.

You have your outputs for the parking brake, overspeed and engine warning.
So make another output config for your master caution led. Here you do not need an offset.

First create config references in this config for the every condition you need to light up the master caution.
Assign these config references letters like A, B, C or so

Insert into the transform line: if(parking brake = 1 or overspeed =1 or engine warning =1 then 1, else 0)
or as formula: if(a=1||b=||c=1,1,0)

If now one of thiese conditions are 1 your master caution will light up. In all other cases it will be off.
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2021-11-06 14:42
Posts: 3
Hi Stephan,

I did all conform your information like:
if (Parking brake = 1 or Overspeed warning =1 or Engine =1 then 1, else 0)
or like: if(a=1||b=1||c=1,1,0)
and also the settings like you instruct me.
In the mapping is left of both new configurations a red exclamation mark shown, meaning that something is going wrong?? Any hint for me?
Offset = 0x0000
FSUIPC Offset = On
Use preset = Empty
Value Type = Int Size in Bytes = 1
Mask value with - 0xFF
No BCD code
2021-11-07 15:12
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Hi guys.

In case this is a FS2020 Topic....
Best way is to figure out if there still exsit a FS2020 Variable (Simconnect) That directly shows the warning light you need.
Technical ALL Data from the sim exist and casn be read..... But currently some typs of Variables (e.g. BVars and OVars) are blocked by Asobo. So we "could" read it but are not allowed a.t.m.

Please use as TYP of Output FS2020 Variables INSTEAD of FSUIPC Offset.....
And check the Lists if there is still a "Master Warning" for your used Aircraft . If Yes... Simply use it !

About Stephans Logic. All is correct.
If we are be able to read all needed "data parts" and we know the needed "logic" then it is possible to do everything.
In Your case.... You read 3 Raw Datas by 3 single Configs
The 4th Config uses as Standard Mask also the FSUIPC Stuff.... But in case we not use the current Value ($) its fully no mater if you read Offset 0000 or enything else.
All we use in our calculation are the 3 Other Config Output Values ( We define as placeholders with A,B,C )

For Sure.... You must know yourself the syntax..... For example you say
if(parking brake = 1 or overspeed =1 or engine warning =1 then 1, else 0)
or as formula: if(a=1||b=1||c=1,1,0)

This means.... You define the Config "Parking Brake" in the placeholders as "a" ..... And it request the parking Brake Config have Value "1" if its ON.
Lets say you use FSX.... Here the Parking BRake Offset is NOT "1" if on.... its 32767.
So you must also rework the Formula into..... if(a=32767||b=1||c=1,1,0)

In easy words..... If you work with these Formula Stuff..... You can do nearly everything.... BUT you must KNOW what values are happen.
So.... See Stephans Codepart as a EXAMPLE..... And fill it with the Values your Configs have in the moment when e.g. Parking Brake is ON.
Good Luck !
2021-11-07 16:26
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867
Hi Richard,

you're right. A red exclamation mark is normally shownif you have a syntax error in this config i.e. the tranform line.
An other possibility is a precondition so that this config is inactive.

Normally your conditions for parking brake, overspeed and engine warning should be on or off (if you defined an output in the display tab).
If you see here a red exclamation mark while running MF here is soething wrong. So you should not change something in this configs.

If the red exclamation mark comes in the config for the master caution, the you made soething wrong.
Here you only have to assign the three config references to the three configs you want to check. Therefore the formular in the transform line.
You also should change the display tab in that way that you have to assign a led for master caution (add it to the devices for the module).
What also possible is, is that you have to look that the incomming values from your three check configs are only 1 or 0. If you have here other values than 0 then you can insert a formular into that transform line i.e. if($>1,1,0) so that the value can only be 1 or 0. You can see the results in the right row next to Flight Sim Value in Output Value.

If you have problems with the configs, let us meet on Discord (link is above in the blue box). Here we can talk together and share your screen, so I can assist you.
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2021-11-07 16:47