MobiFlight Community Support

Welcome to the forum for MobiFlight! Feel free to reach out to the community in case you have questions, issues or just want to share great ideas or details about your latest home cockpit project.

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05/03/2024 - This forum is read-only

The community support for MobiFlight has moved exclusively over to our Discord server. Register for free and enjoy more interactive functions like image and video upload, voice chat. More than 7,000 registered users around the world make it a great experience!

See you on our MobiFlight Community Discord server.

A HUGE Thank You to everyone who participated in the forum, especially obviously to Pizman and Stephan who did an outstanding job over so many years providing an incredible service to the MobiFlight community.

The forum is still providing a lot of good content, hence we keep this information accessible.

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Posts: 15
Ban: Participation in this server may be prohibited. BAN is set based on the IP address. Therefore, please contact the server administrator and have them remove BAN from the server settings. You will need to contact your server administrator and ask them to cancel all BANs in your server settings. Excluding your name by the administrator does not mean that the invitation link will work.
Thank you for your help
Have you tried to register with Discord more than 40 times? Registration error continues ????
I will try to register a little more, but if it seems to be useless, InputConfigWizard error Details
It will be more than 50 lines, but is it okay to list it here?
Or should I uninstall [MF Connector] and re-install it each time?
2022-03-26 03:57
Posts: 15
I'm asking a question that I can't register with Discord, but if there is a way to send images etc. other than Discord, please contact me.
2022-03-26 05:06
Posts: 15
Hey there,
Due to strict privacy and security concerns, we're only able to discuss account details with the email associated with that account. If you do not have access to the email associated with the account, we have no way to verify your ownership of the account through email communication.

If you've lost access to this email, sadly you will not be able to recover your Discord account and your best bet would be to make a new account to continue using Discord. If possible, you may try to recreate the email account and contact us again, if that is an option available to you. 


Clyde, Discord Support Bot

Excuse me
Because I could not reply without seeing the contents only on the screen of "Download message and image (19.36KB)" at the time of confirmation by the first email in reply from Discord help
IP_addrest in case of abnormality is registered, and it seems that an error will occur no matter what you do after that.
It would be nice if there was another way to send texts and images. Thank you.
2022-03-26 08:15
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

Are you sure you not click ona fishing Mail or a trojan ??

Do you already had a Discord acount in the past ?
If yes.... Do you get "ban" by doing something wrong ?

If Not.... Maybe your Email was hacked in the past and a Spammer made a account in your name and was baned !
OR as i said above.... Maybe your not on the real Discord Registration ( typo in the adress) and you register to a fake Side that like to highjack your computer.

Basically i not know a other user who get in trouble here....

Simply make a account with a different email adress and all is fine !
Good Luck !
2022-03-26 09:47
Posts: 15
Finally, it seems that I was able to register with another Google_Gmail
Add to friends
You can add friends using Discord Tag
"We need a 4-digit number corresponding to ******* to identify which account."
[******* has not accepted the friend request. You need to be added to become a friend]
I am [toi # 3191], so thank you.
2022-03-27 03:17
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
You not need to add somebody as a friend!
Just join our Server (free for everybody. No verification or acception by a Mod is needed here)

You can directly write in the puplic channels and you can send a PM to most of the users.
Maybe some users "block" Private messages. So you need to wait until this user "accept" you.
And YES. Most users block "Friend requests" simply cause its not needed for a one time concersation.
You have no benefit or disadvantage.... So its no mater to be "friend" or not.
Good Luck !
2022-03-27 15:49
Posts: 15
Excuse me
It was that
Currently sending files, files, etc. to Jaime Leon
2022-03-28 09:16
Posts: 15
Excuse me
Excuse me
If the device nameHDG_SW and Description are different nameHDG_SEL
I was able to set it without getting an error and confirmed the operation, the same name is incorrect, isn't it?
I made a mistake because I was doing the basic settings just by looking at youTube
thank you
2022-03-29 06:15
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Please not bring this topic into a fully mess.

We can talk on Discord... Like in a endless Chat.
Here in Forum please open a Topic for a specific thing, and let it die if the problem is solved.
Another question.... Another Topic !

THIS Topic here is a anonouncment from Stephan..... Not a private chat !
So lets swap to discord or to other forum topics.

Thanks !
Good Luck !
2022-03-29 09:18
Posts: 3
Dear Team and mates,
please advise when (or how) events from Documentary support of Milviz Cessna 310R will be available in HubHop and if it is totally possuble?
Dont know how to assign about 20 non-standard events for input.

Thanx a lot!

2022-05-16 00:17
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
I not own this aircraft.... And i expect also nobody from our team got it.

its pretty easy....

Step 1: Test if Stock events ( Asobo/generic Microsoft) are work already.

If NOT then you need to figure out the Data yourself ( we can not do this without own this addon.)
Open the Model Behavior Dialog in Dev Mode and check the data.
Wait until a other advanced user ( who own this aircraft) to this work for you !
Good Luck !
2022-05-16 00:31
Posts: 3
Thank you for fast reply,
I am realy not advanced user, so I am stucked with issue with assigning events into msfs.
In C310R documentation there are list of inputs that are different from standard:
For example of Landing lights position in BehaviourDebug there are few events connected with it input. There are 3 screens for 3 positions when i input values 0,1,2 into C310_SW_LIGHTS_LANDING:

Can you advice what code I need to input in event.txt file into mobiflight-event-moduleand folder and what to put into event file into fsuipc folder?

Thank you in advance, sorry for may be very complicated or stupid question.

2022-05-16 10:41
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
You no longer need this "Event.txt" Stuff. This is from the past before we got "HubHop"

This is our Platform where we can add new Events ( after we find and test them ourself)

Means you now do a testing in MF.... and if it work fine you can Create there new Entrys ( or ask us to do this for you by tell us the right Code Lines)

Testings are done in MF itself by enter the Code by hand at first time to see if it work.

Please open MF and make a new Input Config.
Choose for a Device ( e.g. Button) and select Input Typ "MSFS2020 Custom Event"
Then checkmark "Show Preset Code"
And in this area you can insert your "own Code"

In your example:


Use one of the lines for each position.

Please test and Confirm if it work !
If yes lets include them into the Lists !
Good Luck !
2022-05-16 13:32
Posts: 3
Yeah it is working!
I have done everything like you said and it is working! Thank you!

P.s. but as I am using my arduino Leonardo as a custom Joysticks it is still impossible to connect MF with this type boards to asign events directly. Still will be looking for solution to make these events pressed on Arduino Leonardo HID and than tranfered to sim via fsuipc. But It's question out of scope for now.

Again many thanx to you and Team, you saved my evening!!!

2022-05-16 18:51
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
You not need to transer it to FSUIPC ....

If your Leonardo is a HID device it would be also seen by Mobiflight !
For sure its not a Mobiflight Board.... But Mobiflight can also see Joystick Inputs and can handle them.

As shown in your screenshot you use the "CH Flight Sim Yoke USB" .... So not a Mobiflight Board with a Button... Its a HID.

NOTE: There is no disadvantage to do this.
For Mobiflight its no mater or difference if the command come froma HID Button or from a Arduiono, that is flash with our Firmware.
Only OUTPUT ( like LED ) are only possible with a Moibiflight compatible Board ( Arduino Mega, Uno, Micro and Arcaze)
Good Luck !
2022-05-16 20:41
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