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Posts: 1
Hello Team,

I checked the forum but so far no one had similar problem as me. It's need few days and multiple YT videos but still problem exists. I ve solder and wired rotary encoder correctly and it's working to certain extent left and right but it's not doing what it's being told. When I turn left 1 click it won't move at all, when I do 3-4 clicks sometimes moves 1 position and sometimes 2, same thing with the right. When the heading display is example at 210 and you move encoder to the left it will first move to 211 and then jump to 209 despite you are lowering values. Same with the right. The offer is set to $-182/$+182 to the right and fast is set to $-1820/$+1820 but that is not working, it will still move how ever it wants. I've switched from multiple BITs, 1, 2 and 4 but it's still the same. It's been 3 days and I am running out of ideas.Ibe also change modes on mobi from 1 rotary to 2 and 4 in the encoder setup. Thank you for any suggestions.
2021-09-25 16:49
Posts: 3
You might want to try it with logging on and off in FSUIPC and Mobiflight.
i find my encoders have a lot of lag and unpredictability with various types of logging.
2021-10-02 03:56
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
100% Correct.

You must find out if this is a Hardware or a Software issue!

Enable the Logging Mode ( Typ DEBUG)

Then Turn your Encoder ( MF must not be in RUN Mode..... This is just a Quick and dirty Test)
The Log show you if a LEFT or RIGHT is detected.... and also if multiple are detected at a time.

So Confirm the Encoder work !

If NOT.... Check the Wirework and electrical side ( some Encoders got a Metal housing and a little drop of solder can occure in a issue) ..... Also some Encoders work not in GreyCode and are not compatible !
Also check the Encoder Settings for 1:1 2:1 and 4:1 ..... Best way check the Datasheet of Your encoder to KNOW what you have.

About Software...... Set BITS is normaly wrong here ! ...... Also the +/- 182 System is a relict of the past when we used FSUIPC in FSX/P3D.
You say you got FS2020..... So use the FS2020 Inputs instead this outdated FSUIPC stuff !
Good Luck !
2021-11-03 08:17