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Posts: 3
Hello, I 'm trying to make a radio stack using mobiflight.First of all, wow, what a great program! I used the tutorial ( on the forum for making a com radio.

I've got one radio almost completely functional including a rotary encoder except that my COM1 active displays all zeros. The standby functions correctly. I've attached a video to show what I'm seeing. Interestingly, if I click down on the rotary button, the first digit of my com1 active display switches to a "1". If I click it again, it switches back to a "0".

Video Link:

Also, a question regarding rotaries - Can I connect more than one to a single mega card? If so, how do I wire the second rotary?
2017-03-27 21:12
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

I canĀ“t see youre Config but it look like you use the "Com1 Precondition" Output from the Tutorial Example as base for the second 7 Segement Display !
This Offset is only used to make it posible to switch between Mhz and Khz with the Encoder Switch Button.
THIS is NOT used to show Com1 Active Frequency......
In this example the COM1 Active Display is not included.
If you like this just make a additional Output Config and use the Settings for Com1 Active (Preset... Or Offset 034E 2 Byte INT BCD Mode ON )
Set this Config to youre 2nd Display for Com1 Active.

to second Question....
You can set 20 Encoders ( maby 25 in new Version i think) on one Maga !
Simply use 2 wires (and 1 Grd) per Encoder.... A Button needs 1 Pin in Mega.... A Encoder needs 2 Pins.... In Device Setting Tab you have to define what pins are used (for Left and Right).
Good Luck !
2017-03-28 00:30
Posts: 3
Pizman, thanks so much - that did the trick! One last problem I'm now stuck on. The Active com display shows 289.50 when it should be showing 128.95. It appears the digit has shifted over for some reason. I tried messing around with padding. The best I could do is 028.95 when using padding. How do I turn that "0" into a "1"?
2017-03-28 02:50
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
(( I have deleted the double post in Projects folder! ))


The Active com display shows 289.50 when it should be showing 128.95. It appears the digit has shifted over for some reason.

Thats normal !

Please have a look in the future into the FSUIPC Documents. ( You found it in FSX/Modules/FSUIPC Documents subfolder.
In that kind you need the "FSUIPC4 Offset Status.pdf" file. There are listed all Offsets for FSX Standard ( NOT FOR ADDONS like PMDG)
There all Offsets are explaned how they are working !

For Com 1 Active there is the follow note....

034E .... 2Byte .... COM1 frequency, 4 digits in BCD format. A frequency of
123.45 is represented by 0x2345. The leading 1 is assumed.

That means in case that ALL Frequencys always beginns with "1" like 1xx.xx FSX save Space in this offsets and not use the leading "1"
To solve this you can simply add 10000 to this value all the time.... Use the "Transform" field in the Config and say $+10000 and activate it with checkmark

Example youre Offset Value is 2895 .... 2895+10000=12895 And with a Decimal Point on Display it is 128.95
Good Luck !
2017-03-28 12:25
Posts: 3
Great! thank you so much!
2017-03-28 13:21
Posts: 14
thanks that helped me out as well $+10000
2019-10-16 15:27