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Posts: 4
Hiya Everyone,

I'm after some help - and surely (hopefully) someone has done this before.

I want to use Rotary Encoder 1 to display different screens.
Rotary Encoder 2 to then adjust things.
I have push buttons on both encoders, as well as another button.
I'll be using a 16x2 display, but I'm testing...

So I know how to save a variable into an address.

I want Rotary 1 to Change the freq it will show/change
Rotary 2 changes the values, and 3rd Button does the swap

If A = 0 to show Com 1,2 and Nav 1,2
If A = 1 Adjust Comm 1. Encoder 2 controls the #'s and the Rotary Encoder Button switches between Mhz/Khz 3rd Button does the swap.
If A = 2 Adjust Nav 1. Encoder 2 controls the #'s and the Rotary Encoder Button switches between Mhz/Khz 3rd Button does the swap.
If A= 3 Adjust Comm 2 Encoder 2 controls the #'s and the Rotary Encoder Button switches between Mhz/Khz 3rd Button does the swap.
If A = 4 Adjust Nav 2. Encoder 2 controls the #'s and the Rotary Encoder Button switches between Mhz/Khz 3rd Button does the swap.

So from what I can tell I need three variables. A and B & C (B switching between Mhz/Khz and C Freq Swaps).
Changing A I know how to do, but how could I change 2 and 3?
2021-06-23 13:11
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

Your still on the right way..... I wonder why you stuck now!

First question is..... Do we need this. Here we need to think about the used Sim and AddOn.
If there is alerady a System in use ( e.g. a Advanced AddOn Aircraft that allow us to handle Coms and Navs with the same Encoder..... then we not need difficult Preconditions..... We would simply use THIS virutal System that already do what we need.....
So think about that!

To solution.

Rotary 1 us used to toggle between the "modes" . Lets say it used Offset 66C0 ....
If you use the Rotary itself you use something like On Left : if($=0,4,$-1) ..... On Right if($=4,0,$+1) (Pretty sure there exist also other systems)
If you use the "button" then you say just on Press the same like On right of the Encoder..... Then the Button toggle 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4 and so on.

Button of Encoder 2 controll the "KhzMhz" Swap. We need another Offset.... Lets say 66C1
Here we just make a toggle.... On Press if($=1,0,1)
So we toggle a Value from 0 ,1,0,1,0,1, and so on. ( Thats indication for KhzMhz )

And for sure you need 2 Output Configs that READ these Custom Offsets.... So we can Handle them in Preconditions.

At last you need 8 different Input Configs for the Encoder2 ..... And 4 Different Input Configs for the Swap Button.
All you need now is a combined AND Precondition.

For example
MHZ Controll of COM1 is only allowed to work if "Output Config MODES" = 1 AND if "Output Config Khz/Mhz" = 0
KHZ Controll of COM1 is only allowed to work if "Output Config MODES" = 1 AND if "Output Config Khz/Mhz" = 1

MHZ Controll of NAV1 is only allowed to work if "Output Config MODES" = 2 AND if "Output Config Khz/Mhz" = 0
KHZ Controll of NAV1 is only allowed to work if "Output Config MODES" = 2 AND if "Output Config Khz/Mhz" = 1

I hope you understand!. If not ask more detailed where your stuck !
Good Luck !
2021-06-23 14:53
Posts: 4

Thanks for the answer - I seem to have it working.... Separately! Will try and combine them now.

I'll let you know how I go.
2021-06-23 15:44
Posts: 4

Thanks, that makes it a lot clearer now moving forward.
2021-06-23 16:05