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Posts: 19

Waiting that all this WASM/Update biznizz is solved, I continue configuring my autopilot panel. I'am looking for an FSUIPC offset to light on the VNV Led of Garmin autopilot. Does anyone know which offset to use?

2021-04-14 19:26
Posts: 1
Hi, I'm searching for same offset. Yes, VNV and VNAV are the same!
2021-10-08 16:49
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010


Waiting that all this WASM/Update biznizz is solved,


Same like always..... You can check if there are FSUIPC Offsets simply by check the FSUIPC Documentation ( use STRG F and search in your case for "VNAV" )
If there is a Offset you can check if it work..... I fthere is none then your "unlucky".

Whatever..... why think about FSUIPC..... Use the WASM Tool.
If needed Output is there, then use it. If not simply find out the needed Variable yourself and use it.... And be so kind to share your result with the comunity (HubHop) so it is available for all other users in the MF lists in the future !
Good Luck !
2021-11-03 08:27
Posts: 3
Hi, sorry if this is too late, but here is the variable for VNAV

For LED just add this to simConnect "variable" field:

For the button, I found it directly under the desired aircraft.
MSFS2020 - Events > Asobo/TBM 930/Autopilot > TBM930_AUTOPILOT_VNV_TOGGLE

I am trying to find a generic offset for this.
2021-12-12 05:48