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05/03/2024 - This forum is read-only

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Posts: 5
Hello folks.....

Which type of 7-segment-tubes are used for the Arduino?

I bought some 8-Digit-Tubes in the internet.
All of them are with the Max7219 Chip.

But none of them is working properly, not in Testmode, nor in Run-Mode.
Sometimes they're showing some digits but not the value which is coming from MobiFlight.
The values in MobiFlight are all correct.
I rechecked all connections, specially DIN, CS and CLK.
All connections are good....

Encoders ..... working
Switches ..... working
LED Output .... working
7-Segment .... not working

What can be the problem ?
I bought one original Arduino board and another is a no name copy...
Both boards, the same problem.


2021-03-26 19:14
Posts: 5
Can be closed!
2021-03-26 23:02
From: United States
Posts: 31
How did you solve it exactly?

Thanks, Steve Avery
2021-04-27 14:38
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

Sometimes they're showing some digits but not the value which is coming from MobiFlight.
The values in MobiFlight are all correct.
I rechecked all connections, specially DIN, CS and CLK.
All connections are good....

Wrong ! Pretty sure that was the reason finaly.


1. Max Systems are very sensitiv... Just a little touch of the table can be enough to struggle them.
In case of that.... SOLDER always.... Also for testing. Breadboard and Jumper wires are no good idea for Max Chips !

2. Max must be initialized..... They must already connected to Mega BEFORE you power it ( USB Conection).
If the connection from the Max get broke while Mega is ON then it must initialized once again.

Whatever this sounds bad and non comfortable..... If you build it correctly then the Max will work all the time without issues. Here simply a accurate building is the key!
Non working Max Chip means always.... RESTART from the Mega !

3. Power Managment. If you use Chains with 3 or more Chips get sure you have correct power system. 5v to each Tube itself ( not chained) OR Rewmove of the Diode on the PCB !
Good Luck !
2021-04-28 01:18