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Posts: 4
This is on the actual MSFS2020 and the FlyByWire A32NX mod (experimental)
I refer to Mobiflight 8.0.2

I saw Sebastians video MobiFlight Video Tutorial - MSFS 2020 Custom Variables and Events
and was excited about the new possibilities with mobiflight.
I wanted to reproduce what I saw in the video, but when I opened the the MSFS...Debug Mode...ModelBehaviourDebug window I was confused, because I did not see very much.
After some experiments here is my conclusion:
I work with the FlyByWire A32NX mod, not the standard Asobo A320, and that seems to makes the difference. At least for the A32NX the information you get in the debug window is rather poor.

The video referred to a A320_NEO_INTERIOR.XML, so I looked for XML files for the A32NX.
I looked into my community folder -> A32NX. There is a folder ModelBehaviorDefs, and below another A32NX folder, therein a folder 'generated'.
( <CommunityFolder>\A32NX\ModelBehaviorDefs\A32NX\generated )
As described in my previuos post I looked for a control for the radio.
In the File A32NX_Interior_RMP.xml there is an entry
and with the things I learned from the video and similar entries in the events.txt I deduced a new line for the events.txt (or events.user.txt):

I think, these XML files are a good ressource to look at to get informations on events for the non-standard planes like the A32NX mod.

I hope, this is helpful for others, regards, Frank
2021-03-08 17:00
Posts: 6
Hello good day

I am using the beta version and have discovered some errors from the event file:

Autobreak: 0 is all off, 1 is on LOW, 2 is on MED and 3 is on MAX.
Terrain: for it to work you have to remove what is behind in parentheses
same think for ILS event and only work fine "PDF" line.

I have not been able to know how the LOC and APPR button works.... Please help.
2021-03-15 08:46
Posts: 4
Hello buvilla,

first I have to update my version info: I use the beta, but only the WASM together with the X-Touch-Mini-FS2020 and the Behringer X-touch mini. I do not use the Mobiflight program itself.

The events.txt has some errors I think. It contains the two lines

The expression on the left side A320NX... is the name of the event, the expression on the right after the >L:A320... is the name of the variable.
The variable is defined in the plane model (!). And here it is A32NX_AUTOPILOT_LOC_MODE (no 0 after A32) -> that is the error
The event can be whatever you like, it is defined in events.txt, I did not like the ON_RELEASE an ON_PRESS, I changed it to OFF/ON
So I changed the two lines in the events.txt to

So in the X-Touch-Mini-FS2020 I use
"index": 17,
"event_press": { "event": "MobiFlight.A32NX_AUTOPILOT_LOC_MODE_ON", "type": "manual", "value": 1 }
"index": 18,
"event_press": { "event": "MobiFlight.A32NX_AUTOPILOT_LOC_MODE_OFF", "type": "manual", "value": 1 }

and that switches the LOC button on on and off.
Similar thing to

I hope, this helps, Frank
2021-03-15 22:44
Posts: 6
Thanks a lot FraSieSim

Work fine now.:lol:

Would you know how to operate the batteries and the fuel pumps?

and if possible how to operate the switches of the motors ...

Thanks again
2021-03-16 22:53
Posts: 6

2021-03-20 17:23