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Posts: 1
Hi I hope evrybody is in good health

I am very new to trying to control the FS2020 with external hardware.

I am trying to use MobiFlight and I have been able to do some small things.

I create a button (increase) and another to decrease (in the future it will bean encoder) and I can change the altitude showned in FCU Panel allright but as soon as I change the value the AutoPilot will start to increase or decrease the altitude of the plane what is not supose to do. It would only do that if we Pull the ALT KNOB.

I compare the events of changing the Altitude with the mouse and pressing the hardware button and they seem the same but the result is different.

I had created anothe button to simulate the PULL OF THE ALT KNOB and it works.

I am a little desesperate.

I am sending the 2 cases with the mouse: No change of altitude till I pull the Knob

17813687 9892 *** Event from SimC EV: Cntrl= 66124 (0x0001024c), Param= 3000 (0x00000bb8) AP_ALT_VAR_SET_ENGLISH (CalibOnly=0)
17813687 9892 *** Intercepted EVENT (from dispatch): Cntrl= 66124 (0x0001024c), Param= 3000 (0x00000bb8) AP_ALT_VAR_SET_ENGLISH
17813687 9892 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66124 (0x0001024c), Param= 3000 (0x00000bb8) AP_ALT_VAR_SET_ENGLISH

With the hardware button: Imediatly starts change the plane altitude

18137062 9892 Transmitting "AP_ALT_VAR_SET_ENGLISH" 66124 [0x1024C], Param 5000, Priority 1 (Axes flag = 0)
18137062 9892 *** Event from SimC EV: Cntrl= 66124 (0x0001024c), Param= 5000 (0x00001388) AP_ALT_VAR_SET_ENGLISH (CalibOnly=0)
18137062 9892 *** Intercepted EVENT (from dispatch): Cntrl= 66124 (0x0001024c), Param= 5000 (0x00001388) AP_ALT_VAR_SET_ENGLISH
18137062 9892 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66124 (0x0001024c), Param= 5000 (0x00001388) AP_ALT_VAR_SET_ENGLISH
18137093 9892 *** Event from SimC EV: Cntrl= 68067 (0x000109e3), Param= 1 (0x00000001) ALTITUDE_SLOT_INDEX_SET (CalibOnly=0)
18137093 9892 *** Intercepted EVENT (from dispatch): Cntrl= 68067 (0x000109e3), Param= 1 (0x00000001) ALTITUDE_SLOT_INDEX_SET
18137093 9892 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 68067 (0x000109e3), Param= 1 (0x00000001) ALTITUD

Any help woul be greatly apreciated_SLOT_INDEX_SET

2021-02-08 00:20