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Posts: 18
I have built an arduino AP panel with Mobiflight. It consists of:

- 4 7segment displays for Altitude, IAS, HDG, course and VSpeed. All have been configured and work well.
- 5 rotary enconders to control both 5 items. All have been configured and work well.
- The following buttons and leds to iluminate when on:
- Toggle HDG nav mode in AP. Works.
- Toggle AP on/off. Works.
- Toggle Vspeed mode of climb. Works
- Toggle FD. Works.
- Toggle Alt-hold mode. Works.
- Toggle LNAV nav mode. Works.
- Toggle Yaw Damper. Works.

But I have the following issues with the following buttons/leds:

- Toggle FLC (Flight level change). I haven't found a way to read the status of that mode. I have found the event id that triggers when I activate/deactivate the button, and so I have been able to asing to one of the arduino button. But I haven't found the offset to read the status, so I have workaround it by asigning the event id that triggers the toggle to the button, and also I have asigning a write on an unused FSUIPC offset, so that it put the offset to 1 if is 0, and to 0 otherwise. Then, the led reads the value of that offset to iluminate or not. But because of that, if I press the FLC button in sim, it stops working. The way to avoid it would be to find the correct offset to read the status of FLC. Any idea?
- AT/ARM. I haven't found the way to assing a button press to toggle AT/ARM, neither the way to read the value of AT/ARM to light a led when on.
- VNAV mode, LOC mode. I haven't found the offset or eventid to activate those modes, neither a way to read the current status to light a led. In fact, when I press VNAV in the Cessna 172, no event appears in FSUIPC console.

Do you know how can I make work all these things?
2020-12-20 21:13
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

Maybe other users here can directly support you if there eist already a solution.....
In case i not use FS2020 till now ( I hate Beta progress) i can´t give you 100% Support.

So my hint to you is pretty simple.....

Most of the "new" Stuff in FS2020 is not already included in the "beta" FSUIPC Version 7 we currently can download.
Means.... Most of the "old" Content that was already implement in P3D is working.... But things like FLCH ( Flightlevel Change) that NOT exisist in prior Verions simply can not be readout.... Cause it simply have no offset yet ( Not exisit in the past and not already include in the Beta).

So the Only thing you can do......

1. Wait and check all new FSUIPC Beta Releases ( Read the Offsetmapping XLS File)..... If the function get implement there is written a Offset and you can use it.
2. Build improvisional Solutions.... Like you said.... A Custom Offset with a Toggle Logic can work fine.... But sure. Without a real Offset we can NOT Sync it. So it work fine until you disable the funtion with the mouse or it get disabled by the Aircraft itself. Here the Offset is just a "stupid" dummy.

Sorry to say this.... But Mobiflight is fully ready for FS2020. It´s not our fault that FSUIPC and FS2020 is not finished yet.
Good Luck !
2020-12-21 19:54
Posts: 18
Thanks for your answer. I am not telling you are guilty :-)

VNAV is not implemented, that is for sure. When I press the VNAV button with mouse, it doesn't generate an FSUIPC event, so it is not implemented. I will try to see if there is a chance of assing a key to that button in sim, and if so, I would assing a press key input for that button in Mobiflight, and by means of a free offset implement the led.

But regarding to FLC... Are you saying that in FSX and Prepar3D there was no FLC mode? I don't know those products, but I used FS2004 and PMDG 737 and I am pretty sure that there was a Flight level change AP button that worked. The FSUIPC xls shows this offset for FLC 0x0B49, and when I select the flc button in simulator, a led is lightened when set to read that offset. But I cannot write it. The courious thing is that there is an event id that appears when I press the button in sim: 66037. Description of event reads 'AP_SPD_VAR_SET'. I assing a button in mobiflight to that event, and when I press the button, the fsuipc console throws that event, but the status in sim doesn't change. I cannot explain why a 66037 event generated from the sim changes the value of the 0x0B49 offset, but the same event from the arduino doesn't.

It will be a matter of waiting for everything to be implemented.
2020-12-21 21:45
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Now we talk about maaaaaany different things.

1. Key Presses Idea.

this will badly also not work.
The Guys from Microsoft/Asobo had the great Idea to change the Keypress Input Logic. So FS2020 not recive Simulated Keypresses From Mobiflight ( Instead of FS2004,FSX,P3Dv4, P3Dv5 and Xplane they do all the years) . So badly a.t.m. you can also NOT send Keypresses to FS2020 via Mobiflight.
The only alternate now is using VJOY Software..... ( A Programm that emulate a virtual Joystick) . Mobiflight then send a command to VJOY..... This emulate a virtual Joystick Button Press and the Sim detect it and execute the action you define for this Joystick Button !
AGAIN..... Not perfect but the only way at the moment.

A Alternate is to try the newest MF Beta Version. There Sebatian handle with Simconnect Inputs to solve the missing Events for the moment. BUT This is experimental. Try it but not be angry if all is not fully stable.

About FLCH in the past....
SURE.... In a PMDG there was available.... Cause it´s a AddOn. But i´m pretty sure in the "Stock Aircrafts" like the poor B737 of FSX or the GA Aircrafts in P3D there was missing.
Always note.... FSUIPC Offsets ( From the Basic List) are ONLY for Stock Aircrafts..... AddOns got here "own" Events and Offsets. We not talk about this here.

About the Offsets and Events.
Offset 0B49 not exist in P3D ! So it´s new.
EventID 66037 was in P3D ( and maybe also in Fs2020) just the SET Event for the AP Speed.
If you set FLCH ( out of VNAV) the Speed Display get filled with the current FMC Speed (you like to hold while the descent or climb)
So it´s logical that "internal" the system will send a Value to this Event.
If you try to use that Event the only you can expect is to SET the AP Speed to the value you sue as parameter..... But sure you will not change the LVCH System with it !
Good Luck !
2020-12-21 22:13
Posts: 18
Thanks again,

I have tried to search Microsoft simconnect events in beta version, but I haven't been able to found the one that I need for FLC. And regarding this, let's clarify. When I say FLC, I mean the FLC button in Cessna 172 G1000. You set the altitude target, and press FLC button. That button sends the event id told before, and put the offset told to 1. From then on, you can select the airspeed you want to climb, so the AP sets the vspeed neccesary to climb to the target altitude keeping the selected airspeed. The courious thing is that I have a button in my panel that sends the same EventID to FSUIPC, but, instead of activate the FLC mode that the plane button activate when sends that event, it does nothing.

I will try to search more deeply in the MSFS2020 events in the beta version.

Thank you very much.
2020-12-21 22:31
From: Salerno, Italy
Posts: 88
Hi, what do you mean with VNAV ? In a320 there isn't a VNAV.

We have ALT (Managed and Selected), HDG (Managed and Selected).

For HDG (LNAV) you have to use HEADING_BUG_SET (Set heading hold reference bug)

For ALT (VNAV) you have to try this event
- AP_ALT_HOLD (set Managed)
- AP_PANEL_ALTITUDE_HOLD (Toggle Managed/Selected)
- AP_ALT_HOLD_ON (Turns altitude hold mode on)
- AP_ALT_HOLD_OFF (Turns off altitude hold mode)
- AP_PANEL_ALTITUDE_SET (Sets altitude hold mode on/off (1,0))

For ATHR do you tried AUTO_THROTTLE_ARM ?

Or you can use fsuipc offsets
2020-12-22 11:01
Posts: 18
By VNAV, I mean the VNAV button that appears in Cessna 172 G1000 and other planes.

I also have seen VNAV button in PMDG 737.

VNAV is 'vertical navigation', the same way LNAV is lateral navigation. The LNAV is related to HDG: you can choose to manage horizontal navigation by selecting HDG or by selecting FMC data (LNAV). The same way, regarding vertical navigation, it can be managed in several ways: set a target altitude and select Vertical speed mode, which will climb or descend to the target at selected rate of climb or descent (VSPEED); set a target altitude and select Flight level change mode which will climb or descent to the targer at selected air speed; or by VNAV mode, which will use the data in FMC flight plan.
2020-12-22 13:21
From: Salerno, Italy
Posts: 88

By VNAV, I mean the VNAV button that appears in Cessna 172 G1000 and other planes.

I also have seen VNAV button in PMDG 737.

VNAV is 'vertical navigation', the same way LNAV is lateral navigation. The LNAV is related to HDG: you can choose to manage horizontal navigation by selecting HDG or by selecting FMC data (LNAV). The same way, regarding vertical navigation, it can be managed in several ways: set a target altitude and select Vertical speed mode, which will climb or descend to the target at selected rate of climb or descent (VSPEED); set a target altitude and select Flight level change mode which will climb or descent to the targer at selected air speed; or by VNAV mode, which will use the data in FMC flight plan.

Yes i undestud this, but i think you can't use a generic AP panel for all aircrafts because each acft have their event.
So , for the A320Neo there's ALT selector and HDG selector.
2020-12-22 14:32
Posts: 18
Of course I can use a generic panel to drive different planes. The only thing I have to do is set a different configuration file for each plane, and load the correct one. By now, I have started with Cessna 172 G1000, because two reasons: it is the one I most use, and it is the simplest. When PMDG arrives, I will set another configuration for it. I am not interested in default A320, because it has many bugs in autopilot.
2020-12-22 16:34
From: Salerno, Italy
Posts: 88

I am not interested in default A320, because it has many bugs in autopilot.

You can use A320NX mod, it's perfect.
2020-12-22 16:53
Posts: 18
Vjoy did the trick. A temporary solution while MSFS and FSUIPC reach a retail version.
2020-12-22 22:16
Posts: 1
Can the new Web Assembly Module help expose the GFC 700 autopilot buttons of the default C172SP? It does a great job with the softkeys and FMS and even exposes KAP140 autopilot buttons (which unfortunately doesn’t have an FLC function, even in real life).

It would seem easy to expand the module. Any chance its source code could be posted?
[Last edited by mar1r, 2021-01-03 05:46]
2021-01-03 01:31
Posts: 19
Dis you find any solution for VNAV output? I'm looking for a solution to light on a LED when the VNAV button is ON on G1000 AP equiped planes...
2021-04-14 22:24
Posts: 13
HI fjgaspar,
Hi asessa

I am building C172 homecokpit with FS2020. I use the screen G1000 that I move on second screen of my computer. I manage G1000 with homecokpit buttons and encoders. COM1 /2 , NAV 1/2, encoder ALT work well but i meet difficulties with VS and Nose up and Down. Can you share the configuration of your button AP , VS and nose up down.

2022-05-25 16:25