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From: Lelystad EHLE, Netherlands
Posts: 3
I understand that currently the simconnect and therefore FSUIPC is not working fully on 2020. Pete explained this i multiple forums that the beta is a beta for FSUIPC.

My question is can i start working on a radio stack for the Cesnna that will be made for FS2020 but i would like to start now. Do we have a possibility to see of the inputs outputs work on the system with out a fs running?

Second question how many 7segment LED TUBES can you run on a MEGA. In other words can you run a radio stack, 2xCOM 2xNAV ATC and Autopilot or would you need 2 MEGA's


Building the Cessna 172 with FS2020 after having had a 737 for 10 years
2020-08-28 20:39
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Hi Mike.
Welcome to Mobiflight.

At first the more easy question 2.....

You can run a maximum of 32 Max7219 tubes on one Mega ( 4 Devices and each device can be a chain up to 8 Chips with 8 Diggits each )
So 4 Devices..... Each 1-8 Chips ..... Each Chip 1-8 Diggits.... So a maximum of 4*8*8 = 256 diggits.
Finaly the number of Megas is not limmited ( technical 128 by Windows for one Computer but we can use 10 Clients if we need. ) you can run e.g. 320 Tubes and 2560 Diggits with 10 Megas or hardly 6.400 Tubes with 51.200 Digits on 200 Megas.

About the testing.
You can build configs also without the Sim itself. But sure you can not test them.
In case we not know how FSUIPC will look like finaly (release version) it is difficult to build a config without knowing what offset is used in the final version.
But its just logical FSUIPC will try to work same way like before to be comfortable to there users.

So if you like to startup today the best way is to build the config with FSUIPC6 and the old P3D simulator ( or fsx). I will say 90% of the functions get simular in FS2020. The other 10% can be reworked pretty easy.
But the most proftable way is to wait simply 3-6 Months until all is finished and you know what is coming finaly.
Good Luck !
2020-08-29 01:07
From: EDSH, Germany
Posts: 1516
I really like the idea of an offline test mode without a running sim required. For inputs you can achieve this with the OFFLINE mode to a certain extend, e.g. using keystrokes. For outputs you can only use the TEST Mode but you cannot change the values.

I will give it some thoughts.
Have a great day!

MobiFlight - Simply build your own home cockpit for your favorite flight sim - MSFS2020, FSX, Prepar3D (FSUIPC), X-Plane (XPUIPC)
2020-08-30 08:58
From: Lelystad EHLE, Netherlands
Posts: 3
Thanks for the reply guys, I only need to make a radio pack for the Cessna so enough tubes :thumbup: As for MSFS2020, i agree most things will need some time, but building the units also need time. Buttons and switches are easy the encoders and LED tubes are a bit more scary but having you guys will help.

Building the Cessna 172 with FS2020 after having had a 737 for 10 years
2020-08-30 20:47
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

For outputs you can only use the TEST Mode but you cannot change the values.

Yeah... :P I cheat the system in a way the programmer not think about...... :thumbup:

Your information is not fully correct. You CAN use outputs without a sim connection already and test Systems..... But sure in a not verry profitable way.

If you use the "Offline Mode" then Mobiflight is forced to run whatever it have no connection to FSUIPC.
So sure.... Without read the FSUIPC Data it can not handle a Output in case it can not read Data from Offset xyz.
BUT The Offline Mode result that Mobiflight will Run the Outputs, too.
If you use in the Transform line of a Output e.g. "1" then this Output is "1" ( whatever it never read it from FSUIPC)

So..... Whatever unpracticable.... You can Run also Outputs without the Sim connected.... And you can change the Output Data by rewrite the transform lines !
Good Luck !
2020-08-31 12:14