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A HUGE Thank You to everyone who participated in the forum, especially obviously to Pizman and Stephan who did an outstanding job over so many years providing an incredible service to the MobiFlight community.

The forum is still providing a lot of good content, hence we keep this information accessible.

Posts: 28
I'm in the study/buying phase for a good A320 add-on for FSX (and maybe later on FS2020), and then start building my DIY cockpit. Now I do a lot of reading stuff. Probably will buy an Arduino starter kit, download MobiFlight ans start experimenting to get the grips on the technology.

One question about MobiFlight. Looking at the GUI screenshots in the tutorials, it works with FSUIPC offsets, so I assume it makes use of FSUIPC? So if I'm correct, this is the setup, right?
Arduino -> MobiFlight -> FSUIPC -> SimConnect -> Simulator

But why is the extra layer of FSUIPC, which feels like an extra complexity/latency to me? Why not directly interacting with SimConnect? I'm sure there is a good reason! That's why I am asking.
2020-08-27 17:40
Posts: 28
Nobody that can answer my question?
2020-08-29 08:03
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
I will say.... Cause it was the most easy way in that time when Sebastian programm Mobiflight.
For a 100% Awnser only Sebastian himself can tell you this.

In Simconnect he maybe have to create the interface himself.... So he need to define data areas.... List, presets and so on.
The Library to handle FSUIPC was maybe already existing so he copy paste it ( sorry for the bad word i know its much much more work) and it will run.

Same for future supoort. With SimConnect he maybe need to support new areas adresses etc if a new Aircraft like PMDG comes alive. With FSUIPC he can laydown and wait until Pete Dowson do this work for him.
Hardly.... Aslong FSUIPC will not change it´s basic system he not need to spent time into Mobiflight and it run already fine.

Best example FS2020.
For Sebastian it was just some minutes to implement a 10 line Code part and MF was be able to see FSUIPC7 in same way as FSUIPC 3,4,5,6 .
So he implement the "milestone Sim" without read any manual within minutes.... Just in case he use FSUIPC !

I Agree with you. FSUIPC is a stoneage technic and a not neeed "bypass". And also Sebastian looking forward to swap Mobiflight to Simconnect. BUT then it´s a thematic if we implement this "additional" OR if we build a "New Mobiflight" that no longer handle FSUIPC and is completly based on SimConnect. That means MCC Files are no longer compatible and all Configs must be created completly new in the whorst case.
I think a Dual System is maybe finaly verry untidy and unlogical. Interesting would be a optinal tool to convert a old MCC into the new "Simconnect Mobiflight" .... I don´t know !
Good Luck !
2020-08-30 01:55
From: EDSH, Germany
Posts: 1516
Pizman is right. MobiFlight started 8 years ago, originally for Arcaze modules, not Arduinos. And back then, FSUIPC was well known for interfacing with the FlightSim and provided a library for C#.

Hindsight, I still think FSUIPC has some benefits like running macros and LUA scripts that SimConnect doesn't provide. FSUIPC provides actually a very simple interface via their offsets unlike SimConnect which is a little quirkier.

Eventually I would like to support SimConnect natively but at the moment there are other priorities as stories in the backlog.
Have a great day!

MobiFlight - Simply build your own home cockpit for your favorite flight sim - MSFS2020, FSX, Prepar3D (FSUIPC), X-Plane (XPUIPC)
2020-08-30 08:38
Posts: 28
Thanks for this detailed answer. In fact, I kind of expected this answer, which totally makes sense. But it's always good to understand the why's.

I just downloaded MobiFlight, have registered for FSUIPC, and ordered my Arduino Mega 2560 r3 starter kit:D Now reading the user manual, and I can start playing in FSX (will wait for FS2020 until there is a decent A320 - A320NX looks promising...).

2020-08-30 11:41
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Registring was optional.
Mobiflight run also well with a unregistred version.
A Reg FSUIPC is only need if you do advanced things like a professional Controlstand with brake Pedals and so on.
In your case ( if you already plan to swap to FS2020) the Money for the FSX FSUIPC Version could be saved.

About the A320.
There will be pretty sure good AddOns. I would at first think and test the FMGS Jeehell System.
This is freeware and maybe one of the best Airbus already ( for FSX) . And i think they will jump to FS2020 pretty sure.
For a B737 in the same quality you will pay 1000 US$ or more. Here these guys do a good job.

NOTE: That AddOn is a bit more difficult like a simple PMDG Aircraft..... But it is perfect to build high advanced cockpits with multiple Computers and Screens.
Good Luck !
2020-08-31 12:23
Posts: 28
@pizman82 You can consider my registration as a donation ;)

I'm not in a hurry to move to FS2020. For me it's more to do about the accurate simulation. The graphics are a nice to have of course, but not my priority.

I have currently running JeeHell A320, and am experimenting as much as I can. I used 2 computers, which gives me a total of 3 screens, which is just enough to be organized (one extra screen for the OVHD would be nice, but I haven't space on my desk anymore). Interaction with MobiFlight works great! Although, I'm just now trying to find how to control the parking brake. I find a lot of "Auto-Brake" offsets in the document provided by JeeHell (EN Offsets.pdf), but nothing about "Parking", "Park" nor "Prk" (tried several searches). Or does that mean that I have to use the "standard" Offsets/Events available in FSX in that case?
2020-09-06 11:51
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Yes i think so..... Most AddOns use some elements from the basic FSX System. Parking Brake is a good example here. Also most AddOns not have Offsets for there Radios and we must use the standard range.

About your "Donation". Just to prevent a missunderstanding. FSUIPC is not a part of Mobiflight and we not create this. Thats a programm from Pete/John Dowson. Mobifligh just work with this "interface" ( Like hundrets of other programms) .... But not more.
But sure.... Also a "donation" to the Dawson Boys is a good thing. If we use there Software we should pay a bit..... Whatever we could use the freeware, too.
Good Luck !
2020-09-06 15:41
Posts: 28
@pizman82 Hahahaha, I was confused on which forum I was chatting. I am on several forums now. Well, if feel like I have to donate something on MobiFlight as well now :P Great tools deserve some gratitude and support.
2020-09-06 21:08
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
To Confirm....

I not want to request you to make a donate to Mobiflight as well with my comment.
I just want to clearify to all users, that Mobiflight is NOT a Part of FSUIPC. So if you buy a Reg Version of FSUIPC you not support Mobiflight.

So If you like to donate... feel free to do ! ;) But please not feel forced to do this.
Good Luck !
2020-09-07 13:35
Posts: 28
To everybody reading this. I didn't feel obliged at all to make a donation for MobiFlight, and I did also know that you didn't require a registration for FSUIPC neither. Let's this be clear, and avoid all confusion indeed. The information related to this is also pretty clear on this forum, no doubt about that.

Thanks for being so clear @pizman82.
2020-09-07 20:45