MobiFlight Community Support

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The forum is still providing a lot of good content, hence we keep this information accessible.

Posts: 1

So, the problem is that in MF connector there is a yellow sign near FSUIPC status.
Reinstalling FSUIPC and Mobiflight, Using older versions do not solved the problem!
Running (as / not as) administrator doesn't help.

I tested arduino with 7-segment display and it works!

here is a log:

28.05.2020 16:24:14(313): Preventing entering EnergySaving Mode: KeepAlive!
28.05.2020 16:24:14(311): ExecutionManager.TestModeStop:Stopped test timer
28.05.2020 16:24:12(275): MobiflightModule.connect: Connected to Default at COM6 of Type MobiFlight Mega (DTR=>True)
28.05.2020 16:24:12(263): No updates necessary. Your version:, Latest version: 7.8.2
28.05.2020 16:24:11(880): Checking for updates
28.05.2020 16:24:11(848): MobiflightModule.disconnect: Disconnected MobiFlight Mega at COM6
28.05.2020 16:24:09(740): MobiflightModule.connect: Connected to Default at COM6 of Type Arduino Mega 2560 (DTR=>True)
28.05.2020 16:24:09(643): MainForm() : Logger initialized Info

Thank You So Much))
2020-05-28 15:46
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Correct FSUIPC for your SIM ???

Last week a user report a verry strange Bug..... His FSUIPC was not found if Mobiflight was installed in a folder called "Mobiflight" .
I don´t think so but you can try.... Rename the MF folder in for example "Mobiflighttest" and check if this solves the problem.
Good Luck !
2020-05-28 17:05