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05/03/2024 - This forum is read-only

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A HUGE Thank You to everyone who participated in the forum, especially obviously to Pizman and Stephan who did an outstanding job over so many years providing an incredible service to the MobiFlight community.

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From: Austria
Posts: 164
Hab mal eine Frage zu den neuen Updates. Kann Mobiflight schon mit FSUIPC6 kommunizieren und kann der P3D V5 mit FSUIPC 6 parallel zur Vorgängerinstallation installiert werden. Also P3D V4.5 mit FSUIPC5 und P3D V5 mit FSUIPC6 parallel betrieben werden?

2020-04-15 07:14
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
I still wait for that question since yesterday.

Simple awnser... TEST IT ! ( And report us your result)

In case V5 was working with Mobiflight same way like V4 i think also V6 should be work fine.
Mobiflight simpy check if a Process called FSUIPC is running..... And not care about what version is runing.
Whatever.... If it not work Sebastian can implement this within 1 Day pretty sure!

About Dual installation:
Technical no Problem.....
It will be NOT Possible to Run FSX and P3D same time in 2 instances (or P3dv4 and P3dv5) ...: Cause then MF will see TWO Fsuipc same time.
But if you use Sim A OR Sim B .... Only one at a time then it will pretty sure work fine !


On Pete Dowsons side is announced "Full release of FSUIPC 6 (incorporating the Server for WideFS 7), for use with Prepar3D 64-bit Versions 4 and 5 "

If this is correct then you can also use FSUIPC v6 for Both ( P3Dv4x or the new P3D v5x )
So i think in the future v5 get stoped and only v6 keep alive for P3D v4 or higher.
Make no sense to already use v5 if v6 also can handle the older P3D version.
Good Luck !
2020-04-15 19:23