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A HUGE Thank You to everyone who participated in the forum, especially obviously to Pizman and Stephan who did an outstanding job over so many years providing an incredible service to the MobiFlight community.
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is there a way to display the match number on the MCP Zibo because its only show "0"![]()
i use this dataref in Xpuic .cfg to show kts--->Dataref SPDK laminar/B738/autopilot/mcp_speed_dial_kts_mach int
Offset 0x6615 UINT16 1 r $SPDK
this one for mach----> Dataref SPMA sim/cockpit2/autopilot/airspeed_dial_kts_mach float
Offset 0x6666 UINT32 1 rw $SPMA
and this one to show the status mach 1/0---->Dataref MACH sim/cockpit2/autopilot/airspeed_is_mach int
Offset 0x6665 UINT8 1 r $MACH
in mobi value type "int" size in bytes "2" for this offset
IN MOBI transform put if($<0,$+65536,$)
IN Mbi comparaison put if current value =0 , set it to bar space x4, else set it to $
look at the "readme.txt " into the xjoymap directory
you need to instal python interface first.
Put this in your xpuipc.cfg folder
For the 7seg display
in mobi value type "int" size in bytes "2" for this offset
#MCP Heading Display
Dataref MCPHEADING laminar/B738/autopilot/mcp_hdg_dial int
Offset 0x6503 UINT16 1 r $MCPHEADING
I'm still looking for a solution to use mapped functions with xjoymap.
I am doing a test on the lower DU with an encoder.
Given that I solved it with Phyton correctly installed and the phytonscript that is correctly seen by xplane (so I exclude the problem)
From what I read about the xjoymap example file it is the syntax that is wrong. I am using this syntax which appears to be from xuipc (and works fine with other datarefs for both switches and annunciators).
On the xjoymap i have:
Command 0x6755 UINT8 1 1 xjoymap/main/mp_outbd_pfd _
0 0 xjoymap/main/mp_outbd_pfd
but from what i read the sintax will be a short of:
new_command= ??? (the value of offset?)
Can someone help me?
# ZIBO ENCODERS Dataref zHDGVAL laminar/B738/autopilot/mcp_hdg_dial float Offset 0x6575 FLOAT32 1 rw $zHDGVAL >zHDGVAL @ Dataref zALTVAL laminar/B738/autopilot/mcp_alt_dial float Offset 0x6585 FLOAT32 2 rw $zALTVAL >zALTVAL @ Dataref zSPEEDVAL laminar/B738/autopilot/mcp_speed_dial_kts_mach float Offset 0x6595 FLOAT32 1 rw $zSPEEDVAL >zSPEEDVAL @