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congratulation that works!
but sometime MF executes the same command twice "on press" "on release"
with or without debug mode it's the same.
i use that "on press" if($=1,0,1)
I use the precedent offset for the released command.
congratulation that works!
but sometime MF executes the same command twice "on press" "on release"
with or without debug mode it's the same.
i use that "on press" if($=1,0,1)
I use the precedent offset for the released command.
Congratulations mate.
I know, there is some glitches and issues. Did you assign a switch for sync? If you do that, it also solves some issues. I suggest momentary switch for that, because I use it like that. I did not try on-off switch, so i cannot comment about that. You should press it in the very beginning, before turning battery on.
I used the modified script to use it on the map mode rotary button and it works
I would like to try a script for the momentary buttons for the EFIS "wx / data / wpt / ...."
would you have an example to give me?
I used the modified script to use it on the map mode rotary button and it works
I would like to try a script for the momentary buttons for the EFIS "wx / data / wpt / ...."
would you have an example to give me?
Hey Banzai,
They already have commands for that, so that will be easy.
Be careful, I haven't tried these. But I assume that, you need to leave "On Release" tab empty and you should use if($=1, 0, 1). If it does not work, let me know. It is try-and-find thing.
I already try this, it works but only moves the buttons, but does not activate anything on the ND screen for "wxr, sta, wpt, arpt, data, pos, terr" the others works
there is a dataref to associate with the command but I don't know how to do it
I already try this, it works but only moves the buttons, but does not activate anything on the ND screen for "wxr, sta, wpt, arpt, data, pos, terr" the others works
there is a dataref to associate with the command but I don't know how to do it
I just tried and it works. I am sure you have done these, but in case you miss something, I will make a checklist:
-Copy and paste the commands I wrote before to xpuipcoffsets.cfg.
-Change AAAA offsets with available ones depending on your config and save it.
-In MF, assign a button to offset. "On Press" value is if($=1, 0, 1). "On Release", it should be "None".
-In X-Plane, always reload the datarefs before doing anything.
-Enjoy the buttons.
And be careful. I checked these buttons under following conditions:
-Aircraft is on APU. (I did not check if it works on battery.)
-IRS Mode Selectors are in NAV mode.
-FMC initial position and coordinates are entered.
here are some more commands and dataref to introduce in XPUIPC this time for the th MIP panel ZIBO 738
for the rotary multiposition switch i use the method of "Knemsiz" in the precedent post (a bit tedious but it works) ,working with xjoymap and Python interface
copy and paste!
have fun
I am trying to install the XJoyMap plugin and haveing ZERO success. The Installer asks for a location to install the plugin so I browse down to the plugin folder under Xplane and the select the path box is greyed out. I have only a "Make New Folder" or "cancel" selections available.
I tried to copy the contents of the XJoyMap download into a folder under plugins called XJoyMap. The copy worked but Xplane does not recognize XJoymap at startup.
Not sure what I am doing wrong, Help greatly appreciated.
After the Xplane update 11.51 do your offsets work? There was no problem in 11.33 but now the datarefs start with laminar/... cant write to a offset. There is no problem with the ones that start with sim/... Have you experienced such an error. Thx in advance.
is there a way to display the match number on the MCP Zibo because its only show "0"
i use this dataref in Xpuic .cfg to show kts--->Dataref SPDK laminar/B738/autopilot/mcp_speed_dial_kts_mach int
Offset 0x6615 UINT16 1 r $SPDK
this one for mach----> Dataref SPMA sim/cockpit2/autopilot/airspeed_dial_kts_mach float
Offset 0x6666 UINT32 1 rw $SPMA
and this one to show the status mach 1/0---->Dataref MACH sim/cockpit2/autopilot/airspeed_is_mach int
Offset 0x6665 UINT8 1 r $MACH