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From: France
Posts: 90
i share my config input for zibo 738
all switch / toggle / encoder working:rolleyes:
just ctrl_c and crtl_v in xpuipcoffset.cfg

#MCP A/T ARM toggle
Command 0x6520 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/autopilot/autothrottle_arm_toggle _
0 1 laminar/B738/autopilot/autothrottle_arm_toggle

# MCP N1 switch
Command 0x6521 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/autopilot/n1_press _
0 0 laminar/B738/autopilot/n1_press

#MCP SPEED switch
Command 0x6522 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/autopilot/speed_press _
0 0 laminar/B738/autopilot/speed_press

# MCP LVLCHG switch
Command 0x6523 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/autopilot/lvl_chg_press _
0 0 laminar/B738/autopilot/lvl_chg_press

#MCP HDGSEL switch
Command 0x6524 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/autopilot/hdg_sel_press _
0 0 laminar/B738/autopilot/hdg_sel_press

#MCP APP switch
Command 0x6525 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/autopilot/app_press _
0 0 laminar/B738/autopilot/app_press

#MCP ALTHLD switch
Command 0x6526 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/autopilot/alt_hld_press _
0 0 laminar/B738/autopilot/alt_hld_press

#MCP VORLOC switch
Command 0x6527 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/autopilot/vorloc_press _
0 0 laminar/B738/autopilot/vorloc_press

#MCP VS switch
Command 0x6528 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/autopilot/vs_press _
0 0 laminar/B738/autopilot/vs_press

#MCP CO switch
Command 0x6529 UINT8 1 1 laminar/B738/autopilot/change_over_press _

#MCP LNAV switch
Command 0x6530 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/autopilot/lnav_press _
0 0 laminar/B738/autopilot/lnav_press

#MCP VNAV switch
Command 0x6531 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/autopilot/vnav_press _
0 0 laminar/B738/autopilot/vnav_press

#MCP CMDA switch
Command 0x6532 UINT8 1 1 laminar/B738/autopilot/cmd_a_press _

#MCP CMDB switch
Command 0x6533 UINT8 1 1 laminar/B738/autopilot/cmd_b_press _

#MCP CWSA switch
Command 0x6534 UINT8 1 1 laminar/B738/autopilot/cws_a_press _

#MCP CWSB switch
Command 0x6535 UINT8 1 1 laminar/B738/autopilot/cws_b_press _

Command 0x6536 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/autopilot/alt_interv _
0 0 laminar/B738/autopilot/alt_interv

#MCP SPD INTV switch
Command 0x6537 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/autopilot/spd_interv _
0 0 laminar/B738/autopilot/spd_interv

# MCP FDCA toggle
Command 0x6538 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/autopilot/flight_director_toggle _
0 1 laminar/B738/autopilot/flight_director_toggle

# MCP FDFO toggle
Command 0x6539 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/autopilot/flight_director_fo_toggle _
0 1 laminar/B738/autopilot/flight_director_fo_toggle

Command 0x6540 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/autopilot/disconnect_toggle _
0 1 laminar/B738/autopilot/disconnect_toggle


in Mobiflight for switch and toggle / on press set value 0 _ on release set value 1

Command 0x6541 UINT8 1 1 laminar/B738/autopilot/altitude_up _
1 0 laminar/B738/autopilot/altitude_up
Command 0x6542 UINT8 1 1 laminar/B738/autopilot/altitude_dn _
1 0 laminar/B738/autopilot/altitude_dn

Command 0x6543 UINT8 1 1 sim/autopilot/airspeed_up _
1 0 sim/autopilot/airspeed_up
Command 0x6544 UINT8 1 1 sim/autopilot/airspeed_down _
1 0 sim/autopilot/airspeed_down

Command 0x6545 UINT8 1 1 laminar/B738/autopilot/heading_up _
1 0 laminar/B738/autopilot/heading_up
Command 0x6546 UINT8 1 1 laminar/B738/autopilot/heading_dn _
1 0 laminar/B738/autopilot/heading_dn

Command 0x6547 UINT8 1 1 sim/autopilot/vertical_speed_up _
1 0 sim/autopilot/vertical_speed_up
Command 0x6548 UINT8 1 1 sim/autopilot/vertical_speed_down _
1 0 sim/autopilot/vertical_speed_down

Command 0x6549 UINT8 1 1 laminar/B738/autopilot/course_pilot_up _
1 0 laminar/B738/autopilot/course_pilot_up
Command 0x6550 UINT8 1 1 laminar/B738/autopilot/course_pilot_dn _
1 0 laminar/B738/autopilot/course_pilot_dn

Command 0x6551 UINT8 1 1 laminar/B738/autopilot/course_copilot_up _
1 0 laminar/B738/autopilot/course_copilot_up
Command 0x6552 UINT8 1 1 laminar/B738/autopilot/course_copilot_dn _
1 0 laminar/B738/autopilot/course_copilot_dn


in Mobi set value if($=1,0,1)


reload datarefs in Menu Xplane/plugins/xpuipc/performance settings every time you start Xplane

the config for EFIS coming soon
[Last edited by Banzai, 2021-11-30 08:43]
2020-03-19 20:11
Posts: 14
Hey dude,

Thank you for sharing this. I want to ask you something: Whenever I start a new flight, I need to turn a toggle on-off then on again to make it working. Did you encounter such a problem?

In addition,after working with your codes, I enhanced it and using it. You can find it below as I think you will enjoy these:


Command 0x6553 UINT8 1 1 laminar/B738/rotary/eng2_start_flt _
0 0 laminar/B738/rotary/eng2_start_flt

Command 0x6554 UINT8 1 1 laminar/B738/rotary/eng2_start_cont _
0 0 laminar/B738/rotary/eng2_start_cont

Command 0x6555 UINT8 1 1 laminar/B738/rotary/eng2_start_off _
0 0 laminar/B738/rotary/eng2_start_off

Command 0x6556 UINT8 1 1 laminar/B738/rotary/eng2_start_grd _
0 0 laminar/B738/rotary/eng2_start_grd

Command 0x6557 UINT8 1 1 laminar/B738/rotary/eng1_start_flt _
0 0 laminar/B738/rotary/eng1_start_flt

Command 0x6558 UINT8 1 1 laminar/B738/rotary/eng1_start_cont _
0 0 laminar/B738/rotary/eng1_start_cont

Command 0x6559 UINT8 1 1 laminar/B738/rotary/eng1_start_off _
0 0 laminar/B738/rotary/eng1_start_off

Command 0x6560 UINT8 1 1 laminar/B738/rotary/eng1_start_grd _
0 0 laminar/B738/rotary/eng1_start_grd

Command 0x6561 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/yaw_dumper _
0 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/yaw_dumper

Command 0x6562 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/apu_gen1_up _
0 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/apu_gen1_up

Command 0x6563 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/apu_gen1_dn _
0 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/apu_gen1_dn

Command 0x6564 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/apu_gen2_up _
0 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/apu_gen2_up

Command 0x6565 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/apu_gen2_dn _
0 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/apu_gen2_dn

Command 0x6566 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/gen1_up _
0 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/gen1_up

Command 0x6567 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/gen1_dn _
0 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/gen1_dn

Command 0x6568 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/gen2_up _
0 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/gen2_up

Command 0x6569 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/gen2_dn _
0 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/gen2_dn

Command 0x6570 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/fuel_pump_lft1 _
0 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/fuel_pump_lft1

Command 0x6571 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/fuel_pump_lft2 _
0 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/fuel_pump_lft2

Command 0x6572 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/fuel_pump_ctr1 _
0 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/fuel_pump_ctr1

Command 0x6573 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/fuel_pump_ctr2 _
0 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/fuel_pump_ctr2

Command 0x6574 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/fuel_pump_rgt1 _
0 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/fuel_pump_rgt1

Command 0x6575 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/fuel_pump_rgt2 _
0 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/fuel_pump_rgt2

Command 0x6576 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/capt_probes_pos _
0 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/capt_probes_pos

Command 0x6577 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/fo_probes_pos _
0 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/fo_probes_pos

Command 0x6578 UINT8 1 1 laminar/B738/spring_toggle_switch/APU_start_pos_up _
0 0 laminar/B738/spring_toggle_switch/APU_start_pos_dn

Command 0x6579 UINT8 1 1 laminar/B738/spring_toggle_switch/APU_start_pos_dn _
0 0 laminar/B738/spring_toggle_switch/APU_start_pos_dn

Command 0x6580 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/hydro_pumps1 _
0 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/hydro_pumps1

Command 0x6581 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/hydro_pumps2 _
0 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/hydro_pumps2

Command 0x6582 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/electric_hydro_pumps1 _
0 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/electric_hydro_pumps1

Command 0x6583 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/electric_hydro_pumps2 _
0 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/electric_hydro_pumps2

Command 0x6584 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/bleed_air_1 _
0 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/bleed_air_1

Command 0x6585 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/bleed_air_2 _
0 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/bleed_air_2

Command 0x6586 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/bleed_air_apu _
0 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/bleed_air_apu

Command 0x6587 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/l_pack_dn _
1 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/l_pack_up

Command 0x6588 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/l_pack_dn _
1 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/l_pack_up

Command 0x6589 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/r_pack_dn _
1 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/r_pack_up

Command 0x6590 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/r_pack_dn _
1 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/r_pack_up

Command 0x6591 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/gpu_up _
0 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/gpu_up

Command 0x6592 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/gpu_dn _
0 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/gpu_dn

Command 0x6593 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/iso_valve_dn _
1 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/iso_valve_up

Command 0x6594 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/iso_valve_dn _
1 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/iso_valve_up

Command 0x6595 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/l_recirc_fan _
0 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/l_recirc_fan

Command 0x6596 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/r_recirc_fan _
0 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/r_recirc_fan

Command 0x6597 UINT8 1 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/eng_start_source_left _
0 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/eng_start_source_right

Command 0x6598 UINT8 1 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/eng_start_source_right _
0 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/eng_start_source_left

Command 0x6599 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/window_ovht_test_up _
0 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/window_ovht_test_up

Command 0x6600 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/window_ovht_test_dn _
0 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/window_ovht_test_dn

Command 0x6601 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/emer_exit_lights_dn _
1 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/emer_exit_lights_up

Command 0x6602 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/emer_exit_lights_dn _
1 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/emer_exit_lights_up

Command 0x6603 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/eng1_heat _
0 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/eng1_heat

Command 0x6604 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/eng2_heat _
0 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/eng2_heat

Command 0x6605 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/wing_heat _
0 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/wing_heat

Command 0x6606 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/window_heat_l_side _
0 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/window_heat_l_side

Command 0x6607 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/window_heat_l_fwd _
0 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/window_heat_l_fwd

Command 0x6608 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/window_heat_r_side _
0 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/window_heat_r_side

Command 0x6609 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/window_heat_r_fwd _
0 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/window_heat_r_fwd

Command 0x6610 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/switch/land_lights_ret_left_dn _
1 1 laminar/B738/switch/land_lights_ret_left_up

Command 0x6611 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/switch/land_lights_ret_left_dn _
1 1 laminar/B738/switch/land_lights_ret_left_up

Command 0x6612 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/switch/land_lights_ret_right_dn _
1 1 laminar/B738/switch/land_lights_ret_right_up

Command 0x6613 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/switch/land_lights_ret_right_dn _
1 1 laminar/B738/switch/land_lights_ret_right_up

Command 0x6614 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/position_light_down _
1 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/position_light_up

Command 0x6615 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/position_light_down _
1 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/position_light_up

Command 0x6616 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/seatbelt_sign_dn _
1 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/seatbelt_sign_up

Command 0x6617 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/seatbelt_sign_dn _
1 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/seatbelt_sign_up

Command 0x6618 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/no_smoking_up _
0 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/no_smoking_dn

Command 0x6619 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/autopilot/ife_pass_seat_toggle _
0 1 laminar/B738/autopilot/ife_pass_seat_toggle

Command 0x6620 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/autopilot/cab_util_toggle _
0 1 laminar/B738/autopilot/cab_util_toggle

Command 0x6621 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/switch/rwy_light_left_on _
0 1 laminar/B738/switch/rwy_light_left_off

Command 0x6622 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/switch/rwy_light_right_on _
0 1 laminar/B738/switch/rwy_light_right_off

Command 0x6623 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/switch/logo_light_on _
0 1 laminar/B738/switch/logo_light_off

Command 0x6624 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/switch/wing_light_on _
0 1 laminar/B738/switch/wing_light_off

Command 0x6625 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/switch/wheel_light_on _
0 1 laminar/B738/switch/wheel_light_off

Command 0x6626 UINT8 1 0 sim/lights/beacon_lights_on _
0 1 sim/lights/beacon_lights_off

Command 0x6627 UINT8 1 0 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/taxi_light_brightness_off _
0 1 laminar/B738/toggle_switch/taxi_light_brightness_on

Command 0x6628 UINT8 1 1 laminar/B738/switch/battery_dn _
0 0 laminar/B738/switch/battery_up

Command 0x6629 UINT8 1 1 laminar/B738/knob/flt_alt_press_up _
1 0 laminar/B738/knob/flt_alt_press_up

Command 0x6630 UINT8 1 1 laminar/B738/knob/flt_alt_press_dn _
1 0 laminar/B738/knob/flt_alt_press_dn

Command 0x6631 UINT8 1 1 laminar/B738/knob/land_alt_press_up _
1 0 laminar/B738/knob/land_alt_press_up

Command 0x6632 UINT8 1 1 laminar/B738/knob/land_alt_press_dn _
1 0 laminar/B738/knob/land_alt_press_dn

Command 0x6633 UINT8 1 1 laminar/B738/switch/land_lights_left_on _
0 0 laminar/B738/switch/land_lights_left_off

Command 0x6634 UINT8 1 1 laminar/B738/switch/land_lights_right_on _
0 0 laminar/B738/switch/land_lights_right_off

Dataref yawdamperled laminar/B738/annunciator/yaw_damp int
Offset 0x6635 UINT8 1 rw $yawdamperled

Dataref lsidewdwon laminar/B738/annunciator/window_heat_l_side int
Offset 0x6636 UINT8 1 rw $lsidewdwon

Dataref aft1lowled laminar/B738/annunciator/low_fuel_press_l1 int
Offset 0x6637 UINT8 1 rw $aft1lowled

Dataref fwd2lowled laminar/B738/annunciator/low_fuel_press_r2 int
Offset 0x6638 UINT8 1 rw $fwd2lowled

Dataref lfwdwdwon laminar/B738/annunciator/window_heat_l_fwd int
Offset 0x6639 UINT8 1 rw $lfwdwdwon

Dataref rsidewdwon laminar/B738/annunciator/window_heat_r_side int
Offset 0x6640 UINT8 1 rw $rsidewdwon

Dataref rfwdwdwon laminar/B738/annunciator/window_heat_r_fwd int
Offset 0x6641 UINT8 1 rw $rfwdwdwon

Dataref aft2lowled laminar/B738/annunciator/low_fuel_press_r1 int
Offset 0x6642 UINT8 1 rw $aft2lowled

Dataref fwd1lowled laminar/B738/annunciator/low_fuel_press_l2 int
Offset 0x6643 UINT8 1 rw $fwd1lowled

Dataref captpitotoff laminar/B738/annunciator/capt_pitot_off int
Offset 0x6644 UINT8 1 rw $captpitotoff

Dataref fopitotoff laminar/B738/annunciator/fo_pitot_off int
Offset 0x6645 UINT8 1 rw $fopitotoff

Dataref lfwdwdwovht laminar/B738/annunciator/window_heat_ovht_lf int
Offset 0x6646 UINT8 1 rw $lfwdwdwovht

Dataref lsidewdwovht laminar/B738/annunciator/window_heat_ovht_ls int
Offset 0x6647 UINT8 1 rw $lsidewdwovht

Dataref rfwdwdwovht laminar/B738/annunciator/window_heat_ovht_rf int
Offset 0x6648 UINT8 1 rw $rfwdwdwovht

Dataref rsidewdwovht laminar/B738/annunciator/window_heat_ovht_rs int
Offset 0x6649 UINT8 1 rw $rsidewdwovht

Dataref cowlantiice1 laminar/B738/annunciator/cowl_ice_0 int
Offset 0x6650 UINT8 1 rw $cowlantiice1

Dataref cowlantiice2 laminar/B738/annunciator/cowl_ice_1 int
Offset 0x6651 UINT8 1 rw $cowlantiice2

Dataref cowlopenl laminar/B738/annunciator/cowl_ice_on_0 double
Offset 0x6552 UINT8 1 r $cowlopenl 2 *

Dataref cowlopenr laminar/B738/annunciator/cowl_ice_on_1 double
Offset 0x6553 UINT8 1 r $cowlopenr 2 *

Dataref lvalveopen laminar/B738/annunciator/wing_ice_on_L double
Offset 0x6654 UINT8 1 rw $lvalveopen 2 *

Dataref rvalveopen laminar/B738/annunciator/wing_ice_on_R double
Offset 0x6655 UINT8 1 rw $rvalveopen 2 *

Dataref faultled laminar/B738/annunciator/apu_fault int
Offset 0x6656 UINT8 1 rw $faultled

Dataref ctrllowled laminar/B738/annunciator/low_fuel_press_c1 int
Offset 0x6657 UINT8 1 rw $ctrllowled

Dataref ctrrlowled laminar/B738/annunciator/low_fuel_press_c2 int
Offset 0x6658 UINT8 1 rw $ctrrlowled

Dataref engvalveclosedl laminar/B738/annunciator/eng1_valve_closed double
Offset 0x6659 UINT8 1 rw $engvalveclosedl 2 *

Dataref engvalveclosedr laminar/B738/annunciator/eng2_valve_closed double
Offset 0x6660 UINT8 1 rw $engvalveclosedr 2 *

Dataref drive1 laminar/B738/annunciator/drive1 int
Offset 0x6661 UINT8 1 rw $drive1

Dataref drive2 laminar/B738/annunciator/drive2 int
Offset 0x6662 UINT8 1 rw $drive2

Dataref stbypwroff laminar/B738/annunciator/standby_pwr_off int
Offset 0x6663 UINT8 1 rw $stbypwroff

Dataref filterbypassl laminar/B738/annunciator/bypass_filter_1 int
Offset 0x6664 UINT8 1 rw $filterbypassl

Dataref filterbypassr laminar/B738/annunciator/bypass_filter_2 int
Offset 0x6665 UINT8 1 rw $filterbypassr

Dataref battdisc laminar/B738/annunciator/bat_discharge int
Offset 0x6666 UINT8 1 rw $battdisc

Dataref eng1hydlowp laminar/B738/annunciator/hyd_press_a int
Offset 0x6667 UINT8 1 rw $eng1hydlowp

Dataref eng2hydlowp laminar/B738/annunciator/hyd_press_b int
Offset 0x6668 UINT8 1 rw $eng2hydlowp

Dataref elec1hydlowp laminar/B738/annunciator/hyd_el_press_a int
Offset 0x6669 UINT8 1 rw $elec1hydlowp

Dataref elec2hydlowp laminar/B738/annunciator/hyd_el_press_b int
Offset 0x6670 UINT8 1 rw $elec2hydlowp

Dataref apugenoffbus laminar/B738/annunciator/apu_gen_off_bus int
Offset 0x6671 UINT8 1 rw $apugenoffbus

Dataref gen1offbus laminar/B738/annunciator/gen_off_bus1 int
Offset 0x6672 UINT8 1 rw $gen1offbus

Dataref gen2offbus laminar/B738/annunciator/gen_off_bus2 int
Offset 0x6673 UINT8 1 rw $gen2offbus

Dataref gen1srcoff laminar/B738/annunciator/source_off1 int
Offset 0x6674 UINT8 1 rw $gen1srcoff

Dataref gen2srcoff laminar/B738/annunciator/source_off2 int
Offset 0x6675 UINT8 1 rw $gen2srcoff

Dataref trn1busoff laminar/B738/annunciator/trans_bus_off1 int
Offset 0x6676 UINT8 1 rw $trn1busoff

Dataref trn2busoff laminar/B738/annunciator/trans_bus_off2 int
Offset 0x6677 UINT8 1 rw $trn2busoff

Dataref fwdentry laminar/B738/annunciator/fwd_entry int
Offset 0x6678 UINT8 1 rw $fwdentry

Dataref fwdloverwing laminar/B738/annunciator/left_fwd_overwing int
Offset 0x6679 UINT8 1 rw $fwdloverwing

Dataref aftloverwing laminar/B738/annunciator/left_aft_overwing int
Offset 0x6680 UINT8 1 rw $aftloverwing

Dataref aftentry laminar/B738/annunciator/aft_entry int
Offset 0x6681 UINT8 1 rw $aftentry

Dataref fwdservice laminar/B738/annunciator/fwd_service int
Offset 0x6682 UINT8 1 rw $fwdservice

Dataref fwdroverwing laminar/B738/annunciator/right_fwd_overwing int
Offset 0x6683 UINT8 1 rw $fwdroverwing

Dataref aftroverwing laminar/B738/annunciator/right_aft_overwing int
Offset 0x6684 UINT8 1 rw $aftroverwing

Dataref aftservice laminar/B738/annunciator/aft_service int
Offset 0x6685 UINT8 1 rw $aftservice

Dataref fwdcargo laminar/B738/annunciator/fwd_cargo int
Offset 0x6686 UINT8 1 rw $fwdcargo

Dataref aftcargo laminar/B738/annunciator/aft_cargo int
Offset 0x6687 UINT8 1 rw $aftcargo

Dataref equip laminar/B738/annunciator/equip_door int
Offset 0x6688 UINT8 1 rw $equip

Dataref bleedtripoff1 laminar/B738/annunciator/bleed_trip_1 int
Offset 0x6689 UINT8 1 rw $bleedtripoff1

Dataref bleedtripoff2 laminar/B738/annunciator/bleed_trip_2 int
Offset 0x6690 UINT8 1 rw $bleedtripoff2

Dataref gndpwravail laminar/B738/annunciator/ground_power_avail int
Offset 0x6691 UINT8 1 rw $gndpwravail

Dataref xfeedvalveopen laminar/B738/annunciator/crossfeed int
Offset 0x6692 UINT8 1 rw $xfeedvalveopen

Dataref notarmed laminar/B738/annunciator/emer_exit int
Offset 0x6693 UINT8 1 rw $notarmed

Dataref wingbodyovht1 laminar/B738/annunciator/wing_body_ovht_left int
Offset 0x6694 UINT8 1 rw $wingbodyovht1

Dataref dualbleed laminar/B738/annunciator/dual_bleed int
Offset 0x6695 UINT8 1 rw $dualbleed

Dataref hydaovht laminar/B738/annunciator/el_hyd_ovht_1 int
Offset 0x6696 UINT8 1 rw $hydaovht

Dataref hydbovht laminar/B738/annunciator/el_hyd_ovht_2 int
Offset 0x6697 UINT8 1 rw $hydbovht

Dataref stbyrudon laminar/B738/annunciator/std_rud_on int
Offset 0x6698 UINT8 1 rw $stbyrudon

Dataref offscheddesc laminar/B738/annunciator/off_sched_descent int
Offset 0x6699 UINT8 1 rw $offscheddesc

Dataref altn laminar/B738/annunciator/altn_press int
Offset 0x6700 UINT8 1 rw $altn

Dataref manual laminar/B738/annunciator/manual_press int
Offset 0x6701 UINT8 1 rw $manual

Dataref autofail laminar/B738/annunciator/autofail int
Offset 0x6702 UINT8 1 rw $autofail

Dataref autoslatfail laminar/B738/annunciator/auto_slat_fail int
Offset 0x6703 UINT8 1 rw $autoslatfail

Dataref lowoilled laminar/B738/annunciator/apu_low_oil int
Offset 0x6704 UINT8 1 rw $lowoilled

Dataref ramdoorl laminar/B738/annunciator/ram_door_open1 double
Offset 0x6705 UINT8 1 rw $ramdoorl 2 *

Dataref ramdoorr laminar/B738/annunciator/ram_door_open2 double
Offset 0x6706 UINT8 1 rw $ramdoorr 2 *

Dataref trunit laminar/B738/annunciator/tr_unit int
Offset 0x6707 UINT8 1 rw $trunit

Dataref elec laminar/B738/annunciator/elec int
Offset 0x6708 UINT8 1 rw $elec

Dataref land laminar/B738/pressurization/knobs/landing_alt float
Offset 0x6709 UINT32 1 rw $land

Dataref feeldiffpress laminar/B738/annunciator/feel_diff_press int
Offset 0x6710 UINT8 1 rw $feeldiffpress

Dataref sparvalveclosedl laminar/B738/annunciator/spar1_valve_closed double
Offset 0x6711 UINT8 1 rw $sparvalveclosedl 2 *

Dataref sparvalveclosedr laminar/B738/annunciator/spar2_valve_closed double
Offset 0x6712 UINT8 1 rw $sparvalveclosedr 2 *

Dataref spoileralowp laminar/B738/annunciator/hyd_A_rud int
Offset 0x6713 UINT8 1 rw $spoileralowp

Dataref spoilerblowp laminar/B738/annunciator/hyd_B_rud int
Offset 0x6714 UINT8 1 rw $spoilerblowp

Command 0x6715 UINT8 1 1 laminar/B738/button_switch_cover02 _
0 0 laminar/B738/push_button/batt_full_off

Dataref wingbodyovht2 laminar/B738/annunciator/wing_body_ovht_right int
Offset 0x6716 UINT8 1 rw $wingbodyovht2

Dataref packl laminar/B738/annunciator/pack_left int
Offset 0x6717 UINT8 1 rw $packl

Dataref packr laminar/B738/annunciator/pack_right int
Offset 0x6718 UINT8 1 rw $packr

Dataref flt sim/cockpit/pressure/max_allowable_altitude float
Offset 0x6719 UINT32 1 rw $flt

Command 0x6720 UINT8 1 1 laminar/B738/button_switch_cover09 _
0 0 laminar/B738/push_button/emer_exit_full_off

Dataref heading laminar/B738/autopilot/mcp_hdg_dial float
Offset 0x6721 UINT32 1 rw $heading

Command 0x6722 UINT8 1 1 sim/electrical/dc_volt_bat _
0 0 sim/electrical/dc_volt_bat

2020-03-24 16:30
From: France
Posts: 90
yes i have the same problem but i don't know what it comes from.
I have to move the button twice for the action to take place.:confused:
also i dont find the good config for the two rotary switch on the efis range map and select display
also some button does not work if I do not select the debug option in mobiflight but this option slows down the encoders
thanks for sharing-:thumbup:
2020-03-25 19:30
Posts: 14
Hey banzai,

I solved the twice issue with assigning a switch/button for random input with "On Press" Action Type: "Retrigger Switches". As soon as I start mobiflight and run it, I press that switch/button and it syncs everything.

For efis range, you can use "laminar/B738/EFIS_control/capt/map_range_dn" and "laminar/B738/EFIS_control/capt/map_range_dn".

Unfortunately, in X-Plane, these switches are configured like encoder. I hope they may changed it like starter switches. I encountered the same issue with AC-DC voltmeter selectors.
2020-03-25 21:43
From: France
Posts: 90
ok i test
you know how i can config the annunciators on EFIS EICAS like WXR,STA,WPT,ARPT ect...
just the inputs config are working !
when i push the button no led on the EICAS!!:confused:
2020-03-26 15:14
Posts: 14
Second one should be "laminar/B738/EFIS_control/capt/map_range_up". I just realized that i forgot to change.

For EICAS, it might be because of type. (FLOAT, DOUBLE etc.) I haven't started MCP, EFIS and EICAS yet. But if I were you, I would use another system which allows LED screen connection like SimVim. You can combine MobiFlight and SimVim until MobiFlight supports LED screens on X-Plane.

I hope Sebastian would forgive me for this. But this is only a solution suggestion. Otherwise, MobiFlight is still indispensable for me, because it is the only system which supports multi MEGA boards on X-Plane. In addition, I fly P3D and X-Plane both, so MobiFlight is the only one which supports both.
2020-03-26 16:38
Posts: 14
Hey Banzai,

I found a solution for my voltmeter knobs, it should apply to your range issue. Add the following code to your cfg file. Don't forget to change offset numbers depending on your config.

Dataref maprange laminar/B738/EFIS/capt/map_range int
Offset 0x6500 UINT8 1 r $maprange

Command 0x6501 UINT8 1 1 laminar/B738/EFIS_control/capt/map_range_up _
0 0 laminar/B738/EFIS_control/capt/map_range_dn

Open Mobiflight and add an output named "MAPRANGE". Do not assign any output hardware. Then create RANGE0, RANGE01 (1 from 0), RANGE12 (2 from 1), RANGE23 (3 from 2), RANGE34 (you already got it), RANGE45, RANGE56, RANGE7, RANGE76, RANGE65, RANGE54, RANGE43, RANGE32, RANGE21 inputs. I will explain two examples of them and you will figure out the rest.

RANGE0 input (This is end point like RANGE7, so only one config for these points is enough):

Precondition: Use type of "Config item" - Choose config "MAPRANGE" - If current value is = 1
Input: Action Type "FSUIPC Offset" - Offset "0x6501" - Set value "0"

RANGE01 and RANGE21 input (This position (1) is middle point like points except RANGE0 and RANGE7, so we need two separate input configs / I bolded differences, the rest is the same):

RANGE01- Precondition: Use type of "Config item" - Choose config "MAPRANGE" - If current value is =
Input: Action Type "FSUIPC Offset" - Offset "0x6501" - Set value "1"

RANGE2- Precondition: Use type of "Config item" - Choose config "MAPRANGE" - If current value is = 2
Input: Action Type "FSUIPC Offset" - Offset "0x6501" - Set value "0"

Edit: Banzai I think I found something, but it doesn't work as it should. I tried "if($=1,0,1)" instead of 1, it helped a bit, but still missing something. I hope this idea would be starting point and you can add something. :)
[Last edited by knemsiz, 2020-03-26 18:32]
2020-03-26 17:47
From: France
Posts: 90

i try but nothing work or i dont understand!:scared: what is value RANGE01 is it missing.
just the retrigger switch
2020-03-28 20:19
Posts: 14


i try but nothing work or i dont understand!:scared: what is value RANGE01 is it missing.
just the retrigger switch

Hey Banzai,

Forget about previous method. I had a new method for rotary knobs. It is a bit complicated, because you need to edit 4 different .cfg files. :)

First, you need to create new folder under B737-800X\plugins\xlua\scripts. You can give any name to it, I named it "mydr".

Then you need to open notepad and write

function MY738CDR_f_efis_range_pos_DRhandler () end
MY738CDR_f_efis_range_pos = create_dataref("mycc/B738/knob/f_efis_range_pos", "number", MY738CDR_f_efis_range_pos_DRhandler)

Save it as mydr.lua under mydr folder.

Secondly, you need to open a new notepad again and write

if PLANE_ICAO == "B738" then
dataref("MY738CDR_f_efis_range_pos", "mycc/B738/knob/f_efis_range_pos", "readonly")
dataref("org738_f_efis_range_pos", "laminar/B738/EFIS/capt/map_range", "readonly")

function ovh()
if MY738CDR_f_efis_range_pos < org738_f_efis_range_pos then
else if MY738CDR_f_efis_range_pos > org738_f_efis_range_pos then

You need to save this file as overhead.lua under C:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\FlyWithLua\Scripts.

Then you need to install xjoymap plugin and pythoninterface. Under C:\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\PythonScripts, there is xjoymap.ini file. You need to add following lines:

[EFIS Range 5]
values = 0
loop = false

[EFIS Range 10]
values = 1
loop = false

[EFIS Range 20]
values = 2
loop = false

[EFIS Range 40]
values = 3
loop = false

[EFIS Range 80]
values = 4
loop = false

[EFIS Range 160]
values = 5
loop = false

[EFIS Range 320]
values = 6
loop = false

[EFIS Range 640]
values = 7
loop = false

And the last one, you need to edit xpuipc.cfg file as follows: (Do not forget to change offset numbers with empty ones depending on your config)

Command 0x6500 UINT8 1 1 xjoymap/main/efis_range_5 _
0 0 xjoymap/main/efis_range_5

Command 0x6501 UINT8 1 1 xjoymap/main/efis_range_10 _
0 0 xjoymap/main/efis_range_10

Command 0x6502 UINT8 1 1 xjoymap/main/efis_range_20 _
0 0 xjoymap/main/efis_range_20

Command 0x6503 UINT8 1 1 xjoymap/main/efis_range_40 _
0 0 xjoymap/main/efis_range_40

Command 0x6504 UINT8 1 1 xjoymap/main/efis_range_80 _
0 0 xjoymap/main/efis_range_80

Command 0x6505 UINT8 1 1 xjoymap/main/efis_range_160 _
0 0 xjoymap/main/efis_range_160

Command 0x6506 UINT8 1 1 xjoymap/main/efis_range_320 _
0 0 xjoymap/main/efis_range_320

Command 0x6507 UINT8 1 1 xjoymap/main/efis_range_640 _
0 0 xjoymap/main/efis_range_640

After saving this, you are ready to go. As soon as you are in the cockpit, you need to do following:

You need to disable and then enable "PythonInterface" on Plugin Admin.
You need to reload datarefs via XPUIPC menu under plugins via Performance settings.

If you do these steps exactly, your efis map range switch will work.
2020-03-29 14:29
From: France
Posts: 90
hey knemsiz
i do it but that not working ,what?
this my log.txt

PythonInterface 2.73.06 (SDK 2.10) - Sandy Barbour 2005
PythonInterface.ini file found
Before Py_Initialize()
After Py_Initialize()
Python Version 2.7.10 (default, May 23 2015, 09:44:00) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] running on the win32 platform
Before Modules Init
Using path below for script path
J:/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/PythonScripts
After Modules Init
Searching for Standard Scripts
Script '' successfully loaded.
Module - XPLMDataAccess, Function - XPLMFindDataRef, Error = DataRef [mycc/B738/knob/f_efis_range_pos] not found, check that DataRef string is correct
Module - XPLMDataAccess, Function - XPLMFindDataRef, Error = DataRef [mycc/B738/knob/f_efis_range_pos] not found, check that DataRef string is correct
Module - XPLMDataAccess, Function - XPLMFindDataRef, Error = DataRef [mycc/B738/knob/f_efis_range_pos] not found, check that DataRef string is correct
Module - XPLMDataAccess, Function - XPLMFindDataRef, Error = DataRef [mycc/B738/knob/f_efis_range_pos] not found, check that DataRef string is correct
Module - XPLMDataAccess, Function - XPLMFindDataRef, Error = DataRef [mycc/B738/knob/f_efis_range_pos] not found, check that DataRef string is correct
Module - XPLMDataAccess, Function - XPLMFindDataRef, Error = DataRef [mycc/B738/knob/f_efis_range_pos] not found, check that DataRef string is correct
Module - XPLMDataAccess, Function - XPLMFindDataRef, Error = DataRef [mycc/B738/knob/f_efis_range_pos] not found, check that DataRef string is correct
Module - XPLMDataAccess, Function - XPLMFindDataRef, Error = DataRef [mycc/B738/knob/f_efis_range_pos] not found, check that DataRef string is correct
Module - XPLMDataAccess, Function - XPLMFindDataRef, Error = DataRef [mycc/B738/knob/f_efis_range_pos] not found, check that DataRef string is correct
Module - XPLMDataAccess, Function - XPLMFindDataRef, Error = DataRef [mycc/B738/knob/f_efis_range_pos] not found, check that DataRef string is correct
Module - XPLMDataAccess, Function - XPLMFindDataRef, Error = DataRef [mycc/B738/knob/f_efis_range_pos] not found, check that DataRef string is correct
Module - XPLMDataAccess, Function - XPLMFindDataRef, Error = DataRef [mycc/B738/knob/f_efis_range_pos] not found, check that DataRef string is correct
Module - XPLMDataAccess, Function - XPLMFindDataRef, Error = DataRef [mycc/B738/knob/f_efis_range_pos] not found, check that DataRef string is correct
Module - XPLMDataAccess, Function - XPLMFindDataRef, Error = DataRef [mycc/B738/knob/f_efis_range_pos] not found, check that DataRef string is correct
Module - XPLMDataAccess, Function - XPLMFindDataRef, Error = DataRef [mycc/B738/knob/f_efis_range_pos] not found, check that DataRef string is correct
Module - XPLMDataAccess, Function - XPLMFindDataRef, Error = DataRef [mycc/B738/knob/f_efis_range_pos] not found, check that DataRef string is correct
2020-03-30 18:50
Posts: 14

hey knemsiz
i do it but that not working ,what?
this my log.txt

PythonInterface 2.73.06 (SDK 2.10) - Sandy Barbour 2005
PythonInterface.ini file found
Before Py_Initialize()
After Py_Initialize()
Python Version 2.7.10 (default, May 23 2015, 09:44:00) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] running on the win32 platform
Before Modules Init
Using path below for script path
J:/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/PythonScripts
After Modules Init
Searching for Standard Scripts
Script '' successfully loaded.
Module - XPLMDataAccess, Function - XPLMFindDataRef, Error = DataRef [mycc/B738/knob/f_efis_range_pos] not found, check that DataRef string is correct
Module - XPLMDataAccess, Function - XPLMFindDataRef, Error = DataRef [mycc/B738/knob/f_efis_range_pos] not found, check that DataRef string is correct
Module - XPLMDataAccess, Function - XPLMFindDataRef, Error = DataRef [mycc/B738/knob/f_efis_range_pos] not found, check that DataRef string is correct
Module - XPLMDataAccess, Function - XPLMFindDataRef, Error = DataRef [mycc/B738/knob/f_efis_range_pos] not found, check that DataRef string is correct
Module - XPLMDataAccess, Function - XPLMFindDataRef, Error = DataRef [mycc/B738/knob/f_efis_range_pos] not found, check that DataRef string is correct
Module - XPLMDataAccess, Function - XPLMFindDataRef, Error = DataRef [mycc/B738/knob/f_efis_range_pos] not found, check that DataRef string is correct
Module - XPLMDataAccess, Function - XPLMFindDataRef, Error = DataRef [mycc/B738/knob/f_efis_range_pos] not found, check that DataRef string is correct
Module - XPLMDataAccess, Function - XPLMFindDataRef, Error = DataRef [mycc/B738/knob/f_efis_range_pos] not found, check that DataRef string is correct
Module - XPLMDataAccess, Function - XPLMFindDataRef, Error = DataRef [mycc/B738/knob/f_efis_range_pos] not found, check that DataRef string is correct
Module - XPLMDataAccess, Function - XPLMFindDataRef, Error = DataRef [mycc/B738/knob/f_efis_range_pos] not found, check that DataRef string is correct
Module - XPLMDataAccess, Function - XPLMFindDataRef, Error = DataRef [mycc/B738/knob/f_efis_range_pos] not found, check that DataRef string is correct
Module - XPLMDataAccess, Function - XPLMFindDataRef, Error = DataRef [mycc/B738/knob/f_efis_range_pos] not found, check that DataRef string is correct
Module - XPLMDataAccess, Function - XPLMFindDataRef, Error = DataRef [mycc/B738/knob/f_efis_range_pos] not found, check that DataRef string is correct
Module - XPLMDataAccess, Function - XPLMFindDataRef, Error = DataRef [mycc/B738/knob/f_efis_range_pos] not found, check that DataRef string is correct
Module - XPLMDataAccess, Function - XPLMFindDataRef, Error = DataRef [mycc/B738/knob/f_efis_range_pos] not found, check that DataRef string is correct
Module - XPLMDataAccess, Function - XPLMFindDataRef, Error = DataRef [mycc/B738/knob/f_efis_range_pos] not found, check that DataRef string is correct[/quote]

Hey Banzai,

The issue is you missed a step: It is very important. After initialization of everything, you need to open plugin manager and you need to disable python interface and re-enable it.

The reason behind that is phyton interface is loaded before everything, so before your custom datarefs. To prevent that, you need to disable phyton interface and re-enable it. As a result, it will be the last one loaded.

2020-03-30 19:19
From: France
Posts: 90
hey Knemsiz

I tried several times but always the same errors,
and also I have "lua stopped!" in top on the right of the screen,
I no longer what to do:confused:
2020-04-08 18:59
Posts: 14

hey Knemsiz

I tried several times but always the same errors,
and also I have "lua stopped!" in top on the right of the screen,
I no longer what to do:confused:

Hey Banzai,

Ooops lua stopped is new to me. If you want, I can connect via Teamviewer and check it.

2020-04-08 22:18
From: France
Posts: 90
I no longer have a "lua stopped!"
actually i had overhead.lua in quarantine script:sleep:
no more error in python either
but it does not work !
Do I have to enter something in mobiflight?
2020-04-09 19:06
Posts: 14
Hey Banzai,

Could you please check Lua logs. Because in the beginning, it quarantined my script too. It is because something wrong in the script. After correcting that, lua stopped quarantine my script. If you correct that (you will see the reason in the log), it won't quarantine and probably it will work.

Again, if you need a hand, I can help you via Teamviewer.

2020-04-10 17:55
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