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event.offset(offset, "type", "function-name")
ipc.log("\n\n") ipc.log("MobiFlight: Start") ipc.setowndisplay("MobiFlight Lua", 0, 60, 6, 1) function mfFunction(offset, value) ipc.display("MobiFlight " .. value) end event.offset(0x66C0, "UB", "mfFunction")
When realasing that long press he swaps freq.. I have set up the single press to swap freq, so i guess when i release the long press, he Thinks i wanna swap freq.
-- Example of making a single button give three separate uses: -- To keep things relatively simple, here we deal with one -- specific button (defined as joystick 1, button 0 below). -- But you could generalise this and have multple buttons, -- each with multiple actions -- The multiple use is obtained by a simple method: -- A short press and release (like a mouse click) -- A double short press and release (like a double click) -- A press held for longer (over half second) -- Just for a visible example which can be applied easily, -- here a single button is used to select left view, right -- and forward view, using FS controls. You could just as -- easily send keypresses or sequences of either. -- Single short press = left view (VIEW LEFT = 65680) -- Two short presses = right view (VIEW RIGHT = 65676) -- A longer press = frward view (VIEW FRWARD = 65674) joy = 1 btn = 0 interval = 500 -- 1/2 second press, gap, press limits -- Function to time the button being pressed or left released -- Allow only up to "interval" till decide no change local function timebutton(test) while true do time2 = ipc.elapsedtime() if (time2 - time1) > interval then return false end if ipc.testbutton(joy, btn) == test then time1 = time2 return true end ipc.sleep(20) end end function buttonpress(j, b, du) -- Cancel event so we don't get called again for double press event.cancel("buttonpress") -- Note time button was pressed time1 = ipc.elapsedtime() if timebutton(false) then -- First press / release counts: see if there's another if timebutton(true) then -- got another press in time, look for release if timebutton(false) then -- this was a double press, send VIEW RIGHT ipc.control(65676) end else -- This was a single press, send VIEW LEFT ipc.control(65680) end else -- This was a longer press, send VIEW FORWARD ipc.control(65674) end -- Restore cancelled event event.button(joy, btn, 1, "buttonpress") end -- Enable event on button being pressed (only) event.button(joy, btn, 1, "buttonpress")
joy = 20 btn = 5 interval = 500 -- 1/2 second press, gap, press limits ignorepress = false local function timebutton(test) ignorepress = true while true do time2 = ipc.elapsedtime() if (time2 - time1) > interval then ignorepress = false return false end if ipc.testbutton(joy, btn) == test then time1 = time2 return true end ipc.sleep(20) end end function buttonpress(j, b, du) if ignorepress then ignorepress = false return end -- ipc.log("buttonpress called " .. j .. " " .. b .. " " .. du) time1 = ipc.elapsedtime() time2 = 0 if timebutton(false) then -- First press / release counts: see if there's another if timebutton(true) then -- got another press in time, look for release if timebutton(false) then -- this was a double press, CS6 ipc.keypress(54,11) end else -- This was a single press, send CS7 ipc.keypress(55,11) ignorepress = false end else -- This was a single long press, send CS2 ipc.keypress(50,11) end end event.button(joy, btn, 1, "buttonpress")
I tried the offsets to run a Lua Script without success. Everything was prepared but I was not able to run a lua script e.g. by Name.
I understand the documentation like this:
send "LuaRun:MyLuaScript" to Offset 0x0D70