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A HUGE Thank You to everyone who participated in the forum, especially obviously to Pizman and Stephan who did an outstanding job over so many years providing an incredible service to the MobiFlight community.
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FPA mode. For vertical speed datapipe value i used ($*100)-100 left and ($*100)+100 for right. But when switch to FPA mode which just adjust 0.1 degree so both left/right value above did not work for FPA change.
OUTPUT Offset 73C7 Size 1 Byte
• V/S in (ft/mn)/100 or FPA in (degrees)*10
( HERE i think it´s a issue it must be V/S in ft-min MULTIPLY *100 Dividing is not posible cause value of 1 Byte is limited to 127 here .... THIS would explaine why your config with $*100 - 100 is working .....
• -127 when display dashed
• -126 if in LED Test mode
INPUT Offset 73CC Size 1 Byte
4 VS(format is VS in ft/min) / FPA (format is FPA*10)
Offset 7390 Size 1 Byte
Read bits to get LED status :
BIT 6 : HDG-VS mode if set to 0, TRK-FPA mode if set to 1
This is a verry big jump ! Lots of things have changed sinse then. So i can not directly tell you whats the exact problem.
The most significant changes for Encoders was the detent setting in 7.5.0 and also a patch that solve a bigger bug in this new logic 1 year behind.
Second there was a complete rework of the Input System to finaly solve the "Missing Events" Bug. Also this change Encoder Inputs a lot.
1. Get sure your Encoder is correct Set..... Please Open /settings/mobiflight Modules ...... Go the the Mega of the Encoder and go to the Encoder Entry.
Right of it there is now a new field for the detents..... Please choose here what kind you got ( 1:1 2:1 4:1 ) .... Note there are 2 Entrys for 1:1 test both !
Attention.... To get sure all is ok make like always a restart of MF and MEGA after you upload this new settings BEFORE you finaly test it.
2. After 7.5.3 Its needed to disable Logging Mode !!
Logging is now just for testing. You got massive delays if you use it active while fly.... In the past logging mode solve the missing Event Bug..... After the Patch this Bug is gone BUT now Logging mode is different. Get sure you DISABLE it !
Please report experience !
I have no Jeehell.... So i can not test.
In theory the config looks good.
If you like you can make a final test...... Target is like always to split between Software and hardware issues.
We like to find out if problem is the Encoder OR the Kind of Input via Datapipe.
Test 1: If you got another Encoder simply test this one.... Maybe the Encoder itself is buggy.
Test 2: Set for testing some Standard Functions to the Encoder.
For example on left and on right ue the EventIDs to change Com1 increase and decrease.
For the 2 Fasts you use something else.... For example NAV1 increase decrease.
Then you load a standard Aircraft and turn the encoder.
With this test you will see if Fast commands work correct or also inverted !