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From: EDSH, Germany
Posts: 1516
Hi Masterp,
can you explain a little bit more in detail what you want to achieve because I am not familiar with the FPA mode. Maybe preconditions could work for you but I am not sure since you have to explain it first to me :)
Have a great day!

MobiFlight - Simply build your own home cockpit for your favorite flight sim - MSFS2020, FSX, Prepar3D (FSUIPC), X-Plane (XPUIPC)
2017-06-07 04:42
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

I not do this already in case i not use Jeehell.
So i only can think about what you explane us in your posting....


FPA mode. For vertical speed datapipe value i used ($*100)-100 left and ($*100)+100 for right. But when switch to FPA mode which just adjust 0.1 degree so both left/right value above did not work for FPA change.

If i understand right the FPA Mode send it´s data simular on same Offset to a Output AND use the same DataPipe for the Input !

Look here....

OUTPUT Offset 73C7 Size 1 Byte
• V/S in (ft/mn)/100 or FPA in (degrees)*10
( HERE i think it´s a issue it must be V/S in ft-min MULTIPLY *100 Dividing is not posible cause value of 1 Byte is limited to 127 here .... THIS would explaine why your config with $*100 - 100 is working .....
• -127 when display dashed
• -126 if in LED Test mode
INPUT Offset 73CC Size 1 Byte
4 VS(format is VS in ft/min) / FPA (format is FPA*10)

Now i can´t test this but logic should be clear..... For VS your encoder must work with your explaned ($*100) +or -100
for FPA it MABY should be ($*10) + or - 1 (
(PLEASE Check out in your existing config WHAT is the correct Setting for FPA.... I Know then the FPA workes and the VS is not correct.... Just to find out how it workes before you make the final config !)

Finaly you need a split Config for This.

Via Precondition. (THIS should work 100%)

Use this Offset for Precondition

Offset 7390 Size 1 Byte
Read bits to get LED status :
BIT 6 : HDG-VS mode if set to 0, TRK-FPA mode if set to 1

Just create a Output Config with this BIT and NO Device ( Or use the LED Output Config if you already use this in your Cockpit, too.

Create 2 Input Configs for the used Encoder.... Both with same Device and same Data Pipe..... But the VS Config use Your ($*100) -100 /+ 100
the FPA Config use another logic... Maby ($*10) -1/+1 ( Use the Value you find out with testing before)
Now set on Both Configs a Precondition..... the VS Config Only work If LED or Readout Config from above is "0" the FPA only if this config is "1"

Hope this was all correct ( again i can´t test this and just think about) . Please Report when it work !
Good Luck !
2017-06-07 09:05
Posts: 55
I forgot to report that FPA works fine now just use 1 precondition config :)
Thanks guys
2017-07-05 06:48
Posts: 3
La solution de ($*100)-100 left and ($*100)+100 fonctionne très bien.
Mon problème c'est en valeur négative : V/S -100 et après sa repart a 8000 :confused: :confused:

Avez vous une solution SVP ?????

Good evening,
The solution of ($ * 100) -100 left and ($ * 100) +100 works very well.
My problem is in negative value: V / S -100 and after its restart to 8000: confused:: confused:

Do you have a solution please ?????
2018-10-28 17:59
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Thats a Signed/Unsigned Problem.... Check this Posting
Good Luck !
2018-10-28 21:51
Posts: 3
Super sa marche :thumbup: :thumbup:

2018-11-02 16:00
Posts: 5
Hello all,

I know, I reopen an old topic, but I'm in the middle of programming my FCU encoders in Mobiflight & Jeehell. I've read the whole thread but I couldnt locate what is the final actions in order to set the FCU values (spd, hdg, alt, v/s). I cannot undestand how treat both the relevant offsets 73CC & 73CD.
Could you please, someone who has already achieved that to share a complete process in detail?

Thank community in advance!

Best Regards,
Athens - Hellas
2019-09-24 11:44
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
I not read now the whole old topic but basicly we talk about some problems and the internal logic in the past.

Basicly the Mobiflight interface "should" work 100% fine here and the user not must handle the DataPipe Offsets himself.

Create a INPUT Config..... Choose as Input Typ " Jeehell Datapipe" .
In that Tab you can choose WHAT Input you like ( e.g. FCU Heading) and you can create a Parameter of your choise ( Like $+1)
So its finaly the same like a standard Offset Controll..... But Mobiflight will split your inputs and send it to the 2 Datapipe Offsets in correct sequence.

Overall i have no Jeehell in use and can´t test configs for you..... But if you show me a picture of Config or explane the exact problem we pretty sure can solve this together !
Good Luck !
2019-09-24 21:31
Posts: 55
Hi Sebastian and pizman82,

How are you?
After a very long time with 7.3.2...I have just updated to MF to 7.8.2, everything works great except 1 problem.

*** Speed, Heading, Altitude, V/S Datapipes. - Encorder on Fast.***
With the Right tune encoder on Fast, the value increase then decrease, it seems I need to rotate the encoder very very Fast to have the correct behavior.

So I would ask if any config have to be done with the new released of MF ? My apology if the question has been answered before. :P

Thank you very much.
2020-06-18 09:38
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

This is a verry big jump ! Lots of things have changed sinse then. So i can not directly tell you whats the exact problem.

The most significant changes for Encoders was the detent setting in 7.5.0 and also a patch that solve a bigger bug in this new logic 1 year behind.
Second there was a complete rework of the Input System to finaly solve the "Missing Events" Bug. Also this change Encoder Inputs a lot.


1. Get sure your Encoder is correct Set..... Please Open /settings/mobiflight Modules ...... Go the the Mega of the Encoder and go to the Encoder Entry.
Right of it there is now a new field for the detents..... Please choose here what kind you got ( 1:1 2:1 4:1 ) .... Note there are 2 Entrys for 1:1 test both !
Attention.... To get sure all is ok make like always a restart of MF and MEGA after you upload this new settings BEFORE you finaly test it.

2. After 7.5.3 Its needed to disable Logging Mode !!
Logging is now just for testing. You got massive delays if you use it active while fly.... In the past logging mode solve the missing Event Bug..... After the Patch this Bug is gone BUT now Logging mode is different. Get sure you DISABLE it !

Please report experience !
Good Luck !
2020-06-18 14:20
Posts: 55


This is a verry big jump ! Lots of things have changed sinse then. So i can not directly tell you whats the exact problem.

The most significant changes for Encoders was the detent setting in 7.5.0 and also a patch that solve a bigger bug in this new logic 1 year behind.
Second there was a complete rework of the Input System to finaly solve the "Missing Events" Bug. Also this change Encoder Inputs a lot.


1. Get sure your Encoder is correct Set..... Please Open /settings/mobiflight Modules ...... Go the the Mega of the Encoder and go to the Encoder Entry.
Right of it there is now a new field for the detents..... Please choose here what kind you got ( 1:1 2:1 4:1 ) .... Note there are 2 Entrys for 1:1 test both !
Attention.... To get sure all is ok make like always a restart of MF and MEGA after you upload this new settings BEFORE you finaly test it.

2. After 7.5.3 Its needed to disable Logging Mode !!
Logging is now just for testing. You got massive delays if you use it active while fly.... In the past logging mode solve the missing Event Bug..... After the Patch this Bug is gone BUT now Logging mode is different. Get sure you DISABLE it !

Please report experience !

Thanks pizman,

I have tried all the detents available in MF for my encoder. (KY-040 with CLK, DT, SW, + and GND). Restart MF and MEGA each changed.
The issue with Left (Fast) and Right (Fast) still randomly increase/decrease opposite the tuning.
Left/ Right action works fine.
I have never enabled Logging mode since 7.3.2.

Example for my Altitude which use Fast action to increase/decrease 2000 feet.

<description>FCU ALT DATAPIPE </description>
<settings msdata:InstanceType="MobiFlight.InputConfigItem, MFConnector, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" serial="FCU2/ SN-aaa-15c" name="alt rotary" type="Encoder" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata">
<onLeft type="JeehellInputAction" pipeId="3" value="$-1" />
<onLeftFast type="JeehellInputAction" pipeId="3" value="$-20" />
<onRight type="JeehellInputAction" pipeId="3" value="$+1" />
<onRightFast type="JeehellInputAction" pipeId="3" value="$+20" />
<preconditions />

I seem the correct (Fast) behavior required the correct and constant speed of rotating the encoder.
Tuning right the encoder too fast to increase the altitude+2000 make it go reverese to decrease -2000ft.
[Last edited by MASTERP, 2020-06-24 05:23]
2020-06-24 05:11
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
I have no Jeehell.... So i can not test.
In theory the config looks good.

If you like you can make a final test...... Target is like always to split between Software and hardware issues.
We like to find out if problem is the Encoder OR the Kind of Input via Datapipe.

Test 1: If you got another Encoder simply test this one.... Maybe the Encoder itself is buggy.

Test 2: Set for testing some Standard Functions to the Encoder.
For example on left and on right ue the EventIDs to change Com1 increase and decrease.
For the 2 Fasts you use something else.... For example NAV1 increase decrease.
Then you load a standard Aircraft and turn the encoder.

With this test you will see if Fast commands work correct or also inverted !
Good Luck !
2020-06-24 12:10
Posts: 55

I have no Jeehell.... So i can not test.
In theory the config looks good.

If you like you can make a final test...... Target is like always to split between Software and hardware issues.
We like to find out if problem is the Encoder OR the Kind of Input via Datapipe.

Test 1: If you got another Encoder simply test this one.... Maybe the Encoder itself is buggy.

Test 2: Set for testing some Standard Functions to the Encoder.
For example on left and on right ue the EventIDs to change Com1 increase and decrease.
For the 2 Fasts you use something else.... For example NAV1 increase decrease.
Then you load a standard Aircraft and turn the encoder.

With this test you will see if Fast commands work correct or also inverted !

Hi pizman82,

Until today I have a chance to test 2 options as you mentioned.
Test 1: all other encoder has the same impact.
Test 2: using the Fast action for the standard offset, (change NAV frequency) then it works well.

So I can assume the Datapipe for Jeehell cause the problem.
2020-09-14 08:20
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

But this not awnser the question finaly.....

If you set e.g. NAV for on Fast.... and you turn also "too fast" as you do in the other example.... Does it also send wrong direction commands random ?

If you can confirm 100% this wrong direction only happen with Jeehell ( so you test 100% same situation and turning speed) THEN we must rethink the config.
I basicly not understand why you use +20 ( +2000 ft) here. Thats way to much i think. +500 for on fast should be better and more logical!

So do this simple test.... May you find out at what value you get into trouble.

To confirm my idea.... You can also use just On Left and right without FAST commands..... But you use here the +20 Inputs. If my idea is right then the issue also ocure now with slower turning and the problem is basicly the big steps !
Good Luck !
2020-09-14 09:46
Posts: 55
Hi Pizman,

With the standard NAV assign with "Fast" action, even I turn the encoder fast or/ and very fast still receive the correct behaviour. no reserve turning. (increase continuously or decrease continuously)
So I just guess, there might be something has changed in Jeehell Datapipe since 7.3.2 which I did not see this reverse turning with Fast.?

Below is the datapipe offset from Jeehell document, may you help to check if it match with previous datapipe logic in Mobiflight ?

"** offset 73CC length (bytes) 1 Select data pipe function (see offset 73CD) :
0 None
1 SPD / Mach
4 VS(format is VS in ft/min) / FPA (format is FPA*10)
8 Cockpit TEMP
9 FWD Cabin TEMP
10 AFT cabin TEMP
11 FWD Cargo TEMP
12 AFT Cargo TEMP
13 Trim wheel Threshold degrees*100. Default is 100 (equals to 1° out of trim command)
14 XPDR squawk code

** Offset 73CD - Length (bytes) 2
Data Pipe. You can set data through this offset. Make sure that you select the type of data you want to send from offset 73CC. This two offsets should be written at the same time.
Data format is the same as used in read offsets, or raw data if not explicitly written in offset 73CC list."

The reason for +2000 feet altitude on fast, just because I really need fast changing the altitude, if +500 only will take long time to change from lets say 5000 feet to cruising level 35000 feet :P.

Thank you very much
[Last edited by MASTERP, 2020-09-14 12:17]
2020-09-14 11:44
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