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From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

Ok. Sorry that my hints doesn´t work.
When looking the example files of mobiflight, they shows same config like youres.
So i think the issue is in mobiflight (or in Jeehell if the programmers chnage something in actual version, that not allows mobiflight to work like before)

Interesting here would be the technic how these Datapipe work ( and how mobiflight work with this function)
You read out the Value of the Display with Offset 73C8... 2 Byte. That workes. So we don´t need think about.

In manual of Jehell i see INPUTS are done with 2 Offsets.... Offset 73CC "open" the Datapipe.... For Cpt QNH we need to write "5" to this offset for example.
Then we write the needed value in Offset 73CD 2 Byte.... and the Jeehell now send this Value to the System we decide one step before on 73CC.
( All this is done by Mobiflight automaticly )

For me interessting is the Question..... How do we got a Read Value, that we can use as "$" in that case ?? If we want to say for exemple "On Left $-1 " the value we want to change/write (Offset 73CD) need to be a Actual value of the Offset in this moment ! (OR Mobiflight define $ from another Point)

I can´t test this without Jeehell but in the old manual i got from jeehell i understand it, that this 73CD Offset contain NO Data.... So Mobiflight have to read the Output offset from 73C8 and use THIS for $ to calculate the needed $-1 value we want to send. (Hope this information is true already today.... again my Information are from 2013)

So wen need to wait for a statement of Sebastian !

Good Luck !

EDIT: Look again youre screenshots..... Is it a issue that youre Input Type of QNH Encoder is "Button" and not "Encoder" ???
Please check if you config on youre Arduino the Encoder as a 1 Pin Button by mistake ?
BUT This is strange.... You got On left and on Right in Menu... So it should be know as a encoder.
[Last edited by pizman82, 2017-01-20 23:07]
Good Luck !
2017-01-20 22:56
Posts: 25

Thanks Pizman for this last hint...and yes, Jeehell datapipe is supossed to work as you say. You need to open datapipe with one offset, and write/change it with another.

Tomorrow I will try to set that in a "manual mode" in mobiflight, creating an input button to open 73CC (So I think I must send value "5"), and at the same time, turn the encoder. Maybe it could work.

I´ll let you know guys if there is any change!
[Last edited by, 2017-01-21 06:11]
2017-01-21 03:55
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Dear Corco

I see youre advanced and you know what you do....

Make a test pls.

Create a Input config for a button ( If you got a button. if not you can use youre encoder too but a button looks better)
Set "On Push" Offset 73CC 1 Byte Write Value "5 " ( Or test additional 1 for speed, 2 for HDG 3 for ALT and so on )

Then create a Output config with NO device (Just for readout)
Offset 73CD 2 Byte INT

Now run Mobiflight and Jeehell and Push the Button.... This will open Data Pipe for the function of value you sent..... 5 for QNH for example.
WHAT is shown an Output 73CD after pushing button ??

If theres the Value of QNH then Jeeheel sent the actual Value to this Datapipe Offset and allow us to change it with $ Logic....
If it´s empty then its like suscribe in my manual from 2013 and Jeehell NOT handle the value itself.
So Mobiflight needs to use the Original Output ( 73C8 QNH for example) and define this for $ in this config for the moment.

If this is true, you can NOT build this by youreself. Mobiflight not allow us to use 2 Offsets in One Config.... You can´t say " Use Value of Offset A.... Add +1 and write it on Offset B"
This Function only can be done inside Mobiflight by Sebastian i think. ( Or by an self written Lua Code).

But stay cool. Mobiflight workes with jeehell all the time..... I´m shure theres only a little issue that can be fixed in next releases.

Good Luck !
Good Luck !
2017-01-21 13:15
Posts: 25
Test done!

But, as you say, I think I can not set manually to "open datapipe". When I push input button configured for offset 73CC (1byte), writing bit 1 (or others) nothing happens.

I have set an ouput for offset 73CD(2byte), the result has been:

1 - I I don´t touch anything, the FSUIPC value is "-32768".

2 - If I configure an input as Jeehell datapipe function, and try to write an ABSOLUTE value (for example: 1000 for QNH), 73CD output reads "-32768", but momentarily I see the "1000" value reading, This of course, works, and the qnh on EFIS changes perfectly:

21/01/2017 18:14:51: JeehellInputAction:Execute : Setting value 1000 for EventID: 5
21/01/2017 18:14:51: Executing OnLeft: QNH encoder@SN-302-b57

3 - If I configure the same input of the last point, but changing writing field to "$-1" or "$+1", nothing happens, it doesn´t execute the algorythm:

21/01/2017 18:16:21: Executing OnLeft: QNH encoder@SN-302-b57
21/01/2017 18:16:21: Executing OnLeft: QNH encoder@SN-302-b57
21/01/2017 18:16:20: Executing OnLeft: QNH encoder@SN-302-b57

Regarding point 2, this indicates that the datapipe opens in order to the value "1000" gets sent to FCU un aircraft, so datapipe functions is working.

It seems the problem is that the function doesn´t get the "$" value, or doesn´t know what to do with that.

Thanks anyway for all your hints to investigate this! I ´ll keep continue with brainstorming until Sebastian can help us!

Many thanks for this!
2017-01-21 18:03
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
This is all Brain Storming and "Fun" testing. Realy solving this can only Sebastian i think.....

Test done!

But, as you say, I think I can not set manually to "open datapipe". When I push input button configured for offset 73CC (1byte), writing bit 1 (or others) nothing happens.

Nope. May you understand wrong (or i understand youre awnser wrong)

1. You don´t set a "bit" The Value of this byte is INT and go from : 0 (None) ;1 (SPD) ...... to 13 (Trim Wheel)
So if you want to set it don´t mask bits.... Just write a value on the full byte.

2. "Nothing happens"
Thats normal cause you just "open" the Datapipe. Without writing a Value on 73CD its logic that nothing happend....
The Question was.... If you Write these offset (5 for example) WHAT happend on Observed Offset 73CD in this moment.
Is it already -32768, OR does it change for a short moment to another value like the actual QNH of Jeehell ??

3. If you want to set a Absolute Value this should work "manualy" too.
Config a Button like suscribe before to set Offset 73CC with value 2 (Heading for example)
Config a second Button to offset 73CD and set Value to "100" for example.

When you now push Button 1 you will open Data Pipe.... If you push Button 2 directly after then you will write 100 to this pipe.
If i understand the system right then Heading in Jeehell will be set to 100 in this moment.
Maby you need to invert and use Button two before button one.... You need to find out.

Again.... This is only fun to find out how it workes..... Solving is not posible without a patch of MF i think !
Good Luck !
2017-01-21 22:33
Posts: 25
Hi Pizman! :)

1- About that, dont worry, maybe It was a mistake in the way I wrote, the post. Actually, I set 73CC without modifying the bits, just write the value, depending on the selection (QNH,SPEED,etc.), I mean, no mask.

Tomorrow I ´kk make a couple of test again with your last hint.

Thanks for all!
[Last edited by, 2017-01-22 12:47]
2017-01-21 23:28
Posts: 25
Hi again!

I have been testing in some ways.

Finally, I understood how is datapipe working:

1 -- You write a value in datapipe, once datapipe value is what you want,
2 -- Open datapipe with the value of your desired function (qnh, speed,HDG..)
3 -- Once data is sent, the value off datapipe, as I can see, returns to default (32768)

I edited a video where you can see about one of my test in order to understand (let me know if I am wrong):

EDIT// Don´t know why youtube retired my video...they say my content is against comunnity rules!! I have reload it in vimeo:
[Last edited by, 2017-01-22 22:52]
2017-01-22 17:05
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Ok. It´s inverted :-)

You not "open" Datapipe by 73CC and send data by writing a value to 73CD .....
As you test out you write a Value to 73CD first and send it by setting offset 73CC to the function you like.


This is evidence, that actual Simulator value is not offered from jeehell to this Offset..... So i´m shure Sebatian got a Mobiflight intern logic that say....
" If you use the Encoder with function " Data Pipe 5 (QNH) then READ Outputoffset 73C8 first ..... and write this value to 73CD ..... Then our Encoder is able to Change this now actual value in normal way ($+1 / $-1) and at the end the Write Command to 73CC (5) Quit the action.

Can´t see the Code of MF but if you tell me non of the Datapipe Configs work, and if you tell me the Absolute Value Input workes fine ..... Then i will think 99% theres a "bug" in Mobiflight, that the Read-Write Logic explaned above doesn´t work at the moment .

Thanks for Testing. Hope you got Fun ! I like to puzzle those things and find out how the system workes.

Adios !
Good Luck !
2017-01-22 23:42
Posts: 25
Yes Pizman, sometimes it is funny to get puzzled with this things.

In fact, all people around here, I think like to "touch" and to learn things like this.

For me, it has been hours testing, checking if it works, if it doesn´t :). But I never mind, I believe that step by step you can improve about all this stuff and understand how it is working.

About thu bug, yes! looks like there is a problem reading the output for the current value of QNH, Speed, Heading... and can´t set it as $.

Thanks for all, we ´ll wait for Sebastian to say anything whenever is possible.

Have nice week,
2017-01-23 00:31
From: EDSH, Germany
Posts: 1516
hi guys

it is exactly as pizman assumed: There is a special logic that looks at the correct offset for the different datapipes and provides the correct value for $.

When I implemented the functionality I tested every single option properly with Jeehell and saved the config and provided it with the examples.
I will need to look into it - have you enabled the FSUIPC support properly? I remember that you have to activate the Data Interface or something similar to make it work properly.
Have a great day!

MobiFlight - Simply build your own home cockpit for your favorite flight sim - MSFS2020, FSX, Prepar3D (FSUIPC), X-Plane (XPUIPC)
2017-01-24 06:33
From: EDSH, Germany
Posts: 1516
I tried it but I don't get the FCU showing me anything.
What do I have to do other than activate External Power?
Have a great day!

MobiFlight - Simply build your own home cockpit for your favorite flight sim - MSFS2020, FSX, Prepar3D (FSUIPC), X-Plane (XPUIPC)
2017-01-24 07:25
Posts: 14
He guys, Sebastian,

sorry for my late response, I had plenty work to do. I stopped playing with data pipes after month of trying to do something with it. Still no success.

Sebastian: If is FMGS connected well and responsing you have to turn EXT PWR in simulator first, then look at FMGS (button goes green with AVAIL text), than you have to "push" the button on overhead (ELEC panel under BAT2 display) and it should show text ON in blue colour..
2017-01-24 09:06
Posts: 25
As ojko181 said, you need to enable EXT POWER from addons menu and activate batteries from Overhead Panel.Then you will see the AVAIL green light on the EXT POWER push button (below, nearly batteries buttons) push it and you EXT POWER will come ON.

About FSUIPC Support, I got it installed. In fact, I installed all but Hardware Modules (I haven´t gotanything yet), just the FSUIPC Support.

I am using:

- Jeehell A320FMGS
- P3d 3.4
- Mobiflight 7.1.3 (I just opened it and I see there is v7.2)
- FSUIPC4 4.959
- Windows 10

Thanks for all, incredible work here!

I just have tried with v7.2 of Mobiflight, but same result. It works with absolutes values, but not to modify $.
[Last edited by, 2017-01-24 10:37]
2017-01-24 10:25
From: EDSH, Germany
Posts: 1516
Has anybody tried the offsets like:

78EB - Value 24 - CPT QNH increase
78EB - Value 25 - CPT QNH decrease
Have a great day!

MobiFlight - Simply build your own home cockpit for your favorite flight sim - MSFS2020, FSX, Prepar3D (FSUIPC), X-Plane (XPUIPC)
2017-01-25 16:01
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

Has anybody tried the offsets like .....

Can´t test it without Jeehell :)

I found these 2 (4 with FO) Offsets too, but not report them here.....
As other user describe, the issue is on all datapipe functions..... But i only found these direct input for the QNH (Pipe5,6). So i think this not solve the the basic problem.

Sebastian..... Can you confirm that MF workes with DataPipe on youre testing System at home (With current Jeehell and MF Version) ?
If it´s run already then the issue is in the users system (Maby youre tip with "enable FSUIPC Support" is the key)
If you got the problem, too on youre system, that had already worked in the past then we know the Problem is come with a MF Update or a Jeehell Update.

Hope you find the Problem !
Good Luck guys !
Good Luck !
2017-01-25 16:26
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