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Posts: 14
Hello everybody,

I have small problem with encoders using Jeehell datapipes. In mobiflight is everything set as in example (values like $+1 etc.), but when I rotate my encoder, nothing happens. When I write exact value for right spin to 1030 and left spin 1025 for QNH, the number changes to 1030 no matter which side I am spinning to. I tried to use free FSUIPC offset for encoder input and 7-seg output and numbers were changing correctly. So, there seems to be no problem in hardware. Communication with JeeHell is OK, buttons, displays and LEDs work correctly.

This problem occurs to all encoder using functions (QNH, SPD, HDG ...). Is there anybody who has, or better had and solved this problem?

Thanks for response.
2016-12-20 17:43
From: EDSH, Germany
Posts: 1516

please enable Logging in the settings menu. Then you should see what current value is read from Jeehell and which value Mobiflight is trying to set.
I am on the go and have no fsx installed, so I can't test it right now. But I spent a good amount of time to test all the Jeehell Datapipe Functions and they should work properly.

In the meantime try to use the other offsets provided by Jeehell.
Have a great day!

MobiFlight - Simply build your own home cockpit for your favorite flight sim - MSFS2020, FSX, Prepar3D (FSUIPC), X-Plane (XPUIPC)
2016-12-21 17:43
Posts: 14

I solved that "only right turn" problem. But I still have problem with datapipes.
When I add exact value which should be written, when action is performed, everything works.

30.12.2016 11:51:56: JeehellInputAction:Execute : Setting value 120 for EventID: 1
30.12.2016 11:51:56: Executing OnLeft: Encoder@SN-ff8-c01
30.12.2016 11:51:56: JeehellInputAction:Execute : Setting value 130 for EventID: 1
30.12.2016 11:51:54: Executing OnRight: Encoder@SN-ff8-c01

and this is what happens when i set "$+1" or "$-1" to value:

30.12.2016 11:58:51: Executing OnLeft: Encoder@SN-ff8-c01
30.12.2016 11:58:50: Executing OnRight: Encoder@SN-ff8-c01
30.12.2016 11:58:50: Executing OnLeft: Encoder@SN-ff8-c01
30.12.2016 11:58:49: Executing OnRight: Encoder@SN-ff8-c01

settings screenshot:

This happens to all datapipes I use.
2016-12-30 11:47
From: EDSH, Germany
Posts: 1516
Please have a look into the examples-folder. There you will find a file with all JeeHell Datapipe Offsets configured properly. This should help to get you started.
Have a great day!

MobiFlight - Simply build your own home cockpit for your favorite flight sim - MSFS2020, FSX, Prepar3D (FSUIPC), X-Plane (XPUIPC)
2017-01-02 23:40
Posts: 14

what I sent to you was with using Jeehell Examples. Just changed encoder to my own. Same situation. In the air I turned of AP. Master Warning started to warn me. I went to MF, change offset on encoder to one used for master warning push button when turned right. Then I turned it to right and MW was silenced, like it should be. That means encoder works, comunication between P3D, Jeehell, Mobiflight and all hardware used works. Only thing that seems to be broken is that, thereis no response by Jeehell when I turn with knob. Every other things work.

P.S. I tried to set one push button to open datapipe and other to change the value. It worked. Values of offsets in simulator (with FSUIPC log enabled) were changing. When I tried to assign a datapipe to a single push button nothing happend. Nothing changed in FSUIPC log file (when rotating encoder or pushing button) in simulator.
2017-01-09 17:51
From: EDSH, Germany
Posts: 1516
Are we talking about the CPT QNH? There was a bug which has been fixed in the latest Jeehell version.
Have a great day!

MobiFlight - Simply build your own home cockpit for your favorite flight sim - MSFS2020, FSX, Prepar3D (FSUIPC), X-Plane (XPUIPC)
2017-01-11 04:48
Posts: 14
Suddenly, this happens to all datapipes I try to use.

It looks like it just don't know what to do with "$" symbol for current value. So it does nothing.
[Last edited by ojko181, 2017-01-12 10:03]
2017-01-11 12:31
Posts: 25
Hi all!

A noob with mobiflight, but learning step by step, day a day. I am using P3D, Arduino Mega 2560, mobiflight and Jeehell.

Well, I have been able to get almost things with arduino, mobiflight and Jeehell (leds, buttons, display...)

But I have tha same problem as ojko181, I see, for example, the information of CPT QNH (in output value, so it set the info on $)

But when I try to configure the input encoder, I set the the apropriate encoder, select jeehell datapipe (CPT QNH) and set the value ($-1, $+1,etc), but nothing happens.

Are we losing any step? In debug mode I see tha same as ojko181:

15/01/2017 0:37:48: Executing OnLeft: QNH encoder@SN-302-b57
15/01/2017 0:37:48: Executing OnLeft: QNH encoder@SN-302-b57
15/01/2017 0:37:48: Executing OnLeft: QNH encoder@SN-302-b57
15/01/2017 0:37:48: Executing OnLeft: QNH encoder@SN-302-b57
15/01/2017 0:37:48: Executing OnRight: QNH encoder@SN-302-b57
15/01/2017 0:37:47: Executing OnLeft: QNH encoder@SN-302-b57
15/01/2017 0:37:47: Executing OnRight: QNH encoder@SN-302-b57
15/01/2017 0:37:47: Executing OnLeft: QNH encoder@SN-302-b57
15/01/2017 0:37:44: Executing OnLeft: QNH encoder@SN-302-b57
15/01/2017 0:37:04: Set QNH encoder in ComboBox: inputTypeComboBox
15/01/2017 0:37:04: Set None in ComboBox: fsuipcPresetComboBox
15/01/2017 0:37:04: Set Jeehell DataPipe in ComboBox: ActionTypeComboBox
15/01/2017 0:37:03: Set CPT QNH in ComboBox: fsuipcPresetComboBox
15/01/2017 0:37:03: Set Jeehell DataPipe in ComboBox: ActionTypeComboBox
15/01/2017 0:37:03: Set CPT QNH in ComboBox: fsuipcPresetComboBox
15/01/2017 0:37:03: Set Jeehell DataPipe in ComboBox: ActionTypeComboBox
15/01/2017 0:37:03: Set QNH encoder in ComboBox: inputTypeComboBox

I´ll keep trying to solve this, but maybe some help is needed.

Thanks for all and you all have a nice weekend.


Let a picture about the offsets giving the correct output value as "$", but inputs seems not to see "$":

[Last edited by, 2017-01-15 15:29]
2017-01-15 00:22
Posts: 25
I spent almost all day investigating in order to solve this, but I have been unable to do it.

Maybe I am forgetting something, I am doing wrong or there is a bug between current version of Mobiflight or Jeehell B46.

I let you all know if a I discover further things!

Have a nice day,
2017-01-15 17:25
Posts: 14
Hi Carlos,

I am trying to solve this for a long time (one month). I tried to change simulator. Same problem occurs when I tried it on FSX instead of P3D. I tried to reinstall FMGS, I tried using different encoders but nothing helped. I am not programmer, but if there is no problem in hardware it must be in software and for me it looks like it (mobiflight) can't read current value of opened datapipe. Strange thing is, this happens to nobody except us. Is there anybody using JeeHell FMGS B46, who has no problem with this?


Carlos, does this happen to all of your datapipes or just QNH? If it is just QNH it looks like different problem than do I have...
[Last edited by ojko181, 2017-01-17 13:43]
2017-01-17 11:56
Posts: 25
HI ojko181

Still trying to get it work, but I am not able to achieve it. I tried with the config in mobiflight/examples folder, but it is the same result.

Seems to be the way you say. Output value from QNH, Speed,´s correct and you can see it, but trying to send a change vía "$" doesn´t work (altough the key press appears in debugging log), look like it couldn´t read the $ value.

It works if you try to send an absolute value (for example if I set the QNH value as absolute input, it works perfect, and the QNH in the EFIS changes correctly.)

Ojko, also happens with all elements in datapipe (QNH+all FCU´s functions).

PD: I am using Jeehell B46 and the last rev of mobiflight (except by this, it is working great, such incredible backend work!!)
2017-01-17 15:23
Posts: 25
I have been working on it last morning, but no success :(.

Looks like other people has reported this problem on datapipe before:

QNH does not matter because there are other offsets to achieve the change, but not for datapipe, that includes fcu functions.

Following, I include my config, maybe I set a mistake on it:

Output QNH CPT (working as expected) :
<config guid="52d3dbb2-b2ce-48bc-a31e-438f60b71fb3">
      <description>Jeehell CPT QNH</description>
      <settings msdata:InstanceType="MobiFlight.OutputConfigItem, MFConnector, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata">
        <source type="FSUIPC" offset="0x73C8" offsetType="Integer" size="2" mask="0xFFFF" bcdMode="False" />
        <comparison active="True" value="-999" operand="!=" ifValue="$" elseValue="Std" />
        <display type="" serial="MobiFlight Inicial/ SN-302-b57" trigger="normal" pin="" pinBrightness="255" />
        <preconditions />
        <transformation active="False" expression="$" substrStart="0" substrEnd="7" />

Input QNH CPT:
<config guid="fce06636-627a-43ca-8f87-15591ae12170">
      <description>QNH CPT</description>
      <settings msdata:InstanceType="MobiFlight.InputConfigItem, MFConnector, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" serial="MobiFlight Inicial/ SN-302-b57" name="QNH encoder" type="Encoder" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata">
          <onPress />
          <onRelease />
          <onLeft type="JeehellInputAction" pipeId="5" value="$-1" />
          <onLeftFast />
          <onRight type="JeehellInputAction" pipeId="5" value="$+1" />
          <onRightFast />
        <preconditions />


Is everything OK here?
[Last edited by, 2017-01-18 15:35]
2017-01-18 15:20
Posts: 25
I tried with a fresh install, but same result...I got stuck on this.

If I set an absolute value and send it, it works, but when I set the algorithm ($+-x), it detects encoder rotating, but does not execute anything.

Looks like $ variable no exists. Maybe we have to set it other way or is it enough with the way I set it in my upper post?
2017-01-20 15:24
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Hello Guys...

Cause I have got no experience with Jeehell i not awnser till now, but youre suscribed Problem look simular to an older issue in my PMDG....
Mobiflight need to set 2 Offsets same time to work with youre Data Pipe..... and Mobiflight got in trouble to do that when it´s not running as Administrator.

Not shure if this helps but pls....

1. Confirm you run Mobiflight as Administrator Mode

Other things. that helps often with errors....
2. Try to change FSUIPC Read Intervall polling to a faster rate
3. Try to activate LOGGING with "Debug Mode". (And then Test youre function). Debug mode sometimes solve an issue with not sent commandos.

Pls. report if one of these things solve problem.
Good Luck !
2017-01-20 16:40
Posts: 25
Hi Pizman82,

1. Mobiflight is running under administrator mode
2. FSUIPC Interval polling is set on 100 ms (faster update value), but I have tested it with higher values too.
3. "Debug Mode" is activated, that is the way I know that the button is working but not executing the function ($-1).

I have taken some follows:

1 - I have set the reading output from (this case) Captain QNH, and set as "$", it works because I can see the value "$ changing" on mobiflight if I change it in the aircraft EFIS.:

2- Then, I configure the input encoder and I set the "on left" ($-1) and "on right" ($+1).

This is the "strange" behaviour once it is configured:

As you can see, the button is acting fine, as mobiflight detect I am turning encoder to the left, but it doesn´t execute the function assigned.

3- Now, I make a change, I set "On left" to send an absolute value (1035 in this case) to CPT QNH:

And in following capture, you can see that it works when I turn encoder to the left:

Maybe is there anything else we should configure in order te get it working.
2017-01-20 19:39
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