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Posts: 7
ADF1 switch using "if ($=0, 1, 0)" parameters can work properly NAV2 button using the same parameters as above, the NAV2 switch can only be turned on but can not be closed

This situation also appears on other keys, is my parameter error? Please help me. Thank you very much!
Please excuse me for using Google translate:love: :love: :love: :love:
2016-12-13 13:23
From: EDSH, Germany
Posts: 1516
That's weird. try to use an eventid instead of fsuipc. KEY_RADIO_ADF2_IDENT_TOGGLE might work for you.

I will try to reproduce your FSUIPC problem.
Have a great day!

MobiFlight - Simply build your own home cockpit for your favorite flight sim - MSFS2020, FSX, Prepar3D (FSUIPC), X-Plane (XPUIPC)
2016-12-13 13:48
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Youre screenshot shows a two row Button Setup. What plane is this ? Maby a AddOn ??

In FSX Standrad Cessna the Offset Preset workes for both buttons of youre example without issues.

If you use a addon, maby this use other offsets !


This situation also appears on other keys,

Remeber some Keys can NOT be set to off by toggle (push again when on ) like the COM1 or COM2.
Try to toggle these switches by Mouseclick in FSX.... Can you put it Off with click again ?
Good Luck !
2016-12-14 01:17
Posts: 7

Youre screenshot shows a two row Button Setup. What plane is this ? Maby a AddOn ??

In FSX Standrad Cessna the Offset Preset workes for both buttons of youre example without issues.

If you use a addon, maby this use other offsets !


This situation also appears on other keys,

Remeber some Keys can NOT be set to off by toggle (push again when on ) like the COM1 or COM2.
Try to toggle these switches by Mouseclick in FSX.... Can you put it Off with click again ?

I use the A2A 172 plug-in. After testing only ADF1 can work properly, the other buttons are still not normal
2016-12-14 04:50
Posts: 7

That's weird. try to use an eventid instead of fsuipc. KEY_RADIO_ADF2_IDENT_TOGGLE might work for you.

I will try to reproduce your FSUIPC problem.

I will try to say the way you say, when the problem is solved I will be with you
2016-12-14 04:51
Posts: 7
I think the offset can be controlled by the A2A plug-in, because when I press the button the simulator will also light up the corresponding button, but it is only lit and can not be closed

Youre screenshot shows a two row Button Setup. What plane is this ? Maby a AddOn ??

In FSX Standrad Cessna the Offset Preset workes for both buttons of youre example without issues.

If you use a addon, maby this use other offsets !


This situation also appears on other keys,

Remeber some Keys can NOT be set to off by toggle (push again when on ) like the COM1 or COM2.
Try to toggle these switches by Mouseclick in FSX.... Can you put it Off with click again ?

2016-12-14 05:05
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

I use the A2A 172 plug-in. After testing only ADF1 can work properly, the other buttons are still not normal

Thats the Problem !! .... Some Functions of the A2A can not be controlled by normal FSUIPC Offsets.

This is a Quote of a other Mobiflight Thread....

I am running the A2A C172 and soon will be adding the A2A C182.

Both require the use of LVars to work certain functions that are coded outside of FSX. For example, The offsets for transmit Com1 and Com2 and the Nav1 Nav2 Audio Selector offsets do not activate the corresponding functions in the A2A's Audio Selector Panel. However the LVars needed to do that are available.

Maby this Thread will help you too..... It´s shows how to set Lvars with Mobiflight and Lua

Good Luck !
Good Luck !
2016-12-14 11:25
Posts: 7
Thank you very much, I am currently trying to get the solution.
2016-12-14 11:47
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
No Prob.....
Use the Link in the Lvars Thread to the A2A Board.....

I think the method with "Macros" is a little difficult but when you got no practice to write own LUA Script thats the more confortable way. You need to use Keypresses but so you not need to work with custom Offsets. YOURE Chioce ! Good luck
Good Luck !
2016-12-14 12:35