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Posts: 3
Hello, I am considering to build my own MCP and found MOBIFlight is great software with Arduino!

However, after I installed MFConnector 7.1.1 and run, it can not detect my Mega 2560 Board.

My 2560 clone board came with FTDI FT232R convertor, and using FTDI own driver for COM.

The board is working fine with Arduino IDE, I even can use command line avrdude to upload the firmware "mobiflight_mega_1_6_0.hex".

Instance: FTDIBUS\VID_0403+PID_6001+AH2F37ZA\0000
Windows 10 64x.
Arduino IDE 1.6.12

Looking forward to your reply~~~

[Last edited by Nicolai_Y, 2016-12-03 13:13]
2016-12-03 12:59
Posts: 3
I have tried done the below modify:
1. Program the FT232 with PID/VID as original Mega 2560 "VID_2341&PID_0010"
2. Modify the FT232 Driver to give the device name as "Arduino Mega 2560"
3. Uninstall existing drivers.
4. Reconnect the board and install the modified driver, now the com port device name display as "Arduino Mega 2560 (COM7)".

Still the MFConnector not able recognize the board.

Windows Device Info:

__GENUS : 2
__CLASS : Win32_PnPEntity
__SUPERCLASS : CIM_LogicalDevice
__DYNASTY : CIM_ManagedSystemElement
__RELPATH : Win32_PnPEntity.DeviceID="FTDIBUS\\VID_2341+PID_0010+AH20GINA\\0000"
__DERIVATION : {CIM_LogicalDevice, CIM_LogicalElement, CIM_ManagedSystemElement}
__NAMESPACE : root\cimv2
__PATH : \\ZCNCSCLAF774523\root\cimv2:Win32_PnPEntity.DeviceID="FTDIBUS\\VID_2341+PID_0010+AH20GIN
Availability :
Caption : Arduino Mega 2560 (COM7)
ClassGuid : {4d36e978-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
CompatibleID :
ConfigManagerErrorCode : 0
ConfigManagerUserConfig : False
CreationClassName : Win32_PnPEntity
Description : Arduino Mega 2560
DeviceID : FTDIBUS\VID_2341+PID_0010+AH20GINA\0000
ErrorCleared :
ErrorDescription :
HardwareID : {FTDIBUS\COMPORT&VID_2341&PID_0010}
InstallDate :
LastErrorCode :
Manufacturer : FTDI
Name : Arduino Mega 2560 (COM7)
PNPClass : Ports
PNPDeviceID : FTDIBUS\VID_2341+PID_0010+AH20GINA\0000
PowerManagementCapabilities :
PowerManagementSupported :
Present : True
Service : FTSER2K
Status : OK
StatusInfo :
SystemCreationClassName : Win32_ComputerSystem

Detail log as below:

2016/12/5 11:50:19: MobiFlightCache.connect: Clearing modules
2016/12/5 11:50:19: ExecutionManager.autoConnectTimer_Tick(): AutoConnect Modules
2016/12/5 11:50:14: MobiFlightCache.connect: Clearing modules
2016/12/5 11:50:14: ExecutionManager.autoConnectTimer_Tick(): AutoConnect Modules
2016/12/5 11:50:09: MobiFlightCache.connect: Clearing modules
2016/12/5 11:50:09: ExecutionManager.autoConnectTimer_Tick(): AutoConnect Modules
2016/12/5 11:50:04: ExecutionManager.AutoConnectStart:Started auto connect timer
2016/12/5 11:50:04: MobiFlightCache.connect: Clearing modules
2016/12/5 11:50:04: MobiFlightCache.connect: Clearing modules
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: Vid_8888&Pid_0308
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: Vid_8888&Pid_0208
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: Vid_8888&Pid_0108
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Incompatible module skipped: Android-Phone - VID/PID: VID_8087&PID_0A5D
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_8087&PID_0A5D
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_8087&PID_0020
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_8086&PID_0A2C
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_413C&PID_2513
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_357D&PID_7788
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_2717&PID_FF60&MI_02
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_2717&PID_FF60&MI_01
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Incompatible module skipped: Redmi Note 2 - VID/PID: VID_2717&PID_FF60&MI_00
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_2717&PID_FF60&MI_00
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_2717&PID_FF60
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_258A&PID_0001&MI_01
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_258A&PID_0001&MI_00
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_258A&PID_0001
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_2341&PID_0042
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_2341&PID_0010
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_18D1&PID_4EE2
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_1234&PID_5678
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_0F39&PID_0825&MI_01
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_0F39&PID_0825&MI_00
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_0F39&PID_0825
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_0C76&PID_0005
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_0B05&PID_5601&MI_01
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_0B05&PID_5601&MI_00
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_0B05&PID_5601
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_0B05&PID_5600
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_0B05&PID_4DAF
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_0A5C&PID_5800&MI_01
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_0A5C&PID_5800&MI_00
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_0A5C&PID_5800
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Incompatible module skipped: Burr-Brown Japan PCM2702 - VID/PID: VID_08BB&PID_2702&MI_00
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_08BB&PID_2702&MI_00
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_08BB&PID_2702
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_0781&PID_5580
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_068E&PID_00FF
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Incompatible module skipped: Apple iPhone - VID/PID: VID_05AC&PID_12A8
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_05AC&PID_12A8
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_05AC&PID_1006
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_05AC&PID_0220&MI_01
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_05AC&PID_0220&MI_00
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_05AC&PID_0220
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_054C&PID_0268
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_04A9&PID_327A
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_02
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_01
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_00
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_046D&PID_C52B
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_045E&PID_02A1&IG_00
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_0424&PID_2514
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_0424&PID_2512
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_0403&PID_6001
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_0042&PID_2341
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_0000&PID_0002
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: VID_0000&PID_0001
2016/12/5 11:50:04: Checking for compatible module: ROOT_HUB20
2016/12/5 11:50:04: ^(VID_1B4F&PID_9206|VID_2341&PID_0042|VID_2341&PID_0010|VID_8087&PID_0024|VID_1A86&PID_7523|VID_2A03&PID_0042)
2016/12/5 11:50:04: ExecutionManager.autoConnectTimer_Tick(): AutoConnect Modules
2016/12/5 11:50:03: MainForm() : Logger initialized Debug
2016-12-05 05:28
Posts: 3
Finally, I got another Mega 2560 board with ATMega16U2, then, everything works fine now.

Basically, most of the Mega 2560 clones from China, are replaced the ATmega16U2 with FT232RL or CH340.
As most of the time, they just need a USB-Serial converter.
2016-12-06 07:26