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Posts: 5
Hello Guys im stepoping forward i have problem with outputs.
I have AP engage LED LVAr is "QW_ap_master_l" values 0=Off, 1=On
Can anyone make me script exapmle how to make it possible to turn led on with mobiflight?
Thanks for help

as i understand it shuld be something like this
AP_MASTER_I = ipc.readLvar("QW_ap_master_l")
ipc.writeUB(0x66C0, AP_MASTER_I)

All led LVARs in loop with 100ms delay ?

I choose in mobiflight offset 0x66C0 for led output
[Last edited by CaptainJack, 2019-11-20 17:00]
2019-11-20 12:37
Posts: 5
Can I use

For making infinite loop to check states 3 times a second?
2019-11-21 22:18
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

Here a advanced Programmer must support you.
Whatever i did 3 attemps in the past i not find time to learn programming finaly ( maby on the 4th next try in January :blush: )

I think the "problem" in your logic is the loop.
You will read the value multiple times per second...... And that should normaly work i think.
BUT you also write the Value multiple times per second and thats unless and i think it will occure in massive Problems if you do this with lots of different elements.

So the Code must do semething like .....
1 .Create a Variable (for example "VAR1" ) with Value Zero
2. Write Variable Data to the Offset
3. Read Lvar
4. Compare the Lvar Value with the Variable Value
5. IF Value is the SAME Then Goto 4 // Cause we not need to write it if its the same we have written before
6. ELSE Goto 2 // If it different then we Jump to 2..... Write the new Variable Data to the offset and go forward to 3 again for next loop.

With this code example a Write is only done one time at beginning and if Value is change.

Much more profitable would be a system that do the Loop "internal" ..... So we would need a "command" that say "Observe Lvar XY and only run our little code ONE TIME if the Lvar change its status. THEN Your Code is fine and need only this "starter" ....

XXXXX      ////////Here must set the command that observe "Lvar ap_master" and run the follow only if value is change

AP_MASTER_I = ipc.readLvar("QW_ap_master_l")
ipc.writeUB(0x66C0, AP_MASTER_I)

I not know if this exist..... For Inputs it is possible.
Here we can write a "non loop" script and can set it to a Offset or a Joystick Input.
Then FSUIPC observe the needed Input itself (Internal) and only run our Code ONE TIME if the Input change its status.

AGAIN: I´m not a programmer. Please wait for reply of the professional guys.... Or start to check the example Files from Pete Dowson to maby undertand much more like myself what code is used there.
Good Luck !
2019-11-22 06:30
Posts: 5
I belive that I'm not first in the world maybe someone solved this problem and can paste there example few lines of code that wuld be useful for everyone. I'm note a programmer so searching thru the Web.
2019-11-22 11:10
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
The most usefull examples are deliverd already by Pete dowson.

If you like please check the examples ( a zip file in the SDK Subfolder of FSUIPC) .
Maby you need to download the SDK itself if its not included in your standard installation.

There are 20-30 Files with different Lua Scripts and most of them include a lot of comments by Pete in the //// "TEXT" form vehind the code.

Please check this if possible,
Good Luck !
2019-11-22 15:21
Posts: 5
Thanks for reply! I'm reading all documents I thi k best option wuld be in every variable check first if state changed to not assign anything to offset till it change state that wuld be not so heavy for pc. I read alot of tutorials till now but programming is something that I can't break in :) I was hoping that someone solved this before and can paste example if no i will prepare such script.

function QW_ap_master_l (offs, val)
ipc.writeUB(0x66C0, val)


function at_mode (offs, val)
ipc.writeUB(0x66C1, val)


function QW_MCP_L_MFD_L_GREEN (offs, val)
ipc.writeUB(0x66C2, val)


event.Lvar("L:QW_ap_master_l",250, "QW_ap_master_l")
event.Lvar("L:at_mode",250, "at_mode")
event.Lvar("L:QW_MCP_L_MFD_L_GREEN",250, "QW_MCP_L_MFD_L_GREEN")

This code works finally i can light up led taht indicates AP Siwtch engage
[Last edited by CaptainJack, 2019-11-25 15:39]
2019-11-23 07:47