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Posts: 2

Maybe its just me,but i am unable to select some of the presets for the gear indicator leds.
If i try to select the nose, right or left gear extracted,it automaticly switches it to moving..?
I have allready tried different things but nothing seems to help.I know for a fact,that in a previous version it worked..

Thanks for taking your time.
2019-10-24 20:50
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Looks like a little Bug.

But not as you said.....

For me the Left and Nose stay at extended if i choose it ..... But it swap from moving to extended automaticly. The Right gear is inverted... Here the moving workes but the extended swap to moving.

Whatever.... I also see no real entrys in that presets.... From my point of view all 6 Presets can´t work cause there is no Transform or Compare included.

Think Sebastian must check this.
Thanks for Reporting.

Simple solution until hotfix......
Use the Orset adresses..... But simply add the Values or better the Compares by hand.
Maby you understand the offset logic already yourself..... If not use search. All this is already explaned multiple times here in this board.
Good Luck !
2019-10-24 23:29
Posts: 2
Hi again!

Thanks for good advice!
It worked for me if i just selected the preset and didnt press "use" button.
For the comparison, i inserted the fsuipc offset =16381 ,set 1, else
But if i select gear up, the green led`s turn off and red led`s light up but wont turn off..
It seems to me,that if there would be a way to add one more "if" statement then it would solve it,but i also know,that it is not that simple..
Hope,that Sebastian can solve it somehow..
2019-10-27 20:34
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

Again.... Please use SEARCH

Basic Logic ( if i remember correct)

Offset is from 0 ( Gear UP) to a number.... maby 16383 for Gear UP ( Sorry i'am not on my testing Computer and can´t confirm you correct value)

For "Green" Light ( Gear down) the logic is simple...... You need to Read the specific Offset ( for the Gear you need.... Left, Right or Nose)
You move the Gear so it is DOWN ..... And you check the current Offset Value..... ( If i remeber right it was 16383)
So you say in "Compare" IF Value = 16383 THEN 1 ELSE 0 ....... So your LED is ONLY on if Value is 16383 (Gear Down)
As i know some AddOns or standard Aircraft set Gear a little different.... For Example already at 16380 ......
So its better to say for example ..... IF Value Bigger as >16300 THEN 1 ELSE 0
ATTENTION : As i said iám not sure if 16383 is correct...... Please check this yourself with a short testrun or by reading the Offset Lists !

For the "Gear Transit" (RED Light) you need a little different Logic.
Here the LED should be ON when gear is NOT Up and also NOT Down...... So all between 1 and 16382 .
In Case "0" means GEar UP and "0" also means LED is OFF this part of situation is working already fine......
What you need here is just to solve the Gear Down Situations.... So your LED get OFF whatever offset is 16383 t the moment.
Here Compare is needed and Say IF Value = 16383 THEN 0 ELSE $
Again to get a little space if AddOns are using different values for gear down you can say...... IF Value >16300 THEN 0 ELSE $

I Hope this awnser all your questions !
Good Luck !
2019-10-28 01:01