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A HUGE Thank You to everyone who participated in the forum, especially obviously to Pizman and Stephan who did an outstanding job over so many years providing an incredible service to the MobiFlight community.

The forum is still providing a lot of good content, hence we keep this information accessible.

From: EDSH, Germany
Posts: 1516
I thought it would be nice to create a topic to discuss updates, rumors and thoughts about the new Microsoft Flightsimulator that supposedly will be released 2020.

I will start with a couple of links to YouTube Videos that I find great:
Official Trailer:

Interesting Insights from Pre-Alpha Press Meeting:

I am personally super excited.

What I love:
  • The weather looks fantastic - the developers say that they are simulating a lot of variables that make up weather and the graphics are simply stunning
  • The scenery looks amazing - Just WOW! - all these individually shaped buildings, all these textures, all this procedural autogen - eye candy at its best.
  • The community interaction from MS marketing - they show that they care about what the community has to say.

Some open questions that I still have:
  • What is the price gonna be?
  • What's the planned release date, 2020 has 365 days.
  • What are the opportunities for 3rd parties to become part - Aircraft and airport addons still make sense - Addons such as general scenery and weather addons might not be required anymore with this level of detail
  • Currently they don't have VR on the roadmap which I find a pity because the level of immersion would be amazing. I wonder why that is.
  • What's the sim interface going to look like? I am ready to implement it for MobiFlight... :D

What do you guys think: What do you like best about the new sim so far and what are your open questions or concerns?
[Last edited by DocMoebiuz, 2019-10-02 18:32]
Have a great day!

MobiFlight - Simply build your own home cockpit for your favorite flight sim - MSFS2020, FSX, Prepar3D (FSUIPC), X-Plane (XPUIPC)
2019-10-02 16:57
From: EDSH, Germany
Posts: 1516
New video available: Feature Discovery Series #2
Have a great day!

MobiFlight - Simply build your own home cockpit for your favorite flight sim - MSFS2020, FSX, Prepar3D (FSUIPC), X-Plane (XPUIPC)
2019-10-25 00:33
Posts: 131
Any updates on mobi with regards to the now announced release date?

I can’t wait to see it for myself but only if mobi is able to play with it otherwise I’m sticking to p3d I till such time
2020-07-13 22:39
Posts: 104
Even with a release date of August 18 I think there are quite a few unanswered questions, including:

- Support for multi-screen / multi-monitor (the only development shots I've seen show a single screen).
- For those of us using PMDG, any changes to the 737 NG SDK from PMDG that might impact home cockpits, not to mention when it might be released.
- Interface compatibility (FSUIPC, Simconnect, etc).

Still, it does look very cool.

2020-07-14 09:44
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Hi Guys.

Hopefully Sebastian can reply here. Whatever i think we got a good moment. He should have more time the next weeks!

About Sim. NOT be to happy for now. Read the history ! They start BETA end of July. Do you realy think for a so enorm complex programm a BETA with 3 weeks is enough.
Maybe they cancled the Release date shortly before OR they release a totaly bugged and bad programm.
Also pretty sure it will takes months ( or years) until all needed AddOns and functions come into the game.

I will say... Keep calm, and plan for P3D the next time. Sure you can buy and try the new Sim. But for Homecockpits i will personaly plan not before second half of 2021.

About PMDG.... The NGX will NOT come into the game cause they already build the NGX"u" that is designed for the FS2020 directly.
So i think also the Queen2 or the Tripple7 will not be compatible and we need to wait for there "u" versions comming within then next 1-2 Years !
Good Luck !
2020-07-14 09:58
Posts: 131
Hi Pizman, I totally agree with you,

I feel that 2020 is now being rushed out the door as people can’t wait any longer. I think it may be very much p3d 5 and full of bugs.

I don’t see the point in buying it at the moment although I have tempted. We need to know about fsuipc and pmdg of course amongst other things.

I think but the basic for now if you must to be nosey, but for a serious sim with cockpit, sit back and wait at least a year for everyone else to catch up
2020-07-14 19:16
Posts: 131
What are the thoughts of ms2020 now it’s been released?

For myself, I think it’s a good base line but still needs a lot of work yet. The graphics are amazing I must say but sometime have a fisheye look to them, could be some tweaking here for me.

I’m glad I haven’t uninstalled p3d5 just yet and hope that some major updates come out soon. For now, I’ve packed it away until pmdg comes then I’ll try again and hope for something that excites me enough to keep it installed.

Anyone tried it yet and what are your thoughts?
2020-08-23 19:03
From: Austria
Posts: 164
Guten Morgen,
Hat jemand schon eine Lösung oder eine Idee wie man das mit den Außen - Ansichten lösen könnte. Ich habe einen Monitor für die Frontsicht und je einen für das linke und rechte Seitenfenster. Beim MFS2020 kann man aber keine Ansichtsfenster abdocken?

Vielen Dank
2020-08-24 07:09
Posts: 53
Guten Morgen, ja das würde mich auch brennend interessieren! Hab erst einmal das gefunden, aber noch nicht probiert. Ich weiß also nicht ob uns das weiterbringt!?
2020-09-01 10:30