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Posts: 91
Hi all,
I have question how to combine mcc file.
Example i create mcp efis mip thorttle in one mcc file.
Very hard and long time created.
Now i finish fmc configure file mobiflight mcc at another one pc(pc office).
How to combine file as edit pdf line.i see the last one line mcc
Mobiflight connector somthing like that.
I dont know ho to edit.which line and symbol to edit and copy paste.
2019-09-30 14:17
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

Its not possible to simply copy paste the whole file..... Cause every mcc file got a regulary structure.... and this structure can only exist one time.....
So for example there is a line called <outputs> where your outputs beginn..... and also a line </outputs> where it ends.
Those lines can exist only ONE TIME in a mcc file.

So what you need is to copy paste all OUTPUTS and all INPUT you like to use in the other file.
Every Config itself starts with <config guid ......> and ends with </config>

example :
<config guid="465e6382-af6c-4f8e-afb5-5b61829c5a35">
      <description>RIGHT Duplicate OFF</description>
      <settings msdata:InstanceType="MobiFlight.InputConfigItem, MFConnector, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" serial="OVERHEAD OUT/ SN-0e0-15f" name="Taster1" type="Button" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata">
          <onPress type="FsuipcOffsetInputAction">
            <source type="FSUIPC" offset="0x66C1" offsetType="Integer" size="1" mask="0x00FF" bcdMode="False" inputValue="0" />
          <onRelease />
        <preconditions />

So..... Copy all Outputs ( from first config line to the last </config> and insert them in other file between the last </config> line and the </outputs> line .
For inputs the same.... Copy all Configs ( single or in a row) including the first and last line ..... and insert them on the end of Input section in other file ( behind last </config> and before </inputs>

Last Note: i recommend to use a programm like "notepad++" (freeware) . This show scripts more comfortable to see the structure where elements beginns and ends.
Good Luck !
2019-09-30 14:41
Posts: 91
U mean copy all input one line and last line </config>
After that copy all output one line and last line </config>
Copy and paste at old file?
2019-10-04 12:56
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867
Hi fazli,

the file is divided into sections.
The file starts with


and ends with

Between this you have the sections


followed by


A device between in- or output is limited with
<Config guid....>

If you want to copy an old config to another file you need only to copy the lines from <Config guid....> up to </Config>

You may receive an indication of an orphaned file / module because the serial number in <settings .....> is not identical. The module containing your new device should be known. You then assign the orphaned module to this module.
Try it with an entry, then you get a feel for it.
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2019-10-04 17:52
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

U mean copy all input one line and last line </config>
After that copy all output one line and last line </config>
Copy and paste at old file?


If you do it in one run .... So you mark your First Config Line beginning with "<config guide ...> " and end with the verry last one at its "</config>" line THEN as Stphan try to explane you also mark the ending of Output section and Beginning of Input section lines.
If you paste it in another file then this file include TWO TIMES the ending of Outputs and the beginnig of Inputs..... And that will occure in a error.

So correct technic is to split it in two steps.

At first OUTPUT ONLY ..... Mark all needed Output Configs ..... But without the section start/end lines ( like <OUTPUT> and </OUTPUT> ) ...... Only form Config to /Config
Then Paste them into the new file..... Simply between 2 existing Output Configs or behind the last Output config...... Important is just it must be between the Output Section of that mcc file and it msut start and stop again with a correct config line.

Step two is the same like before but with INPUTS.


Summary..... You can make this by different ways..... But you must get sure "structure" is correct finaly.... So every section beginns and ends correctly..... Every data is in correct section..... And nothing is written in wrong syntax .
Good Luck !
2019-10-05 09:45
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

U mean copy all input one line and last line </config>
After that copy all output one line and last line </config>
Copy and paste at old file?


If you do it in one run .... So you mark your First Config Line beginning with "<config guide ...> " and end with the verry last one at its "</config>" line THEN as Stphan try to explane you also mark the ending of Output section and Beginning of Input section lines.
If you paste it in another file then this file include TWO TIMES the ending of Outputs and the beginnig of Inputs..... And that will occure in a error.

So correct technic is to split it in two steps.

At first OUTPUT ONLY ..... Mark all needed Output Configs ..... But without the section start/end lines ( like <OUTPUT> and </OUTPUT> ) ...... Only form Config to /Config
Then Paste them into the new file..... Simply between 2 existing Output Configs or behind the last Output config...... Important is just it must be between the Output Section of that mcc file and it msut start and stop again with a correct config line.

Step two is the same like before but with INPUTS.


Summary..... You can make this by different ways..... But you must get sure "structure" is correct finaly.... So every section beginns and ends correctly..... Every data is in correct section..... And nothing is written in wrong syntax .
Good Luck !
2019-10-05 09:46