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Posts: 91
1.i want to know how long maximum wire connection for led, switch, rotary encoder to arduino board mega.

2. can i ran two pc for mobiflight software.
exampla pc 1 for 3arduino board (mcp, efis, padesta)
pc 2 for 3arduino board(mip and overhead panel)

2019-06-19 15:40
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867
Hi fazli,

yes, you can run MobiFlight on zwo PCs, one MF on each. But then you need WIDE-FS and a network-connection.
But I think you need not do this because you can run up to 127 MEGAs via USB on one PC, So why?

The length of the wires is not critical to a length of 2-3m, maybe 5m but I have not tested yet. But you should be careful not to make the wires longer than necessary
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2019-06-19 16:26
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Additional Information.

There is maby a difference between "wires"
For example a high quality USB cable can be pretty sure multiple meters long.....
The Main Lines (GRD/Pin) for LED and switches can also be pretty sure 0,5-1,00 Meters.
Maby the qualitiy (diameter/ shielding) is also a aspect for length.

At least i read in the past the lines from Max7219 to Display should be pretty short. So maby 30 cm should also be no problem.... But here the low current and high frequency of the Max Chip Outputs i would get not longer like maby 0,5 meters.
Good Luck !
2019-06-19 19:15
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867
Hi fazli,

the specification of USB says that an USB cable (unpowered) may not be longer than 5m. Over 5m you need a powerde USB cable like this:
This one is an active USB cable and has 12m (36ft).

The "normal" wires GND or +5V switching may have a length of 2-3m
Shielding can be a fact if you have a lot high energie of HF in the near (like a mobile phone radio mast).

I built a tableau of 14 MAX7219 displays (rebuilt from 8 to 5 digits). These cables are 0,5m long without any problem.
For large cable lengths you have to find out individually if they work that way. If in doubt, use shorter cables.
[Last edited by StephanHo, 2019-07-13 10:42]
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2019-06-20 12:25
Posts: 91
tq all.
2019-07-13 06:57