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Posts: 52
Morning guys.

I've got the FSX default C172 in P3Dv4. Using the VC controls, I can set the AP heading bug and alt, then hit the AP, HDG and ALT buttons, it'll then track to the correct heading and alt. Using mobiflight with my little panel, as soon as I hit the HDG and ALT buttons, the sim shifts the heading bug to my current heading, and the autopilot altitude to my current height and the autopilot sticks to that.. I can adjust them again and it's quite happy to turn to a new heading and climb to a new alt etc, but I preferred it when I could preset them. The heading bug especially shouldn't do that :(

I'm at work just now so can't be sure what offsets I've used, but I'm guessing I've got some function wrong somewhere or set it up wrong etc.

Any advice gratefully received.


2018-09-25 10:07
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
That sounds you got the wrong Event (or Offset)

Basicly both functions exist ( I think also in Real Aircrafts)

Function 1 will activate the AP and the Aircraft climb/descent to the selected Altitude ( Or change Heading)
Function 2 will active the AP and the Aircraft HOLD the current ALT or HDG ( and overwrite the value that was before activating,

Please check this..... i not do that cause my AddOn not work with that standard offsets....



I think you use HOLD a the moment.... But you need ON instead.
Good Luck !
2018-09-25 15:28
Posts: 52
Fantastic, I knew it would be something like that. I'll check it tonight if I get time!

Your help is much appreciated as always.
2018-09-26 12:01
Posts: 52
Perfect, thanks again :)

Another issue I find is using EventIDs for mags, master switches, lights etc. Sometimes Mobiflight misses the switch throw and treats the event like a toggle, so if I switch the landing lights on and it misses the event, the lights don't come on, but when I switch them off again, they switch on in the sim. Is there something I can do with the parameters field to say 'if this switch is on, switch on the lights' or should I use offsets with related values?
2018-10-01 11:12
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Here we talk about 2 different problems.

Basicly we have a issue in Mobiflight at the moment that on some systems Commands are missing. We try to fix this. But this is already there since Years.... Realy hard to find the nature of problem !


Your final problem is indipendend of this. Cause your fault is to use "Toggle" Events instead of SET Events.
If you have a momentary Button then normaly we use "Toggle" Commands. .... So Pushing the button will set OFF if its still ON or it set ON if it still OFF at the moment.

For a Static switch (latching) that show its position in your cockpit ( Like the Gear leaver or the landing Light switches) we can not use "toggle" commands
You also get a problem at Sim Start here.... If in Sim Landing Lights are OFF but while starting your switch is in ON Position from last season then it will be "Non Sync" from now.... If you set it it always togggle to the wrong setting.

So.... You must use SET Commands here.
For example for Landing Lights there exist EventID for ON, OFF and TOGGLE. For Master battery i found only the TOGGLE Command.

If you use FSX or P3D you can also use Offsetcontroll.... So you DIRECT set the command to the needed Position.
Advanced AddOns like PMDG also give you EventID´s for those switches where you can define a vlaue 0 = Off oder 1=ON

Please try out....
1. Use SET or ON/OFF Commands instead of "Toggle" Events if they are available.
2. If not try Offset Controll
Good Luck !
2018-10-01 14:33
Posts: 52
Thanks so much for your detailed response, as ever it's hugely appreciated!

The synchronisation issue is there for sure, but it may be back to the 'debug' problem where the program doesn't catch all the button/switch/encoder signals. For instance if I start the sim cold and dark, I switch on the battery, nothing happens, but now the switch is out of sync with the sim, so when I switch it off again, it comes ON in the sim. It's not really a big deal, just a little nuisance. Same with the encoders for frequencies, not every detent is counted, but again it's not very important.

I will experiment with other commands, and hopefully will improve things!

Many thanks.
2018-10-04 12:36
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867
Hi Ryan,

if your battery switch does not respond when you turn on but only when off, try using please both EventIDs for switching on and off to change.
If your encoders are not properly evaluated, I have to ask if you have specified the correct encoder type for the devices. Please check.
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2018-10-04 19:07
Posts: 52
Hi Stephan,

It's not as 'fixed' as missing it in one direction every time. It often just misses buttons, switches and encoder movements at random. If I flick the switch 10 times on the panel, in the sim it might only move 7 or 8 times. Same with encoders, if I move it 10 clicks in either direction sometimes it'll move 8 or 9, sometimes 4 or 5 etc. Buttons may have to be pushed twice, but sometimes only once before they work. Buttons and encoders are not really a problem as I can just keep pushing or rotating them till I get the result I want, but switches going out of sync is more of an irritation!

The Arduino is recognising it all, as the led on the board blinks perfectly with each command, but somewhere among the software the command is getting lost.

I'm not sure if it's related to frame-rate (or general load on the PC) as when I changed from the FSX C172 to the new A2A one, the problem got quite a bit worse.
2018-10-15 09:27
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Logging Debug Problem ...Pretty sure.

You can test to enable "Logging Mode" Typ: DEBUG in Settings Tab.
then the missing commands should be fixed ( or much more better) but then the Encoders can have a big delay (some user reported)

Intresting fact.... Like myself you also say it looks like CPU Usage occure in different results.... If PC is not in higend situation the issues are not so heavy.

By the way... We already found out the problem is the "MF to FSUIPC" part. Commands are recognize by the MEGA and are send correctly to Mobiflight. MF also execute the commands correct to FSUIPC..... But there they are not 100% recived. We still not find out if there is a problem in the FSUIPC ramp or if MF is sending the commands in wrong way.

So appology for that problem. We keep working for a fix of this issue.
Good Luck !
2018-10-15 14:20
Posts: 52
Hey no problem! I did use logging mode before but got the delay on the encoders like you say. I wonder if upping the CPU priority for MF would improve it? I'll try that tomorrow or whenever I can get to the PC next!

Sorry for the never-ending questions!
2018-10-16 09:38
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
No Prob.

Upping the CPU for Mobiflight is not the solution i think. MF not need real high CPU usage.
The Problem is FSUIPC. this is just a DLL Part inside the FSX Programm. And FSX is badly using just ONE Core for its main System.
With some tricks you can share some stuff like preloads grafics and so on to multiple cores.... But the Main Programm (that include the FSUIPC Server) is running on one Core.

By the way... The main Problem is currently that FSUIPC have problems if we read and write a Offset same time and the routine is buggy then. But it looks like FSUIPC Internal Inputs (Via Joystick or keys) are not involved.

So... I hope in future we can fix this.... Bit in case we can not do this till 2 years its maby a problem "forever".
Best way to handle this at the moment is using a alternate Input system.
In the past i recommend to use External Joystick Controllers ( LeoBodnar, UNOJoy, Heronimus Script etc) but now with 7.5 the "VJoy" PlugIn is include in Mobiflight.
So.... If you have a registred FSUIPC and maby also LINDA then you can simply set your Inputs via VJOY (In Mobiflight) and you create your commands in FSUIPC directly.
Then you can disable Logging Mode ... Encoder will work.... Inputs will also work !
Good Luck !
2018-10-16 10:59
Posts: 52
Ach, it's not such a big problem that I'd like to change everything like that, plus I haven't used LINDA or VJOY etc before, and I have very limited time to learn these things in my life! Will just live with it as-is I think!
2018-10-17 10:43