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Posts: 71
I am having trouble getting the DME programed for my radio panel
Am using a Mega card
I have Com, Nav, ADF, audio lights and swetches and XPDR all going great
But cannot get the DME to work. I have been following the videos on you tube( )
I first thought it was a display problem but have assigned another function (XPDA) to the display and using the same pins that I am using for the DME and it works so ruled out a display and pin problem
I have tried deleting all of the DME and restarting but no luck, any help would be appreciated
2018-08-05 10:25
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867
Hi herbiem,

have you already managed to activate the DME display with the value without the switching logic?

It should be important first to represent the values without the switching logic, as a basis. Only then do you go to the logic.

To help you, you should describe the logic you have chosen here as accurately as possible. Then we can see where the problem lies, if it is formal or logical.
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2018-08-05 12:05
Posts: 71
Thanks for the quick reply Stephan
I am new to all this so forgive me if I do not quite understand your help
First, No I have not managed to activate the DME display with the value without the switching logic?
This is what I have as per the video
In the "Output" I have
DME1 Nm FSUIPC- offset 0x0300. Value type=Int. Byte size=2. No BCD. Mark value 0xFFFF
Compare- Apply if current value= or less than 0 set it to ----
Display - use display 1,2,3,4. No padding
Precondition - DME Select = 1 (AND)
When I test the display nothing happens except the xt light on the mega card flashes once
DME 1 Kt the same as above but offset 0x0302
DME 2Nm the same as above but offset 0x0306. Precondition - DME Select = 2 (AND)
DME 2Kt the same as above but offset 0x0308. Precondition - DME Select = 2 (AND)
DME Select FSUIPC- offset 0x0378 wtih no Display,Precondition or Compare
In the "Input" I have
Button Select DME1 - on press Offset-0x0378 Value type=Int. Byte size=2. No BCD. Mark value 0xFFFF, Set Value=if($=1.2.1)
I hope this helps explain what I have set up it has been taken from the You tube video i refereed to in my original post
Thanks again for your quick response Stephan
2018-08-06 01:01
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867
Hi herbiem,

did you really take the point (.) as a seperator? You have to take the comma (,). If you take the point, it is a decimal number. MF should acknowledge this with an error.
IF($=1,2,1) to read as: If value is 1 then set it to 2 else set it to 1

You should always start with simple things to understand them. Otherwise you copy them but you don't understand them ;)
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2018-08-06 09:46
Posts: 71
Hi Stephan
Thanks again
I did use comers as you have said. but still no work. The display will not light up when testing
I will try again and report back if I get it going
I have managed to get the ADF,XPDA and radios going so have a bit of an idea of how things work
Thanks again
2018-08-07 06:00
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867
Hi herbiem,

if your display keeps dark in testmode then you have another problem. The Display has to show in testmode the defined digits i.e. 123.45 otherwise you have an error in wiring, connection or settings... Please check this
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2018-08-07 16:35
Posts: 71
Hi again
I have checked the display by using it on another application and it works fine.
Have completely taken all if the DME out and re entered it on different pins and a different display but till no go in test mode
Any other suggestions would be great
2018-08-07 23:48
From: Pozuelo de Alarcon, Spain
Posts: 79
Hi Herbiem:

You refer to the video that I posted and that is fully functional.
If you put yourself in direct contact with me I try to help you set it up.


2018-08-09 00:40
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010

DME 1 Kt the same as above but offset 0x0302
DME 2Nm the same as above but offset 0x0306. Precondition - DME Select = 2 (AND)
DME 2Kt the same as above but offset 0x0308. Precondition - DME Select = 2 (AND)
DME Select FSUIPC- offset 0x0378 wtih no Display,Precondition or Compare
In the "Input" I have
Button Select DME1 - on press Offset-0x0378 Value type=Int. Byte size=2. No BCD. Mark value 0xFFFF, Set Value=if($=1.2.1)

Please confirm you have 2 BYTE Selected in this config ( whatever it should be no problem )

To find the issue you shoul split it up.

At first get shure your config is clean ! If you use for example a Preconditiion in the Past that not exist till now ( Cause you delete the old Indicator config) then this "trash" can already be written in *.mfc code.... So your Config is BROKE without see it in Mobiflight...... Here you must "repair" it by manual text editor.

For testing i recommend to build this in a NEW File to get shure no issues are already in the System.

Step 1: Build 4 Configs ( NO Preconditions) .... You need NO Display. Just read out Kn and NM of DME 1/2 in a single config each.
Run Mobiflight and check in Connector Window if Values are correct while testing in Sim different DME Frequencys

Step 2: Create a Input Config for the Switch/Button and Create a READOUT Config for the DME Active Offset.0378
Run Mobiflight and observe in connector Window the Value of the Readout Config..... Push your button and check if it toggle the function.

Step 3: Create your Precondition System..... If Step1 and Step 2 work fine then Step 3 MUST work, too !
Good Luck !
2018-08-24 14:03
Posts: 71
Thank you pizman82 and StephanHo
Sorry have not responded sooner have been away
I will try your suggestions pizman82 and get back to you on result
2018-08-26 00:30
Posts: 71
Well I have done what pizman82 suggested but still no luck
1. Change another radio ( ADF ) to the display and pins I am using for DME and works fine - So no problem with the display or the pin or leads
2 Make a new clean configured as suggested by pizman82 in stages
3. Still not working
I have nothing on the display when I test it . I am using a 7 segment 8 digit display this is not connected to any other display but I do not think that should make a difference?
I am sure I have followed StephanHo's video.step by step Have tried a number of times.
Any further help suggestion would be appreciated.
Would like to get this sorted before moving on to the AP
2018-08-28 04:16
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867
Hi Ian,

Carlos (ec-cts) had offered up that you want to get in touch with him directly. He would help you. The video in the tutorial is by the way by Carlos, not mine;)
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2018-08-28 14:24
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Hi Herbi.

If Possible please explane more WHERE The problem is.

As i written you should SPLIT in 3 Parts...

Tell me WHAT Part is not working !

Are you not be able to READ the DME Data ?
Are you not be able to Controll the Swap Offset by your Button?
OR Does this 2 Parts work fine each but unly your "Precondition System" in Part 3 bring the trouble.
Good Luck !
2018-08-28 23:57
Posts: 71
Problem resolved
Brought a new Mega card and looks like it is working
Thank you all for your offers of help
Now on to build the AP
2018-08-30 11:17
From: EDDG, Germany
Posts: 1867

do not throw away the old MEGA. Delete the EEPROM and put the firmware on it again. This is usually the mistake.
Stephan (Time: UTC+2)
2018-08-30 18:20
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