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Posts: 47
I dont know how these electronics work but If I buy max7219 chip and 7 segments seperatly , can I use them with mobiflight? I want to upgrade my fcu and want to use 7 segment 3 digit + 5 digit.
[Last edited by inancatil, 2015-10-31 12:28]
2015-10-30 09:28
From: EDSH, Germany
Posts: 1516
Yes, that's possible.

For easy start I recommend to buy a LED Matrix DIY Set which contains Maxim Chip, diodes, capacitors and so on. You have to assemble them yourself and doing so you can use your own PCB instead of the provided one. You could get them on ebay, just search for: "led matrix 7219 diy"
Have a great day!

MobiFlight - Simply build your own home cockpit for your favorite flight sim - MSFS2020, FSX, Prepar3D (FSUIPC), X-Plane (XPUIPC)
2015-11-01 22:36
From: Bangkok VTBD/VTBS
Posts: 30
I am switching my radios from OC to MobiFlight and I wanted to reuse my amber 5 and 6 digit displays. I pulled the 4-digit displays from the MAX7219 and made some new harnesses to connect my amber displays. Here is the pinout for the MAX7219 board.
2016-01-17 15:13
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Big Thanks to pierclav for this graphic !

I looking forward to do this when my new Modules arrive from China.... This saves me a lot of time of trying. I Hope evers kind of Max7219 8 Diggit tube go the same Pin configuration.
Good Luck !
2016-01-17 15:22
From: EDSH, Germany
Posts: 1516

I am switching my radios from OC to MobiFlight and I wanted to reuse my amber 5 and 6 digit displays. I pulled the 4-digit displays from the MAX7219 and made some new harnesses to connect my amber displays. Here is the pinout for the MAX7219 board.

That's great, I always wanted to do this also but I don't own one of these LED digits yet.
Could share a video or so with us? That'd be awesome!
Have a great day!

MobiFlight - Simply build your own home cockpit for your favorite flight sim - MSFS2020, FSX, Prepar3D (FSUIPC), X-Plane (XPUIPC)
2016-01-17 19:11
From: Bangkok VTBD/VTBS
Posts: 30
I corrected the drawing. Here is the updated link.
2016-01-18 04:04
From: Bangkok VTBD/VTBS
Posts: 30
Instead of using the 8-digit MAX7219 PCB, I switched to the matrix version. It is basically the same circuit but the female header pins can be replaced with male header pins which makes the wiring easier. It also uses the DIP version of the MAX7219 with a socket which makes troubleshooting and replacement a lot easier than it is with the SOIC version.

Note that this circuit is also designed for 8-digit and that the digit order is reversed. Using the example on the Moblflight page: DIG 2-7 are active. So the display is wired as follows:

PCB DIsplay
DIG7 -> DIG1
DIG6 -> DIG2
DIG5 -> DIG3
DIG4 -> DIG4
DIG3 -> DIG5
DIG2 -> DIG6

Here are some pics of the matrix PCB, both display running in series (for testing) and the pinout ot the matrix PCB:

2016-02-15 10:49
From: EDSH, Germany
Posts: 1516
Hi Pierre,

I always wanted to do that myself - thanks for sharing this great information.
Have a great day!

MobiFlight - Simply build your own home cockpit for your favorite flight sim - MSFS2020, FSX, Prepar3D (FSUIPC), X-Plane (XPUIPC)
2016-02-16 00:21
Posts: 64
Just i yesteday measure pins and looking how i can connect my 8-digit display board only 5 digit segment because REAL radio panel not have more than 5 digit/radio fregfensy and if use 8 digit board panel not have REAL panel size, but if use only 5 digit whit ewery 0.36" 9mm numbers,come smallest panel and have more REALISTIC.
i think have me better orden 5x1 digit number or 1x 6 digit number(size about 45mm long) / radio fregfensy, one radio panel need 4x 5 digit number, come wery big radiopanel.
and try made REAL size,
first test my 7-segment panel has (hardware) good, display show standby fregfensy and encoder change number, i glad wery easy add new digit and encoders, but encoder not working left/right fast mode ?
slow have value $1800(and something other text) need me add fast $18000 ?
i think i made REAL size radiopanel whit encoders.
but i thin k what size 7-segmen have best to REAL panel?
2016-09-27 11:20
Posts: 138
Hello pierclav,

Thank you for sharing the how to connect 7 segment digits to a max7219. Can you share the wiring in detail i am a little puzzeld about the cabels and colours:blush: Can you show in a picture the wiring from the maxtube to the 7 segment also which pin connect to which?:thumbup:

Thank you very much
2016-09-27 19:08
Posts: 64
today i test one max 7219 display and try change number place, if i use 5 digit(in mobiflight) come what want but only left side. mean max have 8 digit, 12345678 but if use 5 digit setup com1 radio active or stanby come to digit 45678 place(right side) but left come 12345, how i can use max display have 1234,1234 ?
because have max 2x4digit number, and if use first 4 digit radio active and second 4 digit standby not can show. i think and try but no can. alltime come left 4 digit all 5 radio freg number, i think before test if can use only 4 digit + 4 digit because radio first digit not need change, 1 digit have alltime number 1. and think made 1 digit out of max chip show number 1 and all other number in max chip radio fregfensy. mean 1 digit have alltime on, 2345 have radio whit MoBi + same 1 have out of max made itself veroboard and 2345 have max in show standby number. then max show 8 digit and both radio fregfensy first number=1 is veroboard and all number have 10 digit. max change number 2345+2345 and 1+1 is out of max, sorry my english but i no know how i tell thats good.
if NOT can make this i need use 1 max 7-segment board(8 digit)/1 radio fregfensy mean 2 board show active+standby freg. :(
but IF can, can use 1 board show both active+standby freg and first digit number 1 have both freg out of max veroboard 1 digit module.
1 have veroboard--2345 have max show active,(left side) and same board use 1 have veroboard----2345 have max show standby freg, (right side)
but how setup mobi show left side show only 2345 ? right side show fine left number 1 and right 2345, but how setup left number 1 not show and left show only 2345 active, and right show only 2345 standby numbers ?
1+1 made veroboard 1 digit module out of max board. +5v-resistor+1 digit only first number 1.
because flight simulator radio panel first number 1 not change anything.
2016-10-02 02:41
From: EDSH, Germany
Posts: 1516
I read through your post several times and I hope I understood it correctly:

You don't want to output the leading 1s of the active and standby frequency to be able to display the 4 digits of each with the help of one max-chip, right?

Actually that is quite easy because the respective offsets don't contain the leading 1 anyway. Just use the offsets from the presets and get rid of the $+10000 from the comparison tab.

Does that make sense?
Have a great day!

MobiFlight - Simply build your own home cockpit for your favorite flight sim - MSFS2020, FSX, Prepar3D (FSUIPC), X-Plane (XPUIPC)
2016-10-04 23:37
Posts: 138

I bought today 0.36" 7 segment displays (4 digits 12 Pins and 1 digit 10 Pins) with a common cathode. I like to wire the small digits direct to the Max 7219 8 digit tube. Can someone tell me what I have to keep in mind, are there difference in wiring between different size or producer? I found some wiring information about the one digit ssd and like to display there the "1" by getting the Led inside illuminated via a 5v source.

kind regards Christian
2016-10-05 20:57
Posts: 64
i has test today, one digit 7-segment can use same than normal led, 5v supply come to resistor and then anode ewery segment what you want show etc, number 1, 5v-220 ohm resistor- pin B anode and pin C anode and common cathode come to power gnd.
and all other 4 digit come max 7219 board A,B,C,D,E,F,G, pin. but no come out whit MB radio fregfensy right. come numbers 1234 and one digit module come good number 1.
radio panel show 11234. and must be show 12345 DP come 123.45
how i must change and what ?
2016-10-06 17:05
Posts: 138
Hello masawee,

When I get you right you missing the dezimal point and a 1 to much? In regard to the 1 did you tried to get rid of the $+10000 in the comparison tab?
Do you have any datasheet to your 4 digit 0.36" display and match this to the max 7219 tube wirinig? Unfourtantely I have to wait of delivery from china maby I will be smarter in 3 weeks and I will post my results. At this time I haven't any datasheet for my purchased 0.36 " display but I mailed the seller.

Regards Christian

Did you set the check mark for the dezimal point in the configuration tab?
2016-10-06 20:10
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