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Posts: 41

So far I have been able to set the displays for the PMDG 737 MCP, no problems, evrything works,
Next step was to set the COM1 frequency. But impossible. I only get the message "Presets file not found in current directory" when I click on the edit button.
Have really tried to find a solution but sorry, I do not even know the file name so its hard for me not asking.
2018-04-08 13:01
From: ETSI, Germany
Posts: 6010
Preset file not found sounds like a issue in your install.

Please get shure you install Mobiflight in a free Folder ( Not observed by windows like /programmfilesx86 )
Maby try a reinstall... Delete your Mobiflight folder ( Backup Mcc Files if needed) and install it again.

Presets are not a full list... Just some examples. To build a Radio you need to find out the needed Offsets from the Lists youreself.
Radio is mostly used from Standard FSX (No PMDG own offsets) . Get the List from your FSUIPC Folder .... there you find all the stuff !

Also Note: Some elements like ADF2 and some Standbys are not possible directly ( cause this is just simulated internal in PMDG without a way to read out)
Here you need improvisional solutions.... Search the Forum we already done this multiple times here !
Good Luck !
2018-04-08 17:02